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No need to gloat stevie :D This shop is still reasonably popular however as mentioned by others, word of mouth is the best way to get business and this person who runs shop XXXXXX is not going about it the right way quoting different prices to what he actually charges and doing some dodgy work... People make mistakes but when they don't own up to it or do anything proactive to fix the problems thats BS...

Either way if businesses act this way they won't be around for long. :sorcerer:

I see Triedentt was reading this post and I am pretty sure he had or is about to have some work done by XXXXX I would like to hear his comments if he is happy to post them. As unlike the three 32 gtr's he always worked on he wouldn’t have been spending stupid amounts of money at this shop so he shouldn’t be getting any of the special treatment these boys got :)

No gloating here mate just an observation. :D

There are some high profile members who have yet to post anything on this thread. I would love to read a response from them. I’m sure plenty has been said behind the scenes but putting comments to forum would be interesting for the rest of us.

I guess at the end of the day guys its just up to you as an owner where you take your car. I must have been a pain in the rear end to the boys at Trojan because I was down there every 5 minutes asking questions and looking at some of the work they were doing before I even booked in. Now I’m comfortable leaving my car with Angelo and John, knowing that John needs to drive it when he’s doing major work on it etc. And most importantly knowing that it’s going to be exactly what I want when I go back. And if it’s ever not quite right then I know he will sort it out for me. I guess its an issue of integrity....

It’s the complete opposite to the experience I had with Business B (oscars story) who managed to completely screw the interior electrics in my car whilst fitting a turbo timer and then gave me my car back with the distinct feeling it had been driven across town and back by a visiting D1 driver.

I never used business A (Sin’s story) as I always had my doubts. Fortunately it wasn’t convenient for me to access so I never used them as a fall back either. By the sounds of it I may have been on the money in my assessment.

Richard I haven’t seen you in forever mate but I hope to see you and the GTR very soon! I truly hope that the messing around and the spending of money is over for a while now. As always if you need any help with anything then give us a yell champ. (I was actually thoroughly disappointed I didn’t get to play GTR’s with Jayce… :D )

Edited by Stevie

Thanks Shell, no drama's there XXX I understand. I didn't expect the response this thread got.

Stevie - ta mate.

Leigh - your spot on, I did support this shop and that mech. I went on word of mouth of some of the key local SAU'ers, the stickied thread and the freindliness of the mech at first. Some of those same ppl have similar experinces to mine which is unfortunate.

It became obvious all to late for me. I waited soooo long to have it finished (8months) and when I wanted to get my car out of there and have the rebuild installed by another shop for $1000 - $1500 as they did not do the initial removal, I got the lip service again 3-4 months later the engine was finally installed ($2800) plus the $1k already paid. I went with cash in hand to pick it up and then got the Bxxx_Sh!t bill. I left it there and went to the MTA.

When I sorted the bill out and went to drive away thats when I realised I'd been again dudded. Turn the key and NOTHING! Back into the shop -Fark off your problem now Richard. Can I have my ignitor back and why is it not in my GTR seeing you drove it in here from secret storage.

I got another ignitor, harnes and connection plugs from Ben at Intune. Got the car started and sqeeeeeel from front Turbs. I also didnt mention none of my rego papers where in the car so getting it registerd again was a pain due to no proof of ownership. I took it straight to another mech and got a list of WTF's?

I Had a fright with potential glasing of a cylinder due to fuel in oil, oil on spark plugs which I think has been solved and was due to the oil cap not having a thicker washer and being secured. Fuel in the oil has not re-occured and I have personally changed the oil 3 times. When I get new turbs back on it I intend getting a wet/dry leakdown test. Unfortunately I could not proove beyond doubt the newish R34N1's were not already on the way out!

Again I'd like to thank Pro Eng for taking my calls and helping where they could.

The mech at xxxxxx I beleive means well. But as some have stated you have to back your work and fix it if you made a mistake. To over charge and walk away is BS. As for the proprietor/owner, he's the real silent villian.



PS. There is staff changes afoot at the unmentioned shop. But I think the owner is staying and sticking with Services as a quick and easy income.

Edited by Sinista32

If i cant do work myself ill seek help from another enthusiast who knows how to do it rather then take it to a shop. Shops are a LAST LAST LAST resort. I contempleted doing home smash repairs as a mate did his rad support panel himself but decided against it (sortof luckily) only to be stoooged along with Phil for 7-8 months... took it to J Racing and its completed in 2 weeks. i know people have various opinions there buy Jerrys been nothing short of excellent. I think he KNOWS a shop is made on the word of mouth of enthusiasts who are going to spend the big $$$.

Can someone PM the workshops that are being mentioned here please.

Me too please!!!

Have 10K worth of gear im putting on myself, though thought a shop would be a "worst case" scenario.

I’m pretty sure i know the offenders, though can someone please PM me with the shop names, so my worst case, aint my head case

- M

Guys if you feel that you are being shafted - and most people know when things are out of hand - you need to go straight to the Office of Fair Trading website and lodge a dispute.

We like to think that we can have a conversation, agree a price, and get what we expect. Problem is that if it goes wrong it can go really wrong, and there needs to be some work done to avert that ie get written quotes particularly on the big $ stuff. Not trying to tell anyone how to suck eggs, and it's been said a thousand times before, but GET QUOTES. I've negotiated quotes at length to make sure the vendor knows what I expect and that I know what I am or aren't getting.

If a workshop does in fact try to take advantage they need to be hammered for it. Luckily I have not had a problem with anyone local.


Guys if you feel that you are being shafted - and most people know when things are out of hand - you need to go straight to the Office of Fair Trading website and lodge a dispute.

We like to think that we can have a conversation, agree a price, and get what we expect. Problem is that if it goes wrong it can go really wrong, and there needs to be some work done to avert that ie get written quotes particularly on the big $ stuff. Not trying to tell anyone how to suck eggs, and it's been said a thousand times before, but GET QUOTES. I've negotiated quotes at length to make sure the vendor knows what I expect and that I know what I am or aren't getting.

If a workshop does in fact try to take advantage they need to be hammered for it. Luckily I have not had a problem with anyone local.


:P (Although Scooby isn't 'stupid';moreso 'wise'!)

I know the shop Sinister is referring to;those others of you having/had dilemas,feel free to PM me the offending shops/traders etc...for future reference. No need to state why unless you want to...K?

Well... where do I start... I wasnt going to post anything but after the way XXXXXXX shafted my friend the other day, I decided I would post up a few comments.

Having spread word to help build a business for a company I thought could do the right thing in the Canberra area, it was to my dismay when they attempted to shaft me a large sum of money recently. What was more pathetic was they sold some parts on behalf of me, gave me an invoice with the money for the parts missing off it, and when I questioned this I was told "oh the money was taken off we just didnt put it on the invoice". Sorry guys but how am I meant to believe that? Were talking about a large sum of money, being a business you should receipt every financial transaction so shit like this doesnt happen. So after some arguing it was finally settled. Was I happy with the outcome? No I was not, but I was willing to pay the money to get my parts out of there and have the issue settled once and for all so I could move on. To the one person at XXXXXXX that has done everything on my car, this is not a dig against you as you always tried to do the right thing by me. Unfortunately your receptionist and I assume boss have made the whole lot come crashing to the ground.

As for what XXXXXXX did to my friend... after them rebuilding his car for 2 years, he got a phone call last week saying "we dont want to do the car anymore, come and pick it up, you owe us money". So now he has a car thats been in build by them for 2 years, theyve decided they dont want it anymore and shafted him AND tried to charge him more money for the pleasure. That is a new low for a workshop in my book and all I can hope is everyone agrees and speaks by not bringing cars to you anymore.

Needless to say, my car is now at Croydon Racing Developments in Sydney and I am stoked with their service and professionalism. Some people comment that they charge too much for work, the difference is they know these cars inside out and do the job once and do it right, down to every minute detail that others would miss and come back to bite you in the ass 6 - 12 months later.

P.S: Im with Richard... Pro Engines rocks!

Edited by Amaru

I've recently had a 10,000km service done on my Kia by National Capital Motors. In and out in 1 hour, friendly, professional service and a 5 year warranty with 24 hour roadside assist even if I just run out of fuel...... I don't know how I'm going to cope when I get back to all this bullsh*t and buy my GTR.

I'd like to add one last small rant. I hope I speak for some others.

Reality is that we have been mild in our criticism of xxxxxxx shop and the mechs involved. The anger, anguish and personal cost both financially and how we feel about our cars has been expressed very mildly indeed.

NiK bought so much busine$$ to this shop and was shafted, his freinds shafted, including myself and others majorly, I have nothing but contempt for them. I hope to see financial ruin on their horizon. I beleive it's happening hence the severe over charging etc...

As far as I am concerned Xx may have meant well but was out of his depth. You cant learn on Customers cars, the customer pays for your mistakes. Failing to diagnose a fault over three months cost me a full engine rebuild and now afterwards Turbos. Yes - i'm a fool for leaving it there and trusting them to work it out before it shat itself.

Yes - Fair trading has been involved (in my case anyways) and were lied to by the proprietor and staff, which they told me they would do before the mediation hearing. Although my bill was reduced $1k it was still $800 over the quoted price and does not take into account an engine rebuild as it is too hard to proove. Like NiK i cut my loses, court was my next option.

As far as I am concerned Xx may have meant well but was out of his depth.

I know your situation was alot different than mine Richard, but Xx in the end did go out of his way to make sure everything went as painlessly as possible and did prove to me it was out of his hands, and I left there with no hard feelings towards him.

I still believe he is a great mechanic, but for the calibre cars going there the business model couldnt really sustain it in my opinion. Given the opportunity to work at somewhere like CRD or RacePace, im sure Xx would become one of the better mechanics in the country in regards to these types of cars. That also applies for the apprentice working there, Jaxxx.

Whilst I dont want to see any financial pain inflicted upon those two individuals, I do wish financial burning for the company as a whole after the down right low stunt they pulled with my friend last week.

The apprentice is very good, worked hard and well all the time. Was always very personable and helpful.

Xx always meant well and was hamstrung when it came to the bill. He was the shops sacraficial lamb. Yes situation is different it was not just dollars with me it was the work and the time it took. Agreed, In the right environment Xx will be a very good mech on HPI's. He needs to put his hand up when he doesnt know.

To standby whilst my car was sabotaged was not honourable. To not resolve legitimate issues, answer concerns and not owning up is not acceptable. I understand the predicament he was in with the boss/biatch and personal situation at the time so lattitude is/was given.

I have spoken with Xx since then, he is genuinely a well meaning guy. Beers and car talk not a worry. However, trust is given and once you abuse it as far as I am concerned it is hard if not impossible to win back.

trust is given and once you abuse it as far as I am concerned it is hard if not impossible to win back.

Thats it in a nutshell.

I wont go back to ultratune in tuggs after the sh1th0use job they did on the major service of my car, missed several major problems which i diagnosed myself a few days later, tried to charge for a replacement air filter when i have a pod etc.

Ive told everyone i know never to go there. They lose repeat business and possibly other business by stooging people. I dont understand why businesses are so happy to stooge people when canberra IS a small place, word of mouth DOES get around and there are other places to take your car. It just doesnt make sense.

Edited by low200
!!! Seriously??? !!!


they missed a leaking turbo outlet pipe (that eventually got to a 5mm split)

two blown bulbs

and tried to charge for that, it wasnt that hard to check for leaks and blown bulbs guys... now youve lost mine and im sure other peeps business.

I have to say I'm sorry to see the way this thread is heading. All the XXXX's in the world dont stop any single issue being escalated into an awful lot more than the single issue it originally was.

Anyway, Happy Christmas!

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