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Give me your GTR or I'll slash your throat!!!

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It's sad but there are dickheads out there who would go to extreme lengths to threaten people's life because they are too Phucken stupid to earn enough money to own a GTR.

I had my car advertised in the SMH during the easter weekend and some dickhead called up, pretending to be interested in the car and when I refused to give him my address as I was sus, he burst out in a cry of desperation saying, "Give me your car or I'll slash your throat". Obviously I did not waste my time with this call and hung up after this but just wanted to warn you guys out there who own exotic import cars.

If you plan to sell your car, be carefull who you give the address to. First thing is to ask for a LAN number where you can call them back at a more convenient time. If they refuse, hang up as they are obviously not serious. I made the mistake of continuing to talk to this guy long enough for him to threatened me but at least I didn't give him my address, but the threat was enough to get my blood boiling at 110 degrees.

SO be careful guys. It is sad but there are dickheads out there and some are crazy enough to do stupid things to get hold of your ride. Be smart and be aware of the warning signs and know the difference between a serious buyer and a time waster. All the best boys. Sorry I haven't been around to chat but have shitloads to do. See you around.


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Yep - Amen to that......

I had my place robbed after I stupidly gave my address to a bloke after advertising an LCD projector in the trading post..... never, ever again............. I am now the most suspicious, paranoid phucka out there.......

PS : Beerside rules..... he he he :P

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Don't take it to heart.

You should probably use a mobile line only. Call them back and block your CND number display.

There are heaps of tyre kickers out there and even more mentally unbalanced people.

You should try selling a house and see the absolute losers who think they can pony up on a $750,000 estate...


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Yup, it was a mobile line and although I didn't take it to heart, I was si furious that I was tempted to give him my address so that I could wait for him outside and take my anger out but I knew that would have been a stupid idea as it was my anger that's doing the thinking and not my brain. Once I calmed down, I knew they were just threats and have no balls to do anything else. A smart thief would have played it cool and did it differently instead of demanding me to hand over my ride over the phucken phone, I mean how stupid is that? Anyways....can't be too carefull these days, too many sik kunts out there, pardon the french fellas.

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Originally posted by Silver-Arrowz

should've given him a fake address then get tws gang to wait for him. We'll give him a good fun love'n time! :P

Now that would have been sweet! The stupid prick prolly would have went to the addy as soon as he got it as well.


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BINGO..should of brought it him down to the west side of melb and we could of taken care of him. but then again the guy who made the threat would of probably been from the west side.


but then again...swoop u have to remind urself u do have access to a 34 gtr vspec. u know that is a ok car. (sarcasm)

u would get stupid idiots wanting to take it 4 a spin. "omg its a 34 gtr lets c how fast we can get it."

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Just make sure you dont sell it for atleast 6mths. I plan on giving you a large wad of cash to help my sister to a formal I have a feeling she is going to need transport. :)

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Well, if you want some help when you have to meet with a prospective buyer, let all the Sydney boys know and i'm sure we will all be willing to come down for support.

What you think guys and girls ??

Let's make a "Help Swoop" club ??

By the way, awesome ride, i hope to have one one day (probably when they are 15 years old and more in my price range !!)

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Guys, thanks for all the support and suggestions. Next time, I will give the pranksters the address to Akira and have Minh waiting at the front with his singlet doing a super flex. That would about scare anyone off their witts.

My next ride will be a Datsun 180...aint no-one will be calling me with threats in that classic. ;)

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when i was selling my 95 rallye several years ago, when buyers asked my address to view the car, I told them smart street fairfield in front of the police station. and told them we can arrange a time after work. always meet them at a cop shop. ;)

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