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Hueheehu, if you say 160 isn't fast how bout on a Prado not a sedan, do you know how unbalance a jeep ? luckly it was like 2 am in the morning and he doesn't treat the car well like his tyres like run out (slippery , i don't know the proper words). I mean like most people after they got a new car they like so excited and try out their car, actually have u all ever see a L plate driver run 120 km/h? I haven't .

Yeah most student in driving school only taught how to brake, see mirror before braking, don't cross the line etc. How well the handle the car it's a different story, A normal car doesn't have a instructor with u with extra brake.

I got a friend who can't really handle car well while driving using only 1 hand he got the permit still so yeah that means most people can get driving permit.

But hazard test is good implementation by government but only in computer though -_-

John Standing is an idiot. He has never been a cop, never involved in police laws - yet he is some how an expert of traffic policing.

There was once a specific police traffic branch in WA.... there were lots of coppers on the road - on bikes and in cars. There were 271 bike police - now there is 90 odd. When the Police Traffic branch was in action WA had the lowest road toll on record. This was disbanded - now cops are roustabouts - they are expected to do everything and with over 3000 laws to uphold - its not an easy job. When the traffic branch was in action - all these coppers did was traffic, there were heaps of cop bikes on the road..... now how often do you see them? These guys knew what they were doing... they also would stop some of you bitching about how cops don't know what they are doing when they give out defect notices. These coppers knew... cause this was thier sole job - traffic.

Yet somehow knob jockey's like John Standing think that taking the cops off the road and putting more cameras out there saves lives. How does a camera save a life? Does it catch itdiots doing burnouts?, does it catch idiots illegally racing? does it catch idiots going sideways around corners? NO! This is what kills as well as speed. Irresponsible unsafe driving.

The answer is not confiscation... we should look to victoria laws. P platers are limted to what power thier car can have.. they can't buy high performance vehicles etc (I know some ppl on here are P Platers). If you notice on the TV - its young males driving hotted up commodores etc. Doesn't this ring alram bells for anyone sitting up there in East Perth??

oi leave the power ratio for P-Platers alone - i wouldnt have my ZX baby for my first car then and probably had some Gemini leading to a lifetime of holden loving and not seeing the "light"

If someone wants to be stupid then they have to deal with the consequences - its the other victims that were just in the wrong place at the wrong time that i worry about.

Yes, I am a a P-plater (stupid 2 year thing, 6 months to go!) and I wouldn't have driven my beautiful GTS-X. I was hardcore Commodore before then and was even gonna get a VL. If I had, I would still be a full Commodore girl too. More risque in a Commodore than a Skyline if you ask me.

ok with the new driving tests and the l's plates log book thingo they are really cracking down on drivers, now i dunno where u did ya test mate where u went around the block and found someones house, but they are alot harder now, also they have the 25 hours of driving u have to fill out on your l's and that is going up to 50 hours in july, in all diff conditions.

so i think they are making the new tests alot hard then the old ones

however if its going to save lives then its worth it

from my opinion deaths are caused my stupidity.

i drive allot of country roads and ive never ever had a accident (other than taking the life of a roo or two in the land cruiser at night - little ones). the other month i was going to fix a truck and i had a young guy with me. it was about 2 in the morn and i let him drive for a bit while i slept. i woke up and the car was going sidewards on the roads before coming to a stop in the bush.

this *** head wanted some chips off the floor so i went to grab em, looked way from the road. the car swerved to the left onto the gravel then shot right of the road. leaving black marks from the back tires. if it was done on purpose it would have been a hell move. 110 kmh drift in a landcruiser. nice. but i nearly died from that little dicks stupidity.

ive had once accident on the road. and that was caused by my not paying attention.

now speed on country roads. you can jam that in ya pipe and smoke it. ive sat from port hedland to perth at arround 200 kmh and not had one problem. the roads are fine. but you make god damm sure you dont stop paying attention.

i personally think ppl should be made to think more about what they are doing. yeh 50 is safe. not when you sooooooooo assured that your safe that you dont use your own brain to keep things safe.

no speeding isnt safe. but nt has no speed limits on the major highways. (well just started to enforce some) and they have the LOWEST road toll.

dont quote me on this because im not 100% sure of this, but i was once told that the 110 kmh speed limit was introduced in the time of war to try reduce the fuel ussage. like i say im not sure of that so if anyone knows for sure i would be interested to know.

fire me up.


We could seriously argue all day about this kinda stuff. =(

Fact of the matter is: Cops are getting worse and I think the majority of them just look for easy revenue and unfortunately imports attract it. I strongly believe that handing out stuff like yellow stickers for dumb shit is pretty ridiculous though.

I recently got yellowed in Fremantle by 2 m/c cops for BOV and suspension after telling the guy that it was licensed AND complianced with it...I gave him absolutely no cheek whatsoever and he was still a k*nt about it. Only to be stuck with a $50 inspection fee and then to have the guy at warwick pits turn around and tell me that my car was perfectly ****ing legal in it's current state.

No, I think cops are bringing on their own bad reputation for doing half the stupid shit that they claim is for our "well being" (although speeding is a personal choice and you deal with whatever happens...just hope no-one else gets hurt).

I mean ****..the head inspector at East Perth pits excuse was "If an elderly woman is crossing the road and the BOV lets go and she dies due to shock, that will be your fault" Well okay - if she's in THAT kind of state, she wouldn't even be out crossing the road. But no, trucks and buses and all other common machinery that have a shitload more gas to vent, which is exposed to (and scares the **** out of) everyone, but no, that is perfectly fine. *shakes head*

I think if the old and pissed off cops are gonna remain on our Police force, they should commit them to ****ing paperwork so they're not issuing tickets for dumb shit that they have no idea about.

Out justice system is ****ed especially when you actually do the right thing and then still get the shaft. =((

Sorry about the spiel guys...I'm just sick of cops in general and this was the icing on the cake.

Stupidity is the leading cause of accidents. This easter I lost a good friend, you probably saw the footage on the news of the carolla rolled up a flight of stairs of the hyatt. This accident was caused by a Jerk driving at 80 through the center of town using his mobile and not noticing the traffic light was red.

Another fact is you are more like to be be involved in an accident if you have completed an advanced driver training course. (See the recent motor magazine)


I can't believe some of you whinging about cops..... Jengi - cops don't look for easy revenue, the government does. So get your facts straight before slagging off cops for this.

Cops have worse things to worry about then giving a yellow sticker to someones car. They deal with things that the majority of you will never deal with. How would you feel having to go to a mother at 2am and tell her that her son has been killed in a traffic accident - caused by a drunk driver, prepare a rape victim for court, see murdered bodies, talk to kids that have been beaten and burnt with ciggerettes by thier parents. You all complain and whinge about how unfairly cops treat you and you hotted up cars - but get over it! Your cars and their illegality is just a drop in the pond of a cop's job. Would you bitch about a cop that has helped catch the man that raped your girlfriend?

I know this post is a little off topic - but I am so sick of reading about people bitching about cops. Seriously - get over it and next time you get pulled over maybe you should think about what crime the cop has just seen before seeing you.

Don't get me started on the WA Police Service and esp Media relations dept.

In NSW the confiscatation laws are in place. And as always they have been abused by the powers that be.

When are the WA Police service gunna reliase they are human just like the rest of us and are flable.

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