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If you're interested in reading about Australian defense, policing, multiculturalism, racism:


This is a very good article and well worth the time to read it.

It's a scary insight into what might become of sydney in the next few decades.

NOTE: This is not a racist argument. It has no racist intent or undertones. I have not posted it with intent to provoke racial or religious debate, the article is just that of fact. I ask you to keep these types of comments to yourselves. The article is against NSW police, and is nothing more than a scary exposé on what seem soon to be the "ghettos" of sydney

Edited by Mike_
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If the climate doesn't change Sydney will be in a hell of a lot of trouble, Sydney will be able to supply drinking water to its population.

The government is hoping like all hell its just a 'cycle'. Yes a cycle, but a cycle that is getting longer and longer that is resulting in less and less drinking water.

So might not have to worry about it. :rofl:

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Good read, I found it quite interesting. He isn't wrong either, he definitely makes many valid points, the one that stands out most is the similarities that sydneys middle eastern gangs are copying the Los Angeles crips and bloods.

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pffff yeh a good read if you beleive the hype. man theres lebo drug dealers , yugoslav drug dealers, european drug dealers, but like the rest of the media the focus is on who the lebo's and the muslims. bullshit i reckon.

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pffff yeh a good read if you beleive the hype. man theres lebo drug dealers , yugoslav drug dealers, european drug dealers, but like the rest of the media the focus is on who the lebo's and the muslims. bullshit i reckon.

Wild guess....

You didn't even read it, did you...

read the damn thing before you comment.

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Good read, I found it quite interesting. He isn't wrong either, he definitely makes many valid points, the one that stands out most is the similarities that sydneys middle eastern gangs are copying the Los Angeles crips and bloods.

Yeah, he's a credible source for all of this.

What a lot of people fail to see is that this isn't a racially inspired article, it's a gang inspired article.

It's very true about the bloods and the crips, and it's evident that certain parts of sydney are headed in that direction. There are already large areas governed by gang rule, rather than police rule.

The part that stands out the most to me is the idea that they tear up nightclubs randomly and then have the owners pay protection weekly, so it doesnt happen again. This forces most night club owners to either pay protection or sell up and leave town. Scary thought.

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I couldn't agree with this article more. The police in NSW are the most useless incompetent waste of time third leg that could ever exist without being described as a waste of oxygen. Come on I am all for Policing, but how about catching violent criminals as opposed to hassling law abiding citizens about a BOV???

There have been WAY too many situations here in the last few years where large violent gangs have been allowed to incite violence because Police are wimpy little pussies who would rather hassle an easy target.

This isn't helped by the fact that Senior Police are much more worried about collecting statistics to help them get re-ellected than actually doing their job.

I totally apologise to the 5 Honest cops left in NSW and I hope that you can kick ass from within.

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yeh read 90 % and all i saw is middle easter this middle eastern that lebanese this and lebanese that. im sick of this shit sum dum c**ts f*k around and the rest of my nash cops shit.

Mate my best mate is lebanese. I am not a racist, and this articl;e holds valid points. You obviously didn't read 90% of it, you clearly skimmed. If you arent a part of these gangs then you don't need to take offense. Nobody is dishing out shit to your nationality.

He relates the gangs to the 5T, the Vietnamese gangs of Cabramatta in the 80s/90s - these gangs were taken down by community involvement, predominantly the vietnamese community that wanted the gang warfare to stop.

The only party that this article is primarily against the Police Commisioner of the time and his failure to act and react effectively.

Edited by Mike_
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I couldn't agree with this article more. The police in NSW are the most useless incompetent waste of time third leg that could ever exist without being described as a waste of oxygen. Come on I am all for Policing, but how about catching violent criminals as opposed to hassling law abiding citizens about a BOV???

There have been WAY too many situations here in the last few years where large violent gangs have been allowed to incite violence because Police are wimpy little pussies who would rather hassle an easy target.

This isn't helped by the fact that Senior Police are much more worried about collecting statistics to help them get re-ellected than actually doing their job.

I totally apologise to the 5 Honest cops left in NSW and I hope that you can kick ass from within.

Exactly, the NSW police really screwed themselves over. They don't effectively police areas for fear of getting complaints against them that reflect badly on their statistics.

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good read, but i didnt need convincing. i already see this shit all the time.

and just because it happens to be muslim gangs that are the problem, which they well and truly are, no one's saying every muslim is in a gang, or involved.

you cant claim racism. it's just fact.

these muslims might be fuucking it up for the rest of the muslims, but that's not the problem. the problem is they are fuucking up sydney.

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I don't think you guys are reading into the part of the article that describes what a bunch of wimpy incompetent pricks the current police force are. If they actually did their job we wouldn't be having this problem right now. Im saying this because I work (In IT management) and pay taxes (Shitloads) and look all around me this shit is running out of control.

Its got nothing to do with Racism dude, I don't care if its a gang of Irish Leppers, the fact of the matter is that the guys that are meant to protect EVERONE in the community are not.

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Notable mention:

Come on I am all for Policing, but how about catching violent criminals as opposed to hassling law abiding citizens about a BOV???

Haha that is definitely true.

good read, but i didnt need convincing. i already see this shit all the time.

and just because it happens to be muslim gangs that are the problem, which they well and truly are, no one's saying every muslim is in a gang, or involved.

you cant claim racism. it's just fact.

these muslims might be fuucking it up for the rest of the muslims, but that's not the problem. the problem is they are fuucking up sydney.

This is very true, and it's good to see an insight from a sydneysider. It's sad that there is nobody in a position to be the "Thung Ngo" of the new generation.

There are some bad areas of Adelaide, but everything there is kept relatively local. The idea that this is not localised like the problems in Cabramatta are quite intimidating. The only other problem that we face here are Bikie gangs, which are unfortunately underwritten by legitimised businesses - but again only seem to cause a problem for those that "cut their lunch" or bother their affairs, and isn't likely to cause a social breakdown, as such.

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good point. the cops are useless, and this is apparent everywhere.

but still, you have to ask yourself, where's the respect and civility that you'd expect from decent people living in a community?

edit: just for the record, i'm far from racist. this is just the state of affairs. a very good friend of mine is leb, and he shares this opinion, as i'm sure many others do.

Edited by Munkyb0y
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Yeah but if the cops do anything they get complaints against them and that is all taken into account when it comes to promotions.

Would you rather not help someone or patrol a dangerous area and have the oppertunity for promotion.

Or be in a dangerous area with gangs and whatnot and have no chance of promotion.

I think i know what a lot of police will choose.

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And who is it that puts these people in such a screwed up situation? Is that the same labour government who is destroying every facet of NSW with there sheer stupidity?

Yeah this is so F**KED up that I am seriously considering a move out of NSW to somewhere a little more sane.

Edited by Chris_R33GTSt
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that part in the article where he grabbed one of the middle eastern kids from the group that threw a brick at the cop car and arrested him, then as soon as he was disected from the group he acted like an apologetic little wimpy f**k and was paraded around the police station to tell the young rookies what the f**k they became afraid of. good on him i say. in the end its team A vs team B and team B gotta get arrested and there will always be a A team to pity the fool.

In response to chris,

Just remember tho, not only do they defect our cars, but when they are f**ked up and they are stolen or some prick knocks us they are there to assist aswell. They should be respected but at the same time they should be questioned heavily on their methods and why the f**k they defect cars. surely a little fmic and bov action shouldnt be illegal just because it aids in our quest for more power. I reckon its the rookie marriage counselling bitch cops that do the defecting. The older ones just suspect you of defects so you have to go to regency anyway.

Edited by SAZilla
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