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Hi all,

im new to the Melbourne skyline scene actually make that Melbourne as a whole lol.... moved from syd not long ago.

Anyways i was wondering which doctor surgery i should send my ride to when she gets sick or needs to be tunned ect?.


Ive gone to a couple of places but i just dont think they are as experienced as they would like me to belive.

So basically any help would be great, as i need piece of mind, like im sure you all do when booking your beast into a shop and leaving her at the mercy of the guys stationed there hehe.


ps. also i live 5mins from CBD if that could help narrow down to the closest 1 :yes:

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dam now thats what i call a lightning response....thanx

sorry i must be blind not to have noticed that thread ;(

if any admins read this can you delete it pls?........(this thread i mean waste of topic space hehe)

Edited by Borgs
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interesting body modifications to the silver 33 in your sig...

Lmao yeh i think its a 1 off prototype....i think they were trying to cut down on access weight, but when they stuck it in the wind tunnel there were some minor aerodynamic issues that needed to be soughted b4 they went into mass production. :)

My contacts have confirmed the kit has been abandoned due to lack of funding....dammm and i was so looking forward to placing a order. :)

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