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well even the dyno sheet you showed us from Owen didn't make 300kw and that is with a 6boob and plenum, so i'm not sure what you plan to acheive... :/

but a IG 3071 will make 280-290 on pulp and be on song by 3500 and will simply bolton...

or TDO6 ftw ...dr drift made 305 with his @ 22psi on pulp ;)

No porting on Mick's Dave, was left on the motor :)

Made sub 270 on 98 though, and delivery was nothing of the sort. The sugar mix was a big wake up.

I think the 20G is still pretty crazy on the RB, I would love to see an ARTZ vs Disco show down once this 52T is plumbed ;)

he made 340kw on E85 and 220kw in by 4000rpm so it must of been on song quite early..

will port the crap out of the manifold and housing if need be, anyway... see what happens , will give it a solid crack. ;)

well even the dyno sheet you showed us from Owen didn't make 300kw and that is with a 6boob and plenum, so i'm not sure what you plan to acheive... :/

but a IG 3071 will make 280-290 on pulp and be on song by 3500 and will simply bolton...

or TDO6 ftw ...dr drift made 305 with his @ 22psi on pulp ;)

Edited by AngryRBGTX

Whatever happens, it will be a solid performer Mark, and more responsive than most 300kw turbo's. I look forward to getting a good result for you anyway.

Will you be running it up on ethanol mate?

it was 335

id been in that car plenty to know what it was like. the higher the speed the nuttier it became, angering the demon more as you went faster and squirming under the trigger.

was very drivable and potent.

Whatever happens, it will be a solid performer Mark, and more responsive than most 300kw turbo's. I look forward to getting a good result for you anyway.

Will you be running it up on ethanol mate?

definitely E85 and with the cams etc from the gtx setup, it will be another feather in your cap lol.. :yes: ,

I think it will be. :) There will be no problems cracking 300kw on ethanol mate.

I have another external gate project to do first, a 400kw Hypergear billet T67 10cm t25 off a 6boost manifold, to be installed into an s15 with built 2L (auto) on e85. It should be a weapon too but laggy.

People go to a lot of trouble with manifolds turbos and gates on Evos with good reason , FP Hi flows can be ok but you need to talk to people (here) that tune them . All systems are a compromise and those poor old TD05HR16Gs were designed around having a bit over 200 crank wasps std .

Imagine taking an RB25s Hitachi and fitting the largest cartridge that didn't see daylight through the OE housings . No one with an Evo Lancer would be using OE housings if better ones bolted up and didn't attract unwelcome attention . As usual std housings are engine/model specific and larger OE style ones not always readily available . Damn shame Garrett didn't do a reverse rotation GT30R for the 4G63T but thats life .

A .

People go to a lot of trouble with manifolds turbos and gates on Evos with good reason , FP Hi flows can be ok but you need to talk to people (here) that tune them . All systems are a compromise and those poor old TD05HR16Gs were designed around having a bit over 200 crank wasps std .

Imagine taking an RB25s Hitachi and fitting the largest cartridge that didn't see daylight through the OE housings . No one with an Evo Lancer would be using OE housings if better ones bolted up and didn't attract unwelcome attention . As usual std housings are engine/model specific and larger OE style ones not always readily available . Damn shame Garrett didn't do a reverse rotation GT30R for the 4G63T but thats life .

I actually agree - I've been ultra busy and haven't been able to follow or add too much to the thread and probably too vague or ambiguous in my responses, I meant the FP range in general... there is an HTAxxxxR for every GTXxxxxR, and more. And they seem to work at least as well.

This thread we have people looking for 56t GT3076R type power with GT3071R/52t GT3076R type response and pondering going .63a/r turbine housings or twin scroll housings to try and achieve the same thing. I believe a .82a/r HTA GT3076R stands a really good chance of doing that, being it is very much a 52-trim GT3076R with a genuine 76mm exducer - with a nice light billet compressor wheel which SUBSTANTIALLY outpumps a full size 56trim GT3076R.

Something to know about the HTA flow claims - FP don't have the luxury of generating compressor maps to fully test their units, Rob essentially uses extrapolation from extensive testing on actual cars to determine how much he must be flowing to generate results... you can get a fairly good idea how much air has moved from fuel flow vs resulting AFRs how much air must have been moved at a boost level. He rates it as 59lb/min+, meaning despite no testing he can guarantee that one can be (under realistic conditions) expect it to pump at least 59lb/min of air. They have produced plenty of results to suggest they actually can do well in the 60lb/min flow, but without proof it'd be folly to advertise it as such.

It hurts my brain that people seem so keen on GT3071Rs and GT2871Rs yet are unkeen on the GTX3067R, I am not a fan really of ANY of the above on an RB25 - but try to keep an open mind knowing not everyone like the same thing.... when I see the GTX3067R the HKS GT-RS becomes everything but dead and buried in my head. People like the idea of a smaller trim GT3076R because of the response improvement of having a 2mm smaller inducer on a 76mm compressor, yet at the same time don't think there will be any advantage to having a 55-trim compressor with 4mm smaller inducer and exducer which flows similar. What on earth am I missing here? Same goes for people being all keen on the GTX3576R as it's a nicer match than the GTX3076R and the GT3582R, yet the GTX3067R is effectively a similar offering and no love. This is just for discussion, we don't know the answers - but I really find it ultra odd that there is no love for that unit.

If someone went spastic and built a small tube twinscroll header for a T3 TS GTX3067R, attached it to an RB25 and got it drunk I'd put money on it being capable of going over 300kw on E85 if tuned properly - and coming on boost with a torque curve and response like not normally seen on these things. Worth it? probably not, but just saying. A .63a/r internal wastegate one I still reckon will work well. Don't compare results of .63a/r "larger compressor" equivalent results, I was one of the first people to broadcast distaste at .63 housings on GT30s years ago - having this compressor/turbine combination in my head will probably change the dynamic substantially.

Part of the reason for my previous statement moves me onto this recurring theme of "higher turbo shaft rpm needed = more lag", which I believe is ultra flawed. At this stage I'm not going to spend any time justifying my comment there, there was none made when that was stated at the time - the whole premise of this thread is due to bigger compressor wheeled turbos being laggier and finding a suitable balance to improve the situation. MOST larger compressor wheels need less rpm to flow the same as a smaller wheel, and most of them result in worse transient response and boost threshold - otherwise getting power and response would be way easier. The flowing gases have no idea what RPM the compressor is spinning at, that RPM number is number which is part of a bigger equation which matters - but on it's own is largely academic.

Have a look at Hypergears most recent highflow profile using standard hitachi housings on both sides.

The result is attributed to the use of the right wheel profiles and a good manifold, which is much the same case with the evo's. FP get the right wheel profiles to make do with the stock housings and the end user gets themselves a good manifold.

I'm yet to see a garden variety 3076R smashing an FP turbo (on an evo), but id happily be shown.

In my case I want to migrate to a larger turbine and matching housing because I also think a GT2871R in a GT28/0.64 turbine housing is limiting once you get serious about uncorking an RB25s potential . Truthfully it is an upgrade over the std Hitachi and its an easy job to fit it in HKSs kit form . I pretty much did a better than GTt smic plus new CAS and coils after the RS had been on a while and solved a few issues doing so . Dump and 3" front were done at the same time as the dryer .

So now the ignition feed is good and the ignition system doesn't break down under load like it used to . The limiting factor IMO is that GT28 turbine and housing and whilst it would be interesting to convert a GTRS to a GT3071R 52T inc HKSs compact ported comp cover I think the cold side could be the next limitation . I have been getting some very positive feedback from one here that went from a GTRS to a GT3076R 52T 0.82 AR and thats good to hear .

Since I have the same thing its logical to try it so I can judge if its right for me or at least give an indication of what to aim for if its not . I have to think money like everyone else because I'm not printing it and none of this stuff is exactly cheap . Like Lithium I'm also curious to know how a GTX3067R would go on an RB25 and why Garrett have not done more to promote these turbos is beyond me . Yes it does make sense that these should be a better thing on an RB25 than a GTRS but is it the stump/shopping center puller we're hoping it is ? Who wants to take the punt ?

By going to GT30 IW mounting hardware with the 10 12 whatever mm manifold spacer/dump front I'd have the ability to use most 30 series dryers and the changeover gets simpler if still expensive . The rotation of the earth is draging me towards the most popular RB25 dryer family and if it suits there won't be a need to do it again .

Evos are a bit different and it comes back to what people are trying to achieve with them . I went in a 7 a while back that had surprisingly few mods and that was a REAL good ride for one "retired" to basic transport . Std turbo and cast dump with on of GT Pumps larger turbine housings , remember 7s use the 9.8cm std , and the usual IC hot pipe injectors pump and flash tune . Had big exhaust of course .

I bought a rebuilt second series 9RS turbo for mine so it gets the light TiAl and Titanium internals with the 9s larger diffuser compressor housing . 7/8/9 used higher boost than 6s and I figure the best of the OE dryers with a bit higher boost should work out fine . I'm not trying to extend the power range upwards but gutsy mid range torque would be good . I don't know what other people are hearing but I'm told that many of the red blue black pink white studded or ribbed turbos do squat under about 4000 revs and that would kill a 2L Evo in my book . These cars are geared to get up there pretty easily but being there all the time gets old quickly in a road car .

A .

I see you have been asking if Garrett themselves would consider adding a modern ~50lb/min compressor to their range, will be interesting to see if you get any bites. You have been prying about comp maps for the 52-trim GT3076R wheel, I am assuming these maps should give at least an indication of what to expect - no they don't have the .60a/r port shrouded comp housing listed, but again you can see the trend with the 52-trim GT37 wheel:


Considering how much bulkier than the GTX3067R and GT3071R compressor wheels it doesn't really stand out as being worthwhile- if this is anything to go why, to me it makes it clear why the 56-trim got the nod and a GT3071R was introduced.

I think it came down to the fact that the American aftermarket wanted whatever made the blingest numbers and bragging rights were more important than practicality .

From memory on paper a 48T GT3037 was good for the same power as a 56T GT3071R and given a choice of those two I'd go with the 76.2mm wheel .

Reports from all over said much the same thing about GT3071Rs when they turned up , nothing like the spool advantage predicted over a 56T GT3076R and 63 or 82 AR T housings were never quite ideal . Garrett couldn't be bothered making a turbine housing for the cropped turbine version so probably never enjoyed the success HKS had with the "GT2835R" . Its not impossible that the same situation could happen with the GTX3067R because all it really is is a GTX2867R with a different bolt in turbine and turbine housing . Garrett doesn't always get it right and I reckon they are just as guilty as any other business of doing a bit of customer R and D .

I doubt I'll get an answer back on the 50 lb/min GTX wheel thread Lith because it would involve spending money Honeywells bean counters don't have to . The GTX3067R is a bitzer of stuff they had in house so no financial biggie to make it happen . To add another GTX compressor or possibly a smaller trim 71 version costs money and they have to account for another line of comp housings to suit them . I suppose they could do an X71 wheel of the same profile and trim with 10 blades instead of 11 because at lest the existing comp housing could be used for both .

Anyhow when I can get mine together and tuned I'll ask Wolverine to evaluate it since he's had a go at a few Garrett/HKS options and will know where the 52T fits in the mix .

A .

For interest's sake - the FP HTA71 compressor (they do a HTA3071R) is rated to ~51lb/min which is very similar to the GT3076R, but has the same inducer and exducer as a 52trim GT2871R compressor wheel :)

One of the US guys has got an EVO running with an EFR7064 running a 1.05a/r TS turbine housing and initial impressions are that it spools a few hundred rpm earlier than the EFR7670 - which is a turbo I reckon would be insane on an RB25 as it is. Will keep an eye out for results on that one, the 7064 is rated to 56lb/min which is very impressive for the size and likely response.

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