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Help Sign Up/registrating For Classes @ Curtin

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Im after some help :( I've gotten into curtin (2nd year mech eng) and im tring to sign up to the classes.

Now i've login to oasis and found the "plan your timetable" and also got into the estudent thing where i think you pick your classes.

do i just go into estudent then

-My Classes

-Timetable/Class Registration

then click on the Lecture, Tutorial and Lab i want....?

sorry if this is simple but i dont want to stuff it up :happy:

Thanks Michael


some units which arnt part of estudent u might need to visit like CBS blackboard to sign up and get timetable from there

and use the timetable planner on OASIS but most of the signing up to classes is done through estudent

and trust me, ece is the biggest pile of shit department on campus. so unorganized, well my degree is.

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