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big girls blouse, that's me!

welts the size of tennis balls on my back arent my idea of fun... though you'll probably be ok if you dont get some rambo wannabe shoot you with a semi-automatic at close range like what happened to me!

also had smaller bruises all over me, plus one got me across the knuckles and broke all the skin :laugh:

Hey guys,

Sorry for a really late post, have not had the internet lately! Just a quick update on a few things...

1. Location- Michelago, this one is run by the Ministry of Paintball ;)

2. Payment once we all pretty much come to an agreement on a date and time will be easiest I think being handed over at the Museum.

3. So far we have about 11 keen beans so that leaves 2 places left (please make sure you are genuine in your interests)

List so far, please cut and paste if adding your name

SL33KY (Emily & Daniel +1 mate)









R3SP3CT (50/50)


Jai Jai (possibily)

The sooner we organise this the sooner we can get out there and shoot our balls! :laugh: He he he... Daniel and I will be out at the Museum on Friday night if you have any questions/wish to put down your deposit now and we will bring the brochures. :(


haha my cousins had the best bruises. One of hit the other with the butt of the gun by accident so the other stuck the barrel about 1m from them and blasted about 4 shots into him. Those were some impresive bruises.

What date are we looking at? January?

Hey guys,

Sorry for a really late post, have not had the internet lately! Just a quick update on a few things...

1. Location- Michelago, this one is run by the Ministry of Paintball :sweat:

2. Payment once we all pretty much come to an agreement on a date and time will be easiest I think being handed over at the Museum.

3. So far we have about 11 keen beans so that leaves 2 places left (please make sure you are genuine in your interests)

List so far, please cut and paste if adding your name

SL33KY (Emily & Daniel +1 mate)









R3SP3CT (50/50)


Jai Jai (possibily)

Veilside R33

The sooner we organise this the sooner we can get out there and shoot our balls! :O He he he... Daniel and I will be out at the Museum on Friday night if you have any questions/wish to put down your deposit now and we will bring the brochures. :O


You missed me, have added my name.

Just quickly;I'm happy to pay up(full amount is how much?Or deposit $$$'s is ?)and hold out for whenever,but Jan' should be a HOT month,thus making a game of running around flat out with minimally exposed skin a little warm. I'll play in such conditions,but it may be less fun for some. Either way,I'm up for it!

Another suggestion;seeing as I like all you Skyliners,could we ask another club to challenge us? I'd much rather drop bombs on say some V8 club than shoot my friends...

I am fine to shoot all you SAU chumps :P but if we do get another club make sure that they are people we at least get along with... it will suck if it's a bunch of 17 year olds with riced up lancers doing burnouts and talking about all the chicks they pulled last night lol (no offence purplepeopleeater:))

I am fine to shoot all you SAU chumps :devil: but if we do get another club make sure that they are people we at least get along with... it will suck if it's a bunch of 17 year olds with riced up lancers doing burnouts and talking about all the chicks they pulled last night lol (no offence purplepeopleeater:))

You will be lucky if you dont shoot your self Leigh lol j/k

on another note is Beau coming mmmmm lol sorry cant help it.

Well I can now re-count my first hand experience with paintball.

I went today for the first time (at Fairburn).

Awesome, awesome fun! Pain(t)ful as all hell for about 5 seconds then it goes away. The large red welt that turns into a bruise does not however. I have them all over my legs, arms and chest but it's not that bad. I would highly recommend that any one go but just be warned that when you get shot....It WILL hurt.

Also, for guys that are going, if you want to wear a box they can be purchased for $5 but you have to have normal underwear on, not boxer shorts. I found that out the hard way when I realised I had no protection "Down there". Fortunately it's a small target and I didn't get hit.

haha just like at baseball when i rock up in boxers i am like FARKKKKKKKKK that was smart :P

Also, for guys that are going, if you want to wear a box they can be purchased for $5 but you have to have normal underwear on, not boxer shorts. I found that out the hard way when I realised I had no protection "Down there". Fortunately it's a small target and I didn't get hit.
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