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Also, LMAO @ the part about it changing from "a male of middle-eastern appearance" to "a male of middle-eastern or possibly medditeranian appearance". if cops in NSW cant tell the difference from an italian such as myself from a middle-eastern appearing person then they got to have rocks either in their heads or in their pipes.

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Somewhat greed kralster. In the end I would say it's the overly PC nature of our society that stops us from doing anything anyway.

And Chris, yes its true that the government has ended up putting themselves in a screwed up situation. The part in the article where he states that these kids are thrown into the police force thinking they are there to be counsellors and model citizens is also very true. They are not trained to enforce law upon the harshness that is the seedy underbelly of society.

A friend of mine has recently entered the force after the training, and will agree with me that the training prepared him in no way for what being an officer of the law was like.

SAZilla, so right! He states in there that they can clearly tell the difference, but they have to write it anyway, which is just pathetic.

Edited by Mike_

the police force usless? oh please! get rid of them and see what happens! people always say shit about the police not being able to do their job properly! well why don't some of you stop complaining and become a cop and contribute some way to help the problem instead of just bitching! maybe if they aren't in demand for more officers, communities wouldn't have these problems!

anyway this shit is bullshit! if you're an australian well you should be treated like every other australian dispite your religion and race! what ever happened to legal equality? all individuals are given the same rights without distinction of their stature, religion and race etc etc! the law is suppose to be like death, which spares no one! but it doesn't seem that way does it? our federal government have had their heads so far up their asses on keeping the good image of australia being multicultural and accepting that they forgot about the negative side to it! it's impossible for everyone to get along if they're from different parts of the world, have different beliefs and so! and sydney being a city with a big population well there's the problem!

it's just bullshit how people get treated differently because they are from a specific group! it just pisses me off when i get questioned by police or security because i'm asian! i don't see the big italian or aboriginal next to me getting searched!

Dude the police force are obviously doing A job. But they are not doing the right job. What sort of police force anywhere else in the world runs away when a violent gang assaults them and then holds them hostage in their own police station. Id like to see that happen in the USA or any other country for that matter.

What a load of crap.

You said:

"t's just bullshit how people get treated differently because they are from a specific group! it just pisses me off when i get questioned by police or security because i'm asian! i don't see the big italian or aboriginal next to me getting searched!"

I reckon you get searched all the time because you look DODGY. Doesnt matter where u come from or what u look like.

well maybe if you hanged around me and my mates you might understand! looking dodgy? i was in regency once just paying for something! the freaken place was packed and the security guard came up to me and just me! there were big truckies and shit there as well and they didn't look like friendly people!

Edited by nos man

nos man, you said:

anyway this shit is bullshit! if you're an australian well you should be treated like every other australian dispite your religion and race! what ever happened to legal equality? all individuals are given the same rights without distinction of their stature, religion and race etc etc! the law is suppose to be like death, which spares no one! but it doesn't seem that way does it? our federal government have had their heads so far up their asses on keeping the good image of australia being multicultural and accepting that they forgot about the negative side to it! it's impossible for everyone to get along if they're from different parts of the world, have different beliefs and so! and sydney being a city with a big population well there's the problem!

it's just bullshit how people get treated differently because they are from a specific group! it just pisses me off when i get questioned by police or security because i'm asian! i don't see the big italian or aboriginal next to me getting searched!

And that is EXACTLY what this article is about! You should really read it because you seem to hold the same (or similar) views and ethics as the author.

yeh "or similar"... big italian or aboriginal next to you? where the f**k does an aboriginal, a "big" italian and an asian man stand within 2 ft of eachother when police are randomly searching? lmao where the f**k do you live buddy? tre the-f**k bizzaare


EDIT: Indeed.

Just remember to read the whole article before thinking about posting in this thread. it took me 15 minutes to read the article and it shed some light on sydney. This sort of thing doesnt happen here on the scale of sydney so cops dont have to make these descisions on a large scale. You see in the paper and on the news how "cronulla peaceful again!" well guess what thats because now, no lebanese people go there and no one rapes people or bashes people in that area as much as before. hence the peace. If you come from lebanon and you are raping people or being extra violent its because the refugees from those countrys are "hard" if you will and think they need to step on people so that people dont step on them in life. but if your a lebanese bloke who doesnt come from lebanon and hasnt experience the absolute shit they have there like kids getting shot and whatnot, then you dont deserve to hang in little ghetto packs and run rampant raping people. its not the australian way and thats where the racism began to start, because australians in cronulla and the hotspots of these actions were getting fed up, and there was no central "peacemaker" dude taking any responsibility, cause everyone that was getting charged with bullshit was denying involvement and the judges were trying not to be racists. Multiculturalism is good in small doses only, yes this is a land of oppurtunity for refugees but i think if you f**k up wildly you should be deported. cause australians dont rape and kill and get away with it, we go to jail and get flogged(lol flogged).

Edited by SAZilla

it's just bullshit how people get treated differently because they are from a specific group! it just pisses me off when i get questioned by police or security because i'm asian! i don't see the big italian or aboriginal next to me getting searched

that last little bit i wrote i was an example of what happens in our community! it just shows how quick some people are to judge! because of what the stupid monority groups do which effects everyone else! just like islamophobia, most people are scared of islamic, muslims because they think they're all terrorist and shit! but that's not true, it's just like asians how a lot of people assume they do drugs, and aboriginals sniffing petrol! a lot of people who i know and met carry these judgements! and to me it's wrong

yeh "or similar"... big italian or aboriginal next to you? where the f**k does an aboriginal, a "big" italian and an asian man stand within 2 ft of eachother when police are randomly searching? lmao where the f**k do you live buddy? tre the-f**k bizzaare

uh maybe in places you've never been, well maybe a place where people go to pay for car registration, a bank or even a shop? use your imagination! it was just an example anyway

Edited by nos man

the reason the police set up task forces for people of asian appearance and people of middle eastern appearance, is cause the average italian, greek, or otherwise minority dont f**k up and kill and rape and pillage as much as the other minorities. because the silent majority looks at the minority and sees what we do and who does it thats why they target you. In your area how many italians have the balls to carry weed and coke and shit on them or carry a knife. i bet not many unless there name was tony cipriani.

the reason the police set up task forces for people of asian appearance and people of middle eastern appearance, is cause the average italian, greek, or otherwise minority dont f**k up and kill and rape and pillage as much as the other minorities. because the silent majority looks at the minority and sees what we do and who does it thats why they target you. In your area how many italians have the balls to carry weed and coke and shit on them or carry a knife. i bet not many unless there name was tony cipriani.

I agree.

Through my teens back in the mid to late 90's the gangs were.... Asians and lebo's..

I knew a few of them and the shit they would get up to was rather appalling. Random bashings, thefts, organized car thefts etc. The random bashings.. yes Morphette vale 'crews' would do the same but not organized car thefts etc.. The morphette vale crew were just a bunch kids with little money. :laugh:

I'm unsure how it is today but walking down Rundle Mall back then you would see the gangs of asians, filo's and the odd goup of aboriginals loitering. ;)

There wasn't an 'aussy' gang at that time. Its not racist just the truth for that time.

Do not take the above as racist as I am most definitely not, just telling you how I have perceived things back when I was out and about more than I am now.

I agree.

Through my teens back in the mid to late 90's the gangs were.... Asians and lebo's..

I knew a few of them and the shit they would get up to was rather appalling. Random bashings, thefts, organized car thefts etc. The random bashings.. yes Morphette vale 'crews' would do the same but not organized car thefts etc.. The morphette vale crew were just a bunch kids with little money. ;)

I'm unsure how it is today but walking down Rundle Mall back then you would see the gangs of asians, filo's and the odd goup of aboriginals loitering. :laugh:

There wasn't an 'aussy' gang at that time. Its not racist just the truth for that time.

Do not take the above as racist as I am most definitely not, just telling you how I have perceived things back when I was out and about more than I am now.

yeh yeh i remember those days too........ The "crew" out the front of the Myer Centre, and the LBC crew down at the bay, and those Morphete Vale crew near the KFC i think! damn those guys were funny! :laugh:

i think it may be due to there prior society, they see our society as "weak", not to forget they come from countries lacking infastucture and police laws ect. so pepole act to survive. The middly east has been in turmoil for hundreds of years. Authority is genrally the enemy.

There is contstant faction rivalry's killings for the right of power, being heavily religous they are fanatical.

we have to understand that our society and heratige has been under the same rule and system for hundreds of years. in order for stability someone needs to win.

i dont think they are bad people, as there are plenty of bad australians. not to forget australia is a multi-cultural

society. Time will tell all but is there any way of combating this problem by bieng fair to the innocent?

i said that man but not all these little 17 year old kiddie lebanese come from lebanon, they jsut bullshit to other people that they did most of the time.

must be cause they hold lebanese passport cause their parents did come from there, but they arent from there.

Edited by SAZilla

Well If they hold Lebanese passports we can deport them back to there for inciting Terrorism, public disorder, Serious Assault and Drug Importation and Dealing.

Im not being racist at all towards people of Muslim culture as I am sure that the majority are just as disgusted as we are. I should also think that the same should go for anyone else holding a foreign passport. You do the crime you do the time it doesnt matter what your colour is or how you talk.

ok here you sit and talk about lebanese and asain gangs and deportation n shit but what i dont get is a lebo does a crime and we get 55 years an aussie does the crime and they get 20 like come on wtf is that ( im a lebanese australian born and raised here )

thats not true. everyone has legal equaility, its the scale of which you do it and wat you do that gets judged. you think if i stole a piece of bread id get days in jail but if u stole a piece of bread ud get 2 years, give me a f**ken break.

Yeah I agree with you there it is discrimination. Everyone should get a fair trial and be judged equally. I am guessing if the whole legal system wasn't so weak this would be the case. I mean most judges these days are bloody actors.

If you do some bad shit then you should get punished for it. If you hold a passport from another country and you incite shit that affects the society of this great country as a whole then you should be asked to get the F**K out and go home.

Edited by Chris_R33GTSt

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