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After losing a close game of cricket yesterday, I came back to my car and found that some little shit had keyed my car (the boot).

Luckily it was only 1 panel, but it still annoys the crap out of me and will still cost quite a bit to fix (I'll need to get it resprayed since it went completely through the paint) - what possesses a person to do this sort of thing? Perhaps jealousy?

Anyway, it really put a dampener on what was otherwise a good day of cricket.

Have any of you had your cars keyed? It's just another reason that I will probably be selling my car next year - put simply, it attracts too much attention, and the fact that I don't have a garage to house it under, makes it a prime target overnight. Not to mention that amount of birdsh*t I wake up to each day! My rain shield on the drivers window also snapped off during the recent windy months we've encountered.


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Doesn't it just rot your socks, that anyone could have such little regard for another person's property.

Had mine keyed - LH door. Surprisingly almost identical to the key that was on the car before I bought it (owner had it fixed once he knew the car was "sold").

I've just left it - figured someone's done it once, they'll do it again.

Keying shits me to tears.

It's cowardly, it's expensive and it's a massive pain in the arse.

I'd rather some one come up to me with an issue than do a bitch thing like that behind my back.

Some people are disgusting.

I haven't had mine keyed but I went to one of the pubs in town (North Nowra Tavern) one night and when I came out only about an hour later this big patch on my LH door was covered in black crayon. (??)

Mine is a white Skyline so I freaked thinking someone had taken all the paint off this section but it was just crayon. Who does that? And no one else's car had been done so I was really pissed off that I had been targeted. Managed to get most of it out but it did leave some deep scratches in the door.

I think it's jealousy but who knows. I wouldn't sell your car over that though. Don't let them win.

my first car was a stock ea falcon and i got done by what looked like a set of needle nose pliers. there where 2 small dents and scratches about 1.5 inches apart like someone had tried to stab the bonnet with them. luckily they hadn't dragged them along. i just got some touchup paint and put it on to stop it rusting.

i feel your pain :)

my bonnet got keyed all the way across

starts of deep and then gets softer then deep again

im still spewin over it, id rather have them break a window, cost much less

anyone have an idea how much is wuld cost to get it fixed up ??????

cars black

im thinking of just getting a CF bonnet, save me the hassle of getting it sprayed and all that drama

but yeehhh wothless punks out there, who are jelous and need a good a$$ kicking

I hear ya, had a white skyline and two years ago during the grand prix I parked it in front of my friends place. came back and found someone had F#@$Kin kicked in the passengers side back panel just in front of the rear wheel and dented the hood. only had her for two months and figured that they were drunk or just coming back from the race all hyped or I bought it before they could but That f#$%$kr needs to [edit]!!!!

Edited by jroam

that has got 2 suck i havent had my car keyed as such but i had some 1 kick my door and put a dint in it and one night i parked it on the street(never again...) and when i got up in the morning i discovered some idiot with a can of black spray paint, sprayed a massive line up the side of it... alot of elbow greese and polish got it out but damn some people are shocking...

i had some worthless piece of shit screwdriver my boot lock, in addition to this they bent the actual mount (the hole it locks onto) so it dented the boot. Its just so pathetic that someone would do such a thing just because u have something better than them. its pure jealousy IMO.

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