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New Undercover Cop Cars and stuff


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Well, I knew they were having a few trial runs in the suspension modifed BA XR6T's but I seen something wild Friday night.

A Orange 06 STi chasing a VZ Clubsport along Leach Highway. The STi had a blue light flashing with sirens, whole front had red and blue flashers and 3 ariels on it. Inside contained 2 Police uniformed men.

Does anyone know what they have now?

I read a while back about the poof level of Police driving skills, and the Police wrote a few WRX's off during the trial period!

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i couldnt care what cars they have. does it really matter? people shouldnt be doing stupid or seemingly reckless sh*t in front of the public anyway.

as for being chased by an 06 STi, so?? your still gonna pull over eventually anyway arent you. I doubt very much that many people on here would have the balls to intentionally try and outrun the law.

i think its good the cops have some different cars, will get more unsuspecting idiots off the road!

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Man I thought this was pretty hardcore when I heard it from a chick whos into cars.

Anyways she had a sleepa sigma (special model?), fully rebuilt it herself, cant recall turb she used anyways she took it out for a spin, took plates off and cops gave chase (note about 3:30 in morning) went down a ally way lights off lost them.

Man belive me if you knew this chick you would know shes not lying, she like has more balls n wits then most blokes I know.

anyways a tale for ya.

Maxium respect to shell dangerous but kick ass driver.

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"...people shouldnt be doing stupid or seemingly reckless sh*t in front of the public anyway."


The sort of behaviour that these knukleheads exhibit make it that much harder for the responsible import owners. Media reports blow it out of proportion, the politicians adopt it to scare old folks.."vote for me and i'll punish the evil doers" and then we end up with the anti hoon laws. Watch this space people and imagine how much faster this crap will happen when someone gets killed.The entry level 48hr confiscation will go out to 30 days and the fines will go up to match. Youll loose you car for a month for excessive noise or turning the tyres. Someone with too much money will eventually get booked and test this law for but for the rest of us it doesnt look good. Next is this stupid stupid "Dob in a Hoon" legislation which will come into effect in next year. The grumpy and stupid will be out there with their video cameras trying to get tape of "hoons" screwing around. I has always been said of W.A that we are behind the east Coasters, well if you want to see the future check out the stories of EPA fines, defects, and "allowable" modification on the other "State" boards. I think I might trade my R for a hotrod...just joking

Orange :laugh: But I guess its not blue.

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Man I thought this was pretty hardcore when I heard it from a chick whos into cars.

Anyways she had a sleepa sigma (special model?), fully rebuilt it herself, cant recall turb she used anyways she took it out for a spin, took plates off and cops gave chase (note about 3:30 in morning) went down a ally way lights off lost them.

Man belive me if you knew this chick you would know shes not lying, she like has more balls n wits then most blokes I know.

anyways a tale for ya.

Maxium respect to shell dangerous but kick ass driver.

The word 'stupidity' comes to mind. Someone who intentionally drives like this is not a kick ass or a hardcore driver - they are an idiot who is endangering other peoples lives as well as their own. How often do we hear of innocent families killed because someone in a high speed chase collides with them? I don't believe anyone should glorify this kind of behaviour on these forums.

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i've been told buy a mate that is a cop that they have a vz clubsport black which has been dumped bit of engine work it is drive between rockingham and perth every day wit undercover cops in it monday to friday and uniform cops on the weekend it was even at the drags a few weeks ago it's designed to blend in with othe cars in the scene

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"...it was even at the drags a few weeks ago it's designed to blend in with othe cars in the scene"

*starts making calls* mmmm I was wondering why that comode was trying to stage with the back wheels :laugh: If this is the right car it is the replacement for Tango-1. A gift from GMHolden to the W.A. Police for use in road safety. The new car is now operated by a charity called Beat The Heat, modeled on a yanky deal and run by officers with the support of the Police, GM and local tuners who wrench the car.

In all seriousness the W.A Police force have always owned "undercover" highway cars, in particular non standard issue brands and models. If you ask the right old timers they will tell the tale of the Falcon XWGT that was the scourge of the south west back in the day, right up through the first incarnation of the W.A highway patrol in the late 70's (the RTA) with their hot falcons..with RTA plates LOL. This practice has gone in and out of vogue with the Force over the years but it seems like its coming back once again. So, the idea of the W.A. plods using a WRX is not that original as they were tested and adopted over east a few years ago. Dont know about breaking off a chase at a particular speed but these days the descision can be over ruled by a disconnected voice in East Perth to ensure the adrenaline doesnt kick in too hard and the whole show ends in tears. In the end you cant out run these new helicopters anyway so why try!

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as for being chased by an 06 STi, so?? your still gonna pull over eventually anyway arent you. I doubt very much that many people on here would have the balls to intentionally try and outrun the law.

the people who steal the cars of the people here probably have the balls though .....

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I thought the break off speed was 140km/h ? Thats why on the news you only ever hear "of speeds upto 140km/h".

Always makes me think wtf, 140ks on the freeway at 3 in the morning, were the bad guys even trying?

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