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Changes = piped fmic to stock piping route with 2.5" piping. the fmic was originally checked for fluids etc, turned upside down and shook etc listening for sounds and looking for more leaks, was cleaned 2 weeks prior to installation and lefty upside down with outlets facing down. This fmic has dual entries on the single side with a divder through the middle (and a decent set of end tanks).

immediatly post installation the idle was ... lack of a better word .. lumpy, kicked itself up to 1k and smoothed out and settle to 800-900 rpm and stayed smooth. to test the piping i installed, making certain nothing was going to bust loose, under some load... before i put back the reo and the front bar i kick it in the guts up to 3.5k almost 4k rpms and she started gurgling... killed it, theres your half cup of water... hmmm... its relatively clear with some carbon its picked up on the way out, but relatively clear, no smell what so ever to it,... ehnce water eh ? anyways thinking some must have been in the fmic still i started her again (mistake number 2) she starts hunting etc, revs dropping close to stall, its then it goes back to idling normally... hmmm patern, give it some it spits water and and starts to die, so i give it steady throttle on 2k rpms (mistake number 3) it starts gurgling an about half second after as im turning it off it starts making a knocking noise, never heard nock before but it sounds like something nocking like something is brocken on a moving part... yurp techinical.

gave it another start and it was still doing it (knocking sound) so i shut it down locked her up, grabed a beer and started kickin the f-n wall.

2.5" exhuast all the way through, no mods bar an aftermarket exhuast mated to the stock piping, now an fmic... i have a 3" exhuast but im not gona put it on till tommorow. ideas on what i did to mess it up ?

couldnt feel any leaks from the piping, will do some further checking but atm think i might have cost myself some $$$$... not happy :D

anyone got any ideas?

Edited by gts-4 dreamer

well, after rolling her of the ramps and idling her she's back to normal, helped the ecu re-learn by idling her at 500 rpm incrrements to 6000 and only nocked 1;ce which never came back though have not loaded her up yet, seems somehow some condensation got into it, dont seem to have any bubbles in the radiator.... woohoo.,,,, soooo if idled for a minute with a lack of oil in hte head... big valve damage ? rings ?

considering hte car was at 30deg incline and when dipstick was checked showed over full.... ?

i would think 30 deg shouldnt be a problem ... whats going to happen when i dry up a damed hill for a while ?

is the oil pickup in the front or the back of the sump ? sounds like the front and also sounds seriously shite house to starve for oil on a 30 deg incline while on a freekn ramp...

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