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I am happy that I didnt get a RWD car as a first car, because I know it would have killed me already.

As much as I say "I want good fuel eco, ill drive like a granny" at any chance to overtake you just have that power under you feet.

Honestly, get a shitter and just learn to drive it, THEN, get a powerful car and learn to drive faster.

I am happy my first car was a 4wd, its saved my ass a few times around corners and the such. Thats why you hear about RWD cars just "spinning out" accidently, but thats BS, its just someone gave it too much stick. That wouldnt happend with a AWD car/underpowered.

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I am happy that I didnt get a RWD car as a first car, because I know it would have killed me already.

As much as I say "I want good fuel eco, ill drive like a granny" at any chance to overtake you just have that power under you feet.

Honestly, get a shitter and just learn to drive it, THEN, get a powerful car and learn to drive faster.

I am happy my first car was a 4wd, its saved my ass a few times around corners and the such. Thats why you hear about RWD cars just "spinning out" accidently, but thats BS, its just someone gave it too much stick. That wouldnt happend with a AWD car/underpowered.

any car could spin out...

any car could spin out...

Much more likely in a RWD car as Alex says. I had a FWD car for my first couple and the worst I had was some bad oversteer. RWD on a patch of oil/wet road and losing traction, you are suddenly contending with the back all over the place out of control which takes some skill/training to come away from unscathed depending on the circumstances.

says the 15 year old who probably hasnt driven yet.

Even Thick snow struggled to make the stagea get sideways let alone spin.

dude, whats your problem? arnt you a mad c**t, get over yourself mate. you maybe off your ps or whatever but it certainly does not make you cool mate, maybe you dont realise, that this is a forum, and anyone can sign up. I am 18, and i do have my licence, and im tired of your bullshit comments. you are a tool.

if i had any car and i flawed it around the corner, and i could not control it, i could spin out, correct?

its not what you drive its how you drive.

are you serious? By your name I can tell your a typical FOB that thinks hes a mad c**t and wants to run people and Beat commodores and brag to your freinds.

I can think of hundeds of cars you can floor around the corner that wouldnt spin out. The 4 vehicles in my garage to start off with.

Get a clue before you start insulting people on here. We are trying to give you advice because we want to help you out.

if i had any car and i flawed it around the corner, and i could not control it, i could spin out, correct?

its not what you drive its how you drive.

Incorrect. As said above, oversteer. I have floored cars years ago in the wet on roundabouts that are FWD and it just slides. Ripping the handbrake on is a different story. Go to a skid pan day in a FWD and see.

my brother spun our old accord while taking a turn. The road was a little damp - he was doing 40 or 45 along the corner - usually the car is ok, that day it just spun. Anything can happen - just gotta be careful and know the car, the conditions of the road and the surroundings and most importantly u gotta know how u drive the thing.

dude, whats your problem? arnt you a mad c**t, get over yourself mate. you maybe off your ps or whatever but it certainly does not make you cool mate, maybe you dont realise, that this is a forum, and anyone can sign up. I am 18, and i do have my licence, and im tired of your bullshit comments. you are a tool.

As starion turbo said - the guys here are trying to help you out by giving advice. Chill out man. You gotta realise, that most of these guys have had lots of experience in driving - on the road, track, deca etc - they know things that the rest of us dont know.

What's the rush with young peeps today?

Follow the regulations/laws and you'll be driving the car of your choice legally in no time. The legislation is actually in place for a reason not just as an inconvenience to young individuals. Reason?? yep reason being for your safety... but more importantly for the safety of the millions of other road user that have no choice in sharing the roads with you once you're licensed.

It appears you'd made your mind up before you asked on these forums for advice...so why bother SillyLankan?

Seriously with demerit points on top of the current fine system will see you walking or back on your bicycle in the near future.

I've noticed that almost all younger driver have failed to see what ramifications these new beefed up laws will have. They are being put in place to stop the "meh it's only a fine if I'm caught attitude" that is prevalent with today's laws. Guaranteed they'll will be strictly enforced and many peeps will find themselves walking. If you've been a repeat offender under the current system don't be surprised when a tog car appears in your street soon after these new laws are introduced.

The best advice I can give a P plater who currently bends the rules is to sell your car and sell it fast!!! That way you'll avoid the cop hassles and still get a semi ok price for your cars before the ass totally falls out of the market as it will when over 70% of the prospective turbo/performance import market of Victoria can't get away with bending the laws anymore.

I've actually been thinking of selling my own car now and buying another after the crash.

Pffft you might be thinking, r33 prices can't drop much more!! wait and see.. it's basic economics, supply and demand.

What's the rush with young peeps today?

Follow the regulations/laws and you'll be driving the car of your choice legally in no time. The legislation is actually in place for a reason not just as an inconvenience to young individuals. Reason?? yep reason being for your safety... but more importantly for the safety of the millions of other road user that have no choice in sharing the roads with you once you're licensed.

It appears you'd made your mind up before you asked on these forums for advice...so why bother SillyLankan?

Seriously with demerit points on top of the current fine system will see you walking or back on your bicycle in the near future.

I've noticed that almost all younger driver have failed to see what ramifications these new beefed up laws will have. They are being put in place to stop the "meh it's only a fine if I'm caught attitude" that is prevalent with today's laws. Guaranteed they'll will be strictly enforced and many peeps will find themselves walking. If you've been a repeat offender under the current system don't be surprised when a tog car appears in your street soon after these new laws are introduced.

The best advice I can give a P plater who currently bends the rules is to sell your car and sell it fast!!! That way you'll avoid the cop hassles and still get a semi ok price for your cars before the ass totally falls out of the market as it will when over 70% of the prospective turbo/performance import market of Victoria can't get away with bending the laws anymore.

I've actually been thinking of selling my own car now and buying another after the crash.

Pffft you might be thinking, r33 prices can't drop much more!! wait and see.. it's basic economics, supply and demand.

Is that the same safety reason as the stupid placement of speed zones? The same one as lowering speed limits on open roads? Same as the speed camera plague? Banning all turbo and V8 cars for P platers?

That would be revenue not safety. You can argue til you are blue in the face that it's for safety but sorry :happy: 10 year study in the US, same study in Europe - lowering speed limits increased fatalities. Speed cameras - same or increased fatalities in Victoria where hundreds of millions is made each year with faulty equipment.

Buying a cheap car = worse car = less safety features and little to no respect for the vehicle by the owner.

Off my Ps very soon already have my full license in my wallet. Never lost a point, never been defected, never had an EPA notice, nothing. So I have no reason to be bitter or have my view skewed either way. All I have is a govt (that got voted in again ffs! What is wrong with you idiots?) that would rather raise revenue than save lives. Where's the driver training? Where's the test for a full license to check for bad habits picked up by a driver? What a crock of shit.

You know who I saw smashed on the side of the road when it snowed unexpectadly? A mum in her commo and a mum in her camry. Funny my car didn't spontaneously explode and fly off the road.

are you serious? By your name I can tell your a typical FOB that thinks hes a mad c**t and wants to run people and Beat commodores and brag to your freinds.

I can think of hundeds of cars you can floor around the corner that wouldnt spin out. The 4 vehicles in my garage to start off with.

Get a clue before you start insulting people on here. We are trying to give you advice because we want to help you out.

ok man, im not fresh off the boat, ive lived here for like 8 years, i was born in nz, you dont know me nor do i know you, you have no right to call me a fob. how do i think that im mad? mate, i dont seriously dont give a f**k about your 4 cars, you said that i think im mad and brag? mate look at your signature, looks to me like YOU think your mad and love to brag.

mate, im pretty sure you started all this insult shit, and you say your trying to give advice, from the 2 posts you have posted before, i see no advice nor help from you.

any car can spin out, not believing this is just pure ignorance. ohhhh wait i never hear about vechicles wrapped around trees.

We said its less of a chance in a FWD/4WD.

sillylankan - might as well pack up, your attitude sucks go and buy a 33 with neons and sticker it up so you can cruise with ur other fob buddys. guys like you are a shame to lankans.

Alan - I could spin a FWD for you if you like.

It's a little thing called lift off oversteer - any novice can do it. (mostly by accident!)

Sounds like a plan. Not sure how we could go about getting one of the 950cc Fiesta's over here though that I had as a first car. Bearing in mind we are talking normal roads, not a skid pan and also the key part of my first post "Much more likely in a RWD car as Alex says"

Divhunter - you have highlighted two different things, revenue and safety:

"Is that the same safety reason as the stupid placement of speed zones? The same one as lowering speed limits on open roads? Same as the speed camera plague? Banning all turbo and V8 cars for P platers?

That would be revenue not safety. You can argue til you are blue in the face that it's for safety but sorry 10 year study in the US, same study in Europe - lowering speed limits increased fatalities. Speed cameras - same or increased fatalities in Victoria where hundreds of millions is made each year with faulty equipment.

Buying a cheap car = worse car = less safety features and little to no respect for the vehicle by the owner."

Revenue, I partially agree with you on speed cameras but not fully as some are in genuine accident black spots. The bold statement above, maybe thats you but certainly isnt me.

So all the people buying up performance cars on their P's are really doing it for safety not performance and so they can give the vehicle respect? And by the laws limiting this, suddenly all P platers will be forced into $hitboxes that are unsafe?

We said its less of a chance in a FWD/4WD.

sillylankan - might as well pack up, your attitude sucks go and buy a 33 with neons and sticker it up so you can cruise with ur other fob buddys. guys like you are a shame to lankans.

mate, your a cockhead, seriosuly.

Is that the same safety reason as the stupid placement of speed zones? The same one as lowering speed limits on open roads? Same as the speed camera plague? Banning all turbo and V8 cars for P platers?

That would be revenue not safety. You can argue til you are blue in the face that it's for safety but sorry :happy: 10 year study in the US, same study in Europe - lowering speed limits increased fatalities. Speed cameras - same or increased fatalities in Victoria where hundreds of millions is made each year with faulty equipment.

Buying a cheap car = worse car = less safety features and little to no respect for the vehicle by the owner.

Off my Ps very soon already have my full license in my wallet. Never lost a point, never been defected, never had an EPA notice, nothing. So I have no reason to be bitter or have my view skewed either way. All I have is a govt (that got voted in again ffs! What is wrong with you idiots?) that would rather raise revenue than save lives. Where's the driver training? Where's the test for a full license to check for bad habits picked up by a driver? What a crock of shit.

You know who I saw smashed on the side of the road when it snowed unexpectadly? A mum in her commo and a mum in her camry. Funny my car didn't spontaneously explode and fly off the road.

Good for you young fella, so you're the exception and a great driver!! but the laws are made for all, not tailored to each individual and logically it has to be this way.

Yep they have had 10 yr + studies in Europe and the u.s.a correlating the relationship of speed and fatalities and agreed it does appear the arguments our government dept put forward in response are crap and it's all about the $$$. Strangely that's not what is under discussion here and I have heard of no similar studies done on power limitations for novice drivers and fatalities.

Mothers...Commodores and Camry's, speed zones, revenue raising..... I fail to see how any off these things mentioned are relevant or a suitable argument for against or indifferent in regards to the subject under discussion.

You seem to be mildly indignant to say the least...why? because you've been doing the wrong thing and don't like it being pointed out. YOU can argue against that until you're blue in the face but it will not change the fact that you are firstly mistaken and misguided in your response and secondly you have been and continue to break the law.. The laws exist, it's a fact!!!

Personally I have never suggested anyone buy a cheap lesser safe car...buy a spanking new n/a Bentley/Jag or Benz for all I care. The only thing that is being "suggested" is that he might want to reconsider breaking the law as other before him have done. Why??? simply because as has been mentioned multiple times in this thread and my previous post the rules and consequences are changing. He won't be able to laugh it off and pay a fine as many other have before him....If he gets done twice he'll cop a suspension.

Get done the first time you'd better have money for a tow or something else arranged because if you try and drive home you'll cop a second/3rd/4th ticket.

Is any of this sinking in?? or do you find yourself getting angrier with the inane urge to type more nonsense that has no relevance to the subject at hand.

I'm teaching my young fella to ride a motorbike atm...do you think I've started him off on my 500cc dirt bike or 1000cc roadbike? No oddly he's riding something smaller less powerful until he becomes a proficient rider. I wish skill, logic and maturity came in pill form but it doesn't so we take a natural course of progression to suit our physical and mental capacities. Just like when you learnt to ride a bicycle when a child. The learner and probationary laws are based on the same principals without the benefit of being able to Taylor it for each individual therefore if you pass a minimum requirement you may drive and progress through the system following the guidelines until you gain full competence with a full licence to match.

Who's going to know how cool you are being a law breaking rebel n shit when your cars parked in the garage and you have to walk everywhere.

Silly Lankan take the advice of those that know through practical experience not those that can't see the forest coz of all dem damn trees!

Edited by madbung
Every person who has posted in this thread needs to ring their parents and complain that they were not held enough as babies. :/

Tried that just then, my dad replied with "it is your fault that you are not a good sri lankan boy....I know what you need. A good sri lankan girl. Let us find one for you" :happy:

Thanks for the tip mr. roy - 5 mins ago I was single, now im married :laugh:

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