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"... there were a lot of things going through my ind. During the last few laps I was thinking about races that (Ayrton) Senna and (Alain) Prost did. I'm feeling I am getting somehwere to acheiving something similiar to them..."

-Hamilton. (Quoted from todays Herald Sun, pg 64)

Someone better tell this boy to hold his horses. There truly is no comparing Hamilton to Senna or Prost. He's not had to do it hard like them.

I'd have to see hamilton win in the wet, when starting from position 4+ before I'd even consider him worth rinsing out Prost's sweaty racing socks.

Ps: +1 for tar and feather squad. When has mob justice ever done us wrong?

Edited by Kozeyekan
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take it easy Koze... i think youre taking those words out of context. I interpreted it as he was proud to be where he is and that he wants to build a legacy. I think thats fine.

I think its more that than him thinking hes on the same level, which he isnt, but heck i think hes got every ounce of ability needed to make it happen.

dear god they haven't stopped talking about Lewis... and LOL

who just heard what webber said? hahahaha

They were doing my head in hard with the non stop hamilton blow job...

so so many things I could mention about how bad the bias was but f**ked if I want to re-live it all again... one of the worst though

'a perfect pit stop from hamilton so far'....AS HE JUST f**kING STOPPED IN THE PIT BOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great last lap!

ahahah massa the crazy kent..that shit was awesome

oh come off it roy, one snapshot is enough for you to start bringing out the guillotine?? get a grip mate.

i watched that vid too and its the bloody driver at the rear of the guy hes following who has to bloody well give way!

lets see you try and blame the guy in front next time you ram someone up the back side...who do you think any court worth its salt is going to support. The guy who hits from behind is ALWAYS to blame.

LH was controlling the flow. MW saw it happening. SV DID NOT. SV goes 3 feet up webbers bunghole, puts RBR and TR out for the day.

dont go looking for a lynch mob to start trying to hang hamilton. Racing incident yes, but the daftest noob manouver i have seen in years.

Vettel admitted he looked away and in this game thats all it takes.

problem for webbo was he was sandwiched between a couple of blood thirsty youngsters and that is not the best place for any seasoned racer to be especially in treacherous conditions like that.

if you got up off your knees from in front of hamilton you'd probably see what everyone else bar you and every other blind hamilton fan saw....hamilton wants his cake and wants to f**kin eat it too....he can go wheel to wheel with anyone he likes and push people wide, but the second it happens to him we have to not only hear about it for the next 4 weeks from him, but from his f**king old boy as well....if you wanna race that way, then shut the f**k up when other drivers do it to you. period.

the commentators commented how fantastic hamilton's 'gamesmanship' was when he was basically trying to make Alonso pass him under the safety car on several occasions for no reason. So when he races 'dirty' its gamesmanship but when anyone else does it to him it's 'rude'....

Hamilton is very rapidly making everyone hate him...him and his dad (who speaks as if he's the 1 driving the f**king car) need to get off eachothers poles and humble the f**k up.

Sebastian Vettel

“I made a good start and the race was going well.

Cliquez ici...

Then, with the final safety car, I was behind Lewis and Mark and exiting Turn 13, I looked to the right and saw Lewis going really slowly, I don’t know why, but I thought he had a problem. Probably he was heating his brakes. Then, by the time I looked forward again, I was already in the back of Mark’s car and I think he had also reacted to Lewis. I apologise now to Mark because I ruined both our races.”

got this from F1-live

and in reply to m3gtr blaming vettel for looking away....put it this way buddy. if Vettel, running in third, can see Hamilton, running in first, in those conditions, then clearly Hamilton was almost stopped in an attempt to cause Webber to pass him and be penalised.....

But hey, thats 'gamesmanship' apparently.

Yeh, the more i read and see..smug little fella. No doubt the self belief and determination are the reason he is enjoying the success he is....but why cant we have a cool champion. Why haev they always have to be flawed :(

By god, he has already commissioned his own bio!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Little fark, i so want some of the lads to sort him out at the pub. Dont want the guy to get injured or anything. I think he needs to walk in a normal persons shoes again where everyone he is coming in contact with isnt blowing smoke up his ass.... anyway.

and to add fuel to the fire

here is a comment hamilton made about his team-mate

The already slim possibility of Alonso remaining at McLaren for a second season receded further on Sunday night when Lewis Hamilton confirmed that he did not want the Spaniard to be his team-mate next season. "I don't know who else would slip in here, but I'd much rather it were Fernando in a Ferrari and me in a McLaren," he told reporters.

i like how Hamilton wasnt very happy that Alonso wasn't supporting the team but its ok for him to do the same lol!

I'll be interested to compare Hamelton to Kubica, and Koverlinen in say 5 years. I think that spending some time in slower teams will ultimatly be better for them.

I just keep thinking back to Villenuve and how he almost won the title in his first year in the best car, and what he ultimatly ended up.

No offence to ze baron, because they're countrymen... but im not really feeling Kubica at the moment, at all. He really has dropped away recently. For whatever reason he's just not as quick as he should be. I reckon that Hiekki will be more of a future championship contender and unless Kubica stats putting in the good results he could find himself much further back in the grid in the near future.

firstly, when they declare a wet race only full slicks (drys for f1s) cant be used. nothing wrong with them choosing inters over full wets

secondly, there are plenty of people who have never driven behind a safety car putting shit on these guys for not being professional.

you have to remember that you have to be super careful with restarts, if you miss by even half a second when the car in front floors it you will end up literally seconds behind. these poor bastards are trying to follow close to the car in front with nasty powe rcurves, cold tyres, unknown conditions (where is it wet, or wetter, where do they have grip). they are trying to keep brakes and tyres up to temps (very hard without full race conditions there is only about 10% of the heat available).

anyway, all I am saying is, shit happened, they have to stay as close as they can and it is a sport of hundreths of a second. much harder than you can imagine to get right.

I cant believe im just about converted to being an Alonso fan :blink:

How is this... "If we are not together next year and I have a competitive car, then fine, and if we have to stay together we'll have another beautiful fight," Alonso said.

While LH runs around whining that he wants him gone :blink: I think Hamilton wants a competent chump that will be his lap boy...much like poor old DC who bowed to team poltics and forces to be a good team man. While the going is good at McLaren i think LH wants to have his period of dominance in F1 much like Mika and MS with team mates who never challenged their number 1 standing. Only i dont recall either of those guys obtaining that standing by whinging to the media and getting the English Press to harp and paint the team mate as the bad egg of the team.

Im putting my money on Alonso winning the reamaining GPs now that he has nothing to lose and hanging around next year for a stonking battle. This will piss Hamilton off almost as much as Lewis had probably annoyed him for the latter part of the year :D

And the way Alonso has handles himself with the press the past two weeks has been great....he is just keeping quiet and most importantly making excuses for why he hasnt won the 07 WDC.

some of you guys are laughable.

youre clinging for soundbites and snippets of info to bang on about how youd like to ream hamilton. Press this, whinger that.

LOL! yet not ONE of you has a damn thing to say about his on track performances. He has absolutely put the double world champion and the rest of the damned paddock, in the shade. AND that, in spades.

open your jaded eyes and have a good look. Im sure even speaking sense to some of you will fall on deaf ears cause your baying for some LH blood spillage.

its so funny. LH hadnt seen rain in a bloody F1 car until the deluge during the euro GP. we all know the aftermath of that little incident..maybe even the crane driver was a member of the british press...

But yet, there he goes again and canes the crap out of everyone in japan under torrential downpour and some of the most atrocious conditions ive seen on a track - as a bloody rookie! and still some of you hard noses havent even raised a cynical eyebrow and instead have called to lampoon him for rightfully putting alonso to the proverbial dogs.

It wasnt LH who lost his balls in the race and championship,...it was the supposed DOUBLE bloody world champion alonso!

be cynical. whinge and whine about his arrogance. At least hes got the balls, craft, talent and ability to back it up where it most counts...on the damned track.

some of you are missing an F1 revolution! your too busy with your heads stuck in the sand to see it happening right in front of your eyes.

LH for PM. :blink: :blink: :D:) shit i reckon thatll well and truly stir up a few of you haters...

But yet, there he goes again and canes the crap out of everyone in japan under torrential downpour and some of the most atrocious conditions ive seen on a track - as a bloody rookie! and still some of you hard noses havent even raised a cynical eyebrow and instead have called to lampoon him for rightfully putting alonso to the proverbial dogs.

i didnt see him caning the crap out of anyone. Mark webber has gaining on him at one stage

he drove the most consistent race out of anyone. He only went off track because the pole was too feisty in getting past on low fuel.

he caned the field... he had a 20 plus second gap on alonso 10 laps after they went green. He crossed the light with daylight between him and HK...Gonzo, Plaster, and Highkennen were all over the bloody shop all race long.

yes webber was stoic, damn i nearly cried when he got taken out, amidst all he went through...rips me to shreds for him..

Heres a little funny excerpt from him after the incident with vettel...

("Behind them Vettel made an awful mistake, and ran into the back of Webber, leaving bits of Red Bull all over the place.

It was such an awful mistake that Vettel returned to the pits and wept. And rightly so. Webber went to the medical centre. It had been a bad weekend. It had started at 03.00 on Sunday morning when he started throwing up. He missed the drivers' parade because he was feeling so sick. But he took the start and five laps into the race threw up inside his helmet. But on he went and there he was with a chance of glory and then...

Webber should have been the one weeping.

"If he was bigger than me I would probably have hit him," Mark admitted.")

Edited by m3gtr

Hey, not for one second have i doubted his speed and ability. i think you are being a little too far fetched in saying that Alonso choked etc. My beef with LH isnt his lack of ability...its his attituted.

You keep calling him a rookie. But in my eyes thats being too kind. If you look at JV, he achived similar things in his rookie year...though Hill beat him to the WDC. You say rookie as though he has carried cars to results and done the impossible. He may be in his first F1 season but the car he is driving means he is achieving what others in recent history have done when presented with the best car on the grid. Win races.

I dont think too many rookies could have been as consistant as him...but would have been interesting if a few decisions had not gone his way this year.

Anyway, hats off to the guy...as soon as he starts calling it like it is then i will respect him on and off the track. Right now im just prayign someone steps up and flogs him.

LOL...Ralf has just confirmed he isnt driving for Toyota next year...surprise surprise :blink:

A comparision i read which i found interesting..though needs to be updated to allow for more recent GP results

Both against an established, successful team mate. After their first 14 races in F1.

Hamilton 1st 3 times

2nd 5 times

3rd 3 times

off podium 3 times

DNF 0 time

pole 4 times

fastest lap 1 time

Villeneuve 1st 3 times (and won 15th race)

2nd 5 times

3rd 2 times

off podium 2 times

DNF 2 times

pole 2 times

fastest lap 4 times

So at the moment he is doing about as good a job as JV did :blink: And being impartial, you have to concede that fortune has gone the way of LH with regards to some of the problems his rivals have had.

Alonso had the gearbox problem in France and thrown the qualifying penalty at Hungary. In my eyes they have both had a shocker each, and a tough race for a few points each.

But brings me back to the earlier comment. What happens when you put a talented steerer in the best car of the field...they win races, and it looks like he has done a slightly better job then JV did in his rookie year :blink:

some of you guys are laughable.

youre clinging for soundbites and snippets of info to bang on about how youd like to ream hamilton. Press this, whinger that.

LOL! yet not ONE of you has a damn thing to say about his on track performances. He has absolutely put the double world champion and the rest of the damned paddock, in the shade. AND that, in spades.

open your jaded eyes and have a good look. Im sure even speaking sense to some of you will fall on deaf ears cause your baying for some LH blood spillage.

its so funny. LH hadnt seen rain in a bloody F1 car until the deluge during the euro GP. we all know the aftermath of that little incident..maybe even the crane driver was a member of the british press...

But yet, there he goes again and canes the crap out of everyone in japan under torrential downpour and some of the most atrocious conditions ive seen on a track - as a bloody rookie! and still some of you hard noses havent even raised a cynical eyebrow and instead have called to lampoon him for rightfully putting alonso to the proverbial dogs.

It wasnt LH who lost his balls in the race and championship,...it was the supposed DOUBLE bloody world champion alonso!

be cynical. whinge and whine about his arrogance. At least hes got the balls, craft, talent and ability to back it up where it most counts...on the damned track.

some of you are missing an F1 revolution! your too busy with your heads stuck in the sand to see it happening right in front of your eyes.

LH for PM. :blink: :blink: :D:) shit i reckon thatll well and truly stir up a few of you haters...

Please, for gods sake, dont try to accuse the guys that post in here of being simple, one eyed, anti Hamilton psudo F1 fans. We can all see that his on track performances have been good, nobody has ever denied that. What most peoples complaint about the boy is his arrogant and down right outrageous double standards to most of his on and off track behaviour. Theres more than enough examples of it.

His attitude towards his teammate makes me, and a good portion of other F1 fans furious. He can complain and bitch as much as he likes now about his teammate being the bad guy, but what about at the start of the year when he relied on ALL of Alonso's setup information and general experience on tracks unknown to Hamilton to get him up to speed to be able to compete on the same plain? It was good enough then but, now he has the gaul to say that he no longer wants the two time champion in 'his team'?! You know what... go and get fkd you little prick. Who do you think you are?

Also to say that "he's shaded the rest of the field" is a bit of a stretch dont you think? He's been no where in the last 4 or 5 races and it easy to see that he's been struggling. Here at Fuji, Kimi came from the back of the field in a car setup for a dry track and still finished on the podium. THAT is an achievement. If kimi hadnt been mismanaged by his bumbling (lets not accuse them of downright cheating) team, im quite sure that he would spanked Hamilton and the rest of the field in a real show of wet weather ability.

Look, most people are resigned to the fact that he now has the championship locked, and thats fine. But he is far from humble and seems unable to take as good as he gives. And as Australians, we take particlaur offence to that sort of poor behaviour.

This is no personal attack on you by any stretch of the imagination. I appreciate your point of view on most topics, and it does force myself and others to see something from another point of view. But dont forget, a lot of the guys here do acctually race in competitive racing events, and arnt just spouting any midless shit they happen to think up. You did come accross very hamilton-esque in your post and as a Mclaren fan i didnt want you to become a sore winner because that the last thing we need after a year like this one.

Hey, not for one second have i doubted his speed and ability. i think you are being a little too far fetched in saying that Alonso choked etc. My beef with LH isnt his lack of ability...its his attituted.

You keep calling him a rookie. But in my eyes thats being too kind. If you look at JV, he achived similar things in his rookie year...though Hill beat him to the WDC. You say rookie as though he has carried cars to results and done the impossible. He may be in his first F1 season but the car he is driving means he is achieving what others in recent history have done when presented with the best car on the grid. Win races.

I dont think too many rookies could have been as consistant as him...but would have been interesting if a few decisions had not gone his way this year.

Anyway, hats off to the guy...as soon as he starts calling it like it is then i will respect him on and off the track. Right now im just prayign someone steps up and flogs him.

LOL...Ralf has just confirmed he isnt driving for Toyota next year...surprise surprise :blink:

JV was given a state of the art williams with which to kick ass and he still didnt beat hill and take the drivers crown. LH has almost bested him on both counts. When you thin about it hes about to do the unthinkable, unimaginable.

im so happy for the sport even if he is an arrogant spoilt youngster...

he has had to prove himself all through his career, whether hes had RD in his corner and if it were me id be damned glad he was and hes mopped the floor with every competition hes faced. his season in F2 was unbelievable in 2006. he beat Pique to the title only just mind you. BUT he still hoisted the crown.

he will be the youngest rookie EVER to take the title in F1 if he nails it this weekend and that against some of the finest drivers the sport has ever had. Man i wish MS was still around..if he was in the mix can you imagine the fireworks!

Please, for gods sake, dont try to accuse the guys that post in here of being simple, one eyed, anti Hamilton psudo F1 fans. We can all see that his on track performances have been good, nobody has ever denied that. What most peoples complaint about the boy is his arrogant and down right outrageous double standards to most of his on and off track behaviour. Theres more than enough examples of it.

His attitude towards his teammate makes me, and a good portion of other F1 fans furious. He can complain and bitch as much as he likes now about his teammate being the bad guy, but what about at the start of the year when he relied on ALL of Alonso's setup information and general experience on tracks unknown to Hamilton to get him up to speed to be able to compete on the same plain? It was good enough then but, now he has the gaul to say that he no longer wants the two time champion in 'his team'?! You know what... go and get fkd you little prick. Who do you think you are?

Also to say that "he's shaded the rest of the field" is a bit of a stretch dont you think? He's been no where in the last 4 or 5 races and it easy to see that he's been struggling. Here at Fuji, Kimi came from the back of the field in a car setup for a dry track and still finished on the podium. THAT is an achievement. If kimi hadnt been mismanaged by his bumbling (lets not accuse them of downright cheating) team, im quite sure that he would spanked Hamilton and the rest of the field in a real show of wet weather ability.

Look, most people are resigned to the fact that he now has the championship locked, and thats fine. But he is far from humble and seems unable to take as good as he gives. And as Australians, we take particlaur offence to that sort of poor behaviour.

This is no personal attack on you by any stretch of the imagination. I appreciate your point of view on most topics, and it does force myself and others to see something from another point of view. But dont forget, a lot of the guys here do acctually race in competitive racing events, and arnt just spouting any midless shit they happen to think up. You did come accross very hamilton-esque in your post and as a Mclaren fan i didnt want you to become a sore winner because that the last thing we need after a year like this one.

ahhh, ct we have a lot more in common that i first thought. its nice to read such honesty from you and i appreciate your words. weve had a fair amount of disagreement but im not going to detract from your knowledge of the sport. That would be stupid of me and missing the point entirely...

First of all, im not going to make excuses for hamilton off the track. He has a great deal of maturing to do and hes showing arrogance in his comments. It kinda shits me too when hes taking blindsides at a double world champ but FA is no saint either. I really believe LH was so pissed at FA for doing what he did, hiding info from RD, blackmail, threats etc, that his loyalty to the team and rightfully so, albeit slightly askew, that hes decided to say "screw FA..double world champion or not he cant feck with this team, the team that has supported me through thick and thin and not expect me to arc up." LH was all praise for FA for most of the season, we all heard him say how honoured he was to be driving along side him and how much respect he had for him but i think the events of the past few weeks have well and truly shattered this image in his mind and now, infuriating as it is for some, hes calling for alonsos head...

yes..that from a disrespectful rookie but its a guy who has known RD and been known to Rd for many years.

Seriously, what 9 year old has the balls at that age to go up to Rd and say, "One day ill be driving one of your cars."

ive never heard of anything like it.

we may hate his off track pedantics but seriously guys, lets just savour the amazing sight of witnessing what is in reality a completely unlikely and impossible thing...

i used to tell myself that there would never be a time when we would see anyhting like MS again...7 titles and countless victories and PP's...who could come along after that? I thought ive witnessed something truly amazing since i started watching F1 motorsport in adelaide at 7 years of age...

Ms was where it stopped in my lifetime...

then along comes this kid, out of nowhere to be on the brink of taking the season in his first attempt against a 2 time champ who dethroned MS and a string of other race winning drivers.., a thing NO DRIVER has EVER done...

cherish it i say..it will never happen again in my lifetime and im sure in many of yours...

Edited by m3gtr

i know this is going to get me into hot water with some of you but ive been watching the footage of the race from fuji over and over and over and one thing really struck me...

Mark was being extremely aggressive behind the safety car 2~3 laps before the safety car came in...he was darting all around hamilton right on the gearbox, up along side, and that with Lewis right smack bang behind the safety car...Lh's remarks about getting RBR to ask mark to cool it dont seem too far fetched the more i watch the footage... he had nowhere to go. he couldnt pass the SC and mark was on his ass..you can see it in the footage...the distance between hamilton and the safety car to hamilton and webber was merely meters on a few occasions...

i fear some of that incident was Mark's own doing...

and it makes me feel even worse for vettel because he has copped the brunt of the suffering...

if you doubt me, get the tape and check laps 24 to 21...and keep your eyes on webber... :blink: :blink: :D

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