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Hi all, just doing some homework for a friend who's going to buy a brand new Honda Accord Euro Luxury version. I would like some figures on how much a brand new usually sells for, not the retail price tag. I mean come on, we all know not to pay retail, ever. My friend has absolutely no clue about cars, despite my futile attempts to get him to buy an Integra he just won't hear of it. Instead he wanted to pay 30k for a civic, I almost slapped him silly on the spot. So after much persuasion, he decided on the accord, much to my relief.

So now I'm faced with the task of negotating for the car and to do that, I'd need some figures to work with. I'm hoping someone could give me some figures to think about and the options that came with the car.

Thanks all


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The other trick is... You say your happy to pay full retail price. However you want the 'following' list of extras included at no extra charge. Doesnt always work when your buying the model higher up in the range tho.

You don't need figures to haggle dude... get your shit together so your ready to roll, like I mean bank clearance sussed funds drawn down ready to play ball. Walk in ask whats the best price he can do for you if you purchase today, no f**king around.

He says: $35,000

Ask him what extra's that price includes and what extra's it excludes.

You then tell him since your buying today no f**king about, how bout those extra's, how bout a full tank of fuel, and how bout some rego.

If he ummms n ahhhh's you tell him that you will go speak to another car yard in the area (make sure you know the name of one close by) and literally turn around n start to walk out...

Its f**king AMAZING what slimy car salesman are willing to do to get that sale when pressured, he will undoubtedly say those magic words:

"Wait, ill talk to my manager and see what we can work out"

Chill the f**k out and try not to have a shit eating grin on your face while he goes to blow his boss in the backroom to make a 1.5K Commission.

When he gets back and says bla bla i can do this and that and this for you.... BUT i cant get these coz theres a 1 week wait and bla bla bla....

They NEVER give you everything you demand NEVER>.. thats when u counter again, u say okay since your dicking me on "alloy wheels" or whatever piece of anti-rust pack shit he has jewed you out of you say cool... so whats that extra worth out of interest?

The dickhead will tell you full price thinking your giving in and want to pay for that item extra, you then turn around n say cool.... so 1800 for the alloys right...

I'll write you a cheque for $33,200, he will say something about the alloys not being included in the full price and that was an extra addition bla bla bla...

You say well for $35K I wanted the lot... and if i cant get the lot, then im not willing to pay that price.... u then get your cheque book out n show the f**ker how easy its gonna be to sign right here right now.

He is gonna run back to his manager, blow a bit more polish sausage and then come back and agree.

Ive bought 2 cars this year, 1 last year and about 10 fleet vehicles for our family business using this method in the last 5 years. Not once has it failed :P

Happy Haggling... car salesman will do ANYTHING for a sale, after all sales means they make money, they dont give a f**k if the company loses out a bit more of their precious profit as long as they get their commission so use it against them and make them go to bat for you with their managers... u cant lose and if you do walk out n go elsewhere, some cock is always willing to meet your demands.

You don't need figures to haggle dude... get your shit together so your ready to roll, like I mean bank clearance sussed funds drawn down ready to play ball. Walk in ask whats the best price he can do for you if you purchase today, no f**king around.

He says: $35,000

Ask him what extra's that price includes and what extra's it excludes.

You then tell him since your buying today no f**king about, how bout those extra's, how bout a full tank of fuel, and how bout some rego.

If he ummms n ahhhh's you tell him that you will go speak to another car yard in the area (make sure you know the name of one close by) and literally turn around n start to walk out...

Its f**king AMAZING what slimy car salesman are willing to do to get that sale when pressured, he will undoubtedly say those magic words:

"Wait, ill talk to my manager and see what we can work out"

Chill the f**k out and try not to have a shit eating grin on your face while he goes to blow his boss in the backroom to make a 1.5K Commission.

When he gets back and says bla bla i can do this and that and this for you.... BUT i cant get these coz theres a 1 week wait and bla bla bla....

They NEVER give you everything you demand NEVER>.. thats when u counter again, u say okay since your dicking me on "alloy wheels" or whatever piece of anti-rust pack shit he has jewed you out of you say cool... so whats that extra worth out of interest?

The dickhead will tell you full price thinking your giving in and want to pay for that item extra, you then turn around n say cool.... so 1800 for the alloys right...

I'll write you a cheque for $33,200, he will say something about the alloys not being included in the full price and that was an extra addition bla bla bla...

You say well for $35K I wanted the lot... and if i cant get the lot, then im not willing to pay that price.... u then get your cheque book out n show the f**ker how easy its gonna be to sign right here right now.

He is gonna run back to his manager, blow a bit more polish sausage and then come back and agree.

Ive bought 2 cars this year, 1 last year and about 10 fleet vehicles for our family business using this method in the last 5 years. Not once has it failed :P

Happy Haggling... car salesman will do ANYTHING for a sale, after all sales means they make money, they dont give a f**k if the company loses out a bit more of their precious profit as long as they get their commission so use it against them and make them go to bat for you with their managers... u cant lose and if you do walk out n go elsewhere, some cock is always willing to meet your demands.

and how many of the cars you bought were Hondas?

and how many of the cars you bought were Hondas?

Honda or not I think he is right... I have helped a few of my mates buy cars and each time the dealer is pushy as f**k so I tell them to leave us the f**k alone for 15mins and come back with a good deal... In the mean while we check out the car... since he can see u are interested he will come back with a bulls**t deal... then u tell him everything little bad thing u found on the car and then offer him a stupid low price... then after that u can start to talk.. u gotta show them u not gonna be pushed around... be very firm!!! after all u are the one with the money and he is the one trying to get it off u... therefore u r the boss!!! if he dosn't like it tell him u will be spending your money next door...

Hi all, just doing some homework for a friend who's going to buy a brand new Honda Accord Euro Luxury version. I would like some figures on how much a brand new usually sells for, not the retail price tag. I mean come on, we all know not to pay retail, ever. My friend has absolutely no clue about cars, despite my futile attempts to get him to buy an Integra he just won't hear of it. Instead he wanted to pay 30k for a civic, I almost slapped him silly on the spot. So after much persuasion, he decided on the accord, much to my relief.

So now I'm faced with the task of negotating for the car and to do that, I'd need some figures to work with. I'm hoping someone could give me some figures to think about and the options that came with the car.

Thanks all


well my friend who got his accord euro - base model/manual - he haggled it down to about 32k - so no point going for a civic....

Just haggle, bought a Vectra CDXi with mum last year and traded a Vt commodore for $7,000.... the vectra had a price of like $32,999 on it, they wanted $25,000 difference our way, cut a long story short we made him visit the accounts manager a few times, asked us what price would make us take the car that day... walked out with a smile on our faces after getting it for under $22,000 and bonuses :(


If buying from a branded Dealer, and you are ready to buy, always go on the last sales day of the month (better yet end of fiscal or financial year).

A lot of Dealer principals get bonuses and commissions etc on how much they sell and each extra unit gives them a greater chance for that trip to Heyman Island (or whatever).

At the end of the month/year, if they are one or two cars short, they will sell well below retail to get the bonus instead. Be prepared to haggle and walk away (to another branded Dealer ;-), play them off against one another. It's amazing what happens at 4.30 pm on the last day ;-)

This does require knowing exactly what you want beforehand though.

Last sales day of the month are always good. The dealers are more than happy to let a car go at a loss if it means hitting their volume target (since it can be worth a couple of grand, more than their profit on the car).

The other thing is to check out the cars on the showroom floor.

When I bought my car, there was a 3 month wait on them. So no dealer was discounting, because they didn't need to. And I went to a few.

I eventually found a place that had one on the showroom floor, with a 4 month old VIN plate. They were willing to negotiate on that, since the car was built in the middle of the year and it was now the end of November. It only had 24kms on the odo, so it doesn't get any newer, but on paper the car would have looked relatively old.

Considering I asked about 3-4 dealers beforehand, and they flat out said to me that they weren't going to negotiate (whether it was a car they had in stock, or for me to order one and wait the 3 months) and if I didn't like it they'd have no problems selling to someone else, the fact that I managed to get any discount was pretty cool.

go in to your local news agent and pick up a copy of autosalon mag issue 50 (yeah i know, flame away) on pg 92 there is a really good report on what to do, how much you can expect and how to treat the salesmen etc. It covers everything. Lent it to a collegue and he used the tips in it to buy a new s2000 and he got it $6500 below rrp.

worth a read and it explains all the dodgy tricks they use.

good luck with it all

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