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Has anyone noticed the increased rate of theft of high performance cars in Queensland lately?

I have. When I first was driving I never used to hear about this anywhere near as much and I was just as active on car forums.

It has gotten to I feel a critical stage now where we hear about this many times a week. The police have shown a complete disregard for the protection of our property - it would seem they would rather sit on the side of the road and rack up tickets and revenue rather then do real police work which they are paid to do. Or perhaps its more convenient for them to see these cars taken off the road for police, in spite of the letter, and spirit, of the law saying theft is wrong and illegal under all circumstances baring exceptional and bizarre events.

I propose a partition to the Police Minister, done properly with examples, testimonies along with a list of names and signatures which show the police in QLD's lack of action on these matters. I for one had myself held up for my car once, and managed to escape the initial carjacking attempt, only to be chased through the city screaming over the phone for help and receiving none. Not so much as a follow-up call.

I spoke with my state member last election, and he said to me that plenty of money is being given to the police, that they had increased their numbers, however they tended to be, what he put as, swelling in the middle, with large numbers of police doing bureaucratic work and less doing the stuff at the bottom and top - doing what’s actually required to prevent crime.

I don’t know, it may seem a bit drastic, but the reality is with our cars now: Its not if someone tries to steal it, its when.

I don’t feel like waiting around sitting on my hands for theft-o-clock to hit home. We need harsher penalties for auto-theft and more police on preventing and prosecuting the individuals who attempt it.

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From my experience, petitions are useless; blowing it up to the media is much more effective. But yea, i do feel that the crime rate in qld is increasing too. Not just on cars, but property too. My friend's apartment got broken into a few weeks back, and the cops didn't even go over to check for fingerprints!

1) This seems to be mainly a Gold Coast phenomomin (spelling?). You hear very little about imports being stolen in the other areas. So if you live / work / park in the Gold Coast area then you should be particularly careful.

2) A lot of the cars that were stolen recently, have been located. If police weren't doing their job, then you wouldn't see this happening. It is a bit of a hard ask for the police to prevent these crimes from happening other than finding those responsible for it, unless they get information about where / when a crime is going to take place.

What ever happened to chopping off the hands of people who steal? Countries who still have these laws have a very low theft crime rate.

I know that this wont happen, but all I can say is that make sure that your cars are secure with a good alarm and maybe a hidden cut-out switch on the ignition.

To stop people from stealing your car, you must make it like fort knox, prevention is easier then a cure.

Well i dont think that the police are at fault here, it is the court system, politicians and the civil liberty groups who dont back the police when it counts.

I thought about joining the police service fors years, but it is a shit job and shit money for what you do. They risk their lives to put away pieces of shit in society and then they are let out on a minimum sentence because they had a bad childhood or were touched in a bad place when growing up, it is a revolving door of bullshit.

Im sure if the legislations were passed through parliment for tougher penelties on these types of offences the general community would agree, but it does'nt seem to be happening.

Drugs are one of the main reasons for the increase in crime so they can pay for there habbit.

Drugs these days seem to be accepted in society, you cant even go into a public toilet without a needle bin staring you in the face, which are normally full.

The Gold Coast police are the worst for response time and they are under resourced, under staffed for the growth of people in the area. Especially holiday season.

And a positive one for car owners, just last week me and a mate were in the valley and spotted a guy breaking into cars, as most of us have had it happen like myself. We thought f**k it lets get this prick so we did should of seen him run he was like a little girl running up the street saying dont hurt me im sorry, it was to late for that his face kissed the concrete and he was detained until the arrival of the police.

He was only sorry because he was caught, it felt good catching him.

The police later told us that he was wanted for break and enters in the area that night.

The funny thing is he is probly out walkin the streets again doing the same shit.

Edited by subzeroR33

Yeah I live on the goldy and had my r32 stolin only it had no brakes (I was fixing at present)and it ran out of fuel but it took them no longer than 5mins and my room was only 15m away. Got it back 5 days later ran out of fuel down the road.But I think the police are just too busy with other dramas on the gold coast like schoolies and all there police patrols walking cavill on the weekends.One of the cops told me its 20 cars a week on the goldy.And most of em are under age so they get a little spank and set free.

Im all for the hand chopping and maybe have there licenses band for life when or if they have em!


Edited by devos2be
And a positive one for car owners, just last week me and a mate were in the valley and spotted a guy breaking into cars, as most of us have had it happen like myself. We thought f**k it lets get this prick so we did should of seen him run he was like a little girl running up the street saying dont hurt me im sorry, it was to late for that his face kissed the concrete and he was detained until the arrival of the police.

He was only sorry because he was caught, it felt good catching him.

The police later told us that he was wanted for break and enters in the area that night.

The funny thing is he is probly out walkin the streets again doing the same shit.

Good man.

Id have sunk the boot in myself. But thats because I consider car theifs to be worth less then grime deposits on the underbody of my car.

Good man.

Id have sunk the boot in myself. But thats because I consider car theifs to be worth less then grime deposits on the underbody of my car.

As much as we wanted to sink the boot in, if we did that we would be the one with charges of assault. The laws are very funny when it comes to shit like that.

Its becoming a big enough problem to be noticed by Today Tonight so why dont the police force do something about. Its absolute garbage. I am just glad I dont live in Suburbia and have a StaffyX Pittbull sitting on the front porch.

Its coming to the point where people are going to start taking actions into there own hands. And if there anything like me the repercussion's wont be very nice.

Its becoming a big enough problem to be noticed by Today Tonight so why dont the police force do something about. Its absolute garbage. I am just glad I dont live in Suburbia and have a StaffyX Pittbull sitting on the front porch.

Its coming to the point where people are going to start taking actions into there own hands. And if there anything like me the repercussion's wont be very nice.

I suggest you edit your post.


Don't even mention that you have a pitbull cross. I love dogs more than I love people and I'd hate to see your dog put down. The gold coast is one of the worst areas for bull breeds currently and one day when you spout off that you own a pitty cross the council will come knocking at your door to put it down you'll have a whinge. It will happen if you so publically announce that you own a restricted breed.


Edited by Midol

I know its not in QLD, but still...


I hear about this sort of thing all the time. Cops never give a shit. Some of you people may think that they do their job, and maybe its just a lack of manpower, (they seem to have plenty of police to man speed cameras and point radar guns) but ive had two occasions in my life where ive needed police help to defuse a potentially deadly situation and they have failed to show up both times despite telling me they would. IMHO there a impotent and lazy orginization with its priorities all messed up. Others are free to disaggree, and their experciances may have been good, but mine have not. Half the time, dealing with the police is worse then dealing with the criminals.

I think this could be one of the reasons for the increase of Crimes in the gold Coast area Read This

So now we are not only being branded as hoons, we are all immediately under suspicion of thefts and break ins because we choose to drive skylines, silvias or 180sx's which happen to be silver, red or whatever colour...NICE :ninja:

All the do-gooders are going to be making phone calls left, right and centre if they happen to see 3 guys in a line now...top work by the media yet again

Yeah I dunno. I reckon they didn't do too badly with that story, making it pretty clear that Skylines are mentioned because they are the main theft target for these lowlives. Asking that people contact the police any time they see a few young guys in a Skyline is a bit much though, surely there are less intrusive ways to track down these people?

"Just checking if you guys are carrying any crowbars or sledgehammers... oh, and pop your bonnet..." :ninja:

Here is the scenario as I have seen it , the population of the goldy has allways had that bad element, come to feed off the holidyers, but from late 90s it has increased with the huge influx of residents, the goldy is like a magnet for these types, but they dont realise that life on the street is tough, low wages, high rents, they crash and burn.

Heres a another scenario, my car has been stolen, when driving I spot it, get on to police but they cant help, is there a security mob that does instant call outs for this sort of dilemma?

Here is the scenario as I have seen it , the population of the goldy has allways had that bad element, come to feed off the holidyers, but from late 90s it has increased with the huge influx of residents, the goldy is like a magnet for these types, but they dont realise that life on the street is tough, low wages, high rents, they crash and burn.

Heres a another scenario, my car has been stolen, when driving I spot it, get on to police but they cant help, is there a security mob that does instant call outs for this sort of dilemma?

Yes they are called the leagues of shadows vigilanty group.

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