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Yea we had run-ins with the locals when i went to bundah college too. One night at a party on arunta st my mates immac. Pug 504 got smashed into and the seat belt buttons smashed ! it was the most random thing ever.....Too bad a few of us caught up to them towards gowrie court, and lets just say we had no mercy. (like the cops would care anyway)

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What do we expect? Society has taken the power to discipline adolescents away from the parents and the schools. The little darlings have been taught that they are "special" and "unique", they can do no wrong. There are no moral absolutes being taught at home or in the schools. There is no reason for them to act decently, socially incorrect behaviour goes unpunished. They are fed a steady diet of anti-hero "violence is cool" message from the mass media. Where are they too learn decent standards of appropriate behaviour?

The blame lies on my generation for abolishing ethical standards, and teaching that individual "rights" are more important than a responsibilty to your fellow man and world. I could go on, at length, but I don't want to start another spanking/no spanking thread. Instead, my sympathies to the injured party, I hope the damage is less than it appears right now, (I know from personal experience that head wounds bleed profusely, but your brain box can sustain an amazing amount of damage and be alright), and you are, physically at least, quickly healed. The mental shock will probably take longer.

I just read this on another forum else where. The OP (in Scotland) had been hit over the face with a bottle and had a knife waved in his face by a bunch of young teenagers.

I think this response from another guy sums it all up.

It's also somewhat comforting to see that this isn't just a Canberra thing. So the next time some young punk puffs up I think I'll give him a piece of my mind.

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Society these days is all about alleviating responsibility for your actions. You see it everywhere.

~ A Pub is responsible for you because you drank too much (till you walk in the door of another licensed establishment or your home.

~ Your employer is responsible for your massive accident simply because there was no sign saying "do not put your hands in the blender".


the list goes on and on and on. Its stupid and its breeding a generation of people who simply will refuse to take responsibility for their actions and engage even a little bit of common sense - its ALWAYS someone elses fault.

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