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Ryno Insurance


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I recently heard about this Ryno Insurance company from a mate of mine who owns a wrx and rekons most of the forum he visits uses this insurance company.

I decided to get an online quote and they offer a really good deal, alot better than my current insurer just car.

Their comprehensive is cheaper and their agreed value on my car is REALLY good.

Im just wondering if anyone here is with them or knows of them? How good are they really, and is it worth switching to them.

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I havent heard of them before, but they're underwritten by Calliden, which is a pretty big company. I'm pretty sure they're on the ASX. They offer agreed value, choice of repairer, premiums by installments, free windshield etc, so looks good.

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i am with them... i signed up when they were very first starting up maybe 2 - 3 months ago... customer service was pretty shit house at first i had so many drama's getting my policy together but the premium + excess i was offered i could not pass up they beat my previous insurace quote by about $500 which is massive... they also did my motorbike which shannons would do due to being on my L's

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To an extent i can deal with a little worse customer service for $500 less :yes:

almost identical policy to shannons it seems. i guess they are following the lead of a proven winner :P

Remember, you get what you pay for.

I still feel that general insurance prices are BS i was paying close to $1700 with Shannons and Vigile before i went across to Ryno which i was offered same coverage for only $1200 yes i had to put up with multiple policy screw ups but i feel that most of it was the fact that they were literally setting up when i joined (didnt do alot for the confidence)...

If anyone does sign up with them and turns out they have to put in claim can you please pm as to how well it goes as in customer service, time it took etc as this is the only concern i have due to them being so new... i may be paying alot less for a premium but if something goes wrong i don't want to have to jump through hoops to get the issue resolved.

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wtf..thats allot cheaper..at minimum i would expect them to be $500 cheaper for me to insure the car if they are quouting what u say their quoteing.

And im spewing because if i had have found out about these guys before i renewed my insureance with just car late last year i would have been persueded to go with them insted of the latter.


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hey fellas, i got a quote off them today. im going to be 22 in a cupple of days and my cars an r33 gtst. my mods are in my sig. ive never lost my license and have had 2 fines in the last 5 years. They quoted me 1600 to insure the car for an agreed value of 12000. thats one of the best prices i cud find!

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exact copy of shannons?

Haha, the market is competitive. None 'copies' one another per se. Ryno offer policy benefits Shannons don't, but I can't think of any policy benefits Shannons offers and Ryno don't...

For Australian enthusiast/classic insurance market -

Biggest/mass marketed name in the business: Shannons.

Best price/policy ratio in the business: Ryno.

Depends if you want talk advertised hype or awesome value... Which certainly not a criticism of Shannons, who have done great things for me at claim time and I am still with them for some vehicles, as much as it is a positive of Ryno's and me preferring to keep the dollars in my pocket while still getting a good policy.

Shop around is the best advice I can give. :thumbsup:

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I rang them for a quote... to be honest, I am a bit nervous as they are pretty small... not very well known and what's more are based in only 1 state - QLD...so yeah... did some research....and found that these guys are actually only the broker that deals with Caliden Underwriting NOT and insurance company in their own right... in other words, these guys refer business to Caliden and acts on behalf of the client...

Up to you guys, but I rather stick to the THIRD PARTY FIRE AND THEFT policy with JUST CARS (owned by AAMI) and know that if a claim was to happen - at least there's some weight behind it...but that's just me... perhaps those that have had claims with Ryno can provide a testimony...

Cheers, :P

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I rang them for a quote... to be honest, I am a bit nervous as they are pretty small... not very well known and what's more are based in only 1 state - QLD...so yeah... did some research....and found that these guys are actually only the broker that deals with Caliden Underwriting NOT and insurance company in their own right... in other words, these guys refer business to Caliden and acts on behalf of the client...

..so what's your point from this?

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I just rang them and they quoted me $1121 to insure my car highly modified for driver 29 with a burnout fine in the last 6 months. currently shannons charge me $1580.

Not bad. might try them next year

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