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hey guys, i got a problem and im a newbie with cars.. ok.. when i'm going straight about 70 kph my wheel slightly turns 2 the left, as i go faster my wheel turns more n more to the left. so u can imagine on the freeway doing 100kph my wheel will be turned left

then maybe about 15-20 mins of driving on the freeway the wheel will switch back 2 straight

if any1 knows wats wrong can u let me know how to fix it or where

oh yeh and its a r32 gts4



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Hey mate,

Was your hicas light on?

I have had a similar problem that went away after i turned the car off and back on. only ever happened once, so i cant really offer any help, accept get the hicas and wheel alignment looked at :laugh:

Mate i have the exact same problem i have ordered a hicas lock bar which should rock up soon ill let ya know if it fixes the problem. If i dont write back in hear just pm me cuz ill prolly forget :P

cheers allan

  • 2 weeks later...
  r32_Gts4 said:
thanks 4 the help allan. i hope that fixes the problem. ill pm u in about a week or so


Hey Kun

Sorry about the really late reply but i just finished installing the hicas lock bar then and it 100% fixed the steering problems everything is perfect now the car feels ALOT better to drive and the steering doesnt feel so sloppy now. :laugh:

Cheers iLEC

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