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I would just like to make a special thankyou to the mentally challenged individual who yesterday, whilst on my way home from work, decided to conduct themselves in a responsible, mature manner on our roads.

I noticed the following in my drive:

1. Following too closely. This could be viewed as an understatement as at times you were so close to not only myself but other cars, that I am sure they were lucky to see your bonnet.

2. Irratic acceleration and braking. Yes your car is a race car with 6 pot Alcons...and it has awesome acceleration, just here that blow off valve.

3. No indication, and irratic lane changing. Yes that thing on the side of the steering wheel, its used to indicate your INTENTION to change lanes...

So my sincere thanks for your display if poor driving skills displayed yesterday along Webster Rd. If you wonder who I am, I was the person in the maroon corolla who was merely mindind my own business on the drive home, in greasy conditions while abiding by the road rules, and given that there is still traffic...

So if everyone wonders why they don't get to enjoy driving their cars, its people like this that give the general public the mindset for which the media uses to its advantage to unfairly discriminate against those of use who are enthusiasts and not moronic hoons and general scum of ssociety like yourself.

So if you are the owner of a dark grey R33 series I with the number plates 499 *** (I have the rest written down) then maybe you need to re-think why you still have a license.

Further, good to see that you live on a main road on my way home, its easier to provide the authorities with your details, so thanks for that.

Lastly, I would like to say, I would prefer to call you every name under the sun, however, I am still unsure whether you are male or female and thus I will reserve my judgement. Either way I am sure you are not the prettiest person in the world...

wankiest .. post.. ever

Some tempers soaring in here, and people getting personal. I'm in for it!

Bad drives annoy me, not because I'm scared of what they'll do to me, but what they'll do to the family of 5 when their awesome stunt goes out of control and hit their car...

Some of you need to go spend a couple months in a emergency ward, my mother worked there... just the few things I saw were enough to make you fear bad driving.

For all you having a go at his post, and saying get over it. Come back and say it when you see a 4 year old screaming in the back of a car while it's mother is bleeding to death in the front seat after some clever person in a car lost control because he was being unsafe.

The police say they are trying to stop this by going after speeders... you don't have to go over the speed limit to crash a car and kill somebody. What happens to a person's body when hit at 40km/h while they walk down the street when the mad drifter loses it?

One day... you'll see the pain and destruction is causes, and for your sake I hope it's not your helpless loved one walking the street, driving that car or being responsible for such an action...

Nice!!! You have learned much in a short time......

No permission needed for sarcasm, but the good rebuff takes time and dilligence to master!!

clearly, you've been here 3 years and you're not there yet

how long do you expect it to take?

We encountered a black 32 about midnight last night on kingston rd..

the old bogan looking guy was just being a dick screeching his tyres alot, speeding and just driving like a wanker.. so we just went slow and stayed behind him.

Then we pulled up at the next set of lights next to him...

He looked over and reved up this engine.. pitty i had my windows up and he couldn't see though the tint bahaha.. he looked so agressive.. and PISSED that he couldn't see in..

It is these sort of wankers fault i get picked on so much in my 32!

who care how other people drive seriously its there own decision. if you dont want to get picked on stick to a excel with hub caps! as long as you have a car with a set of rims the cops will pick on you dont for a second think any different! af far a i am conserned if some one hits me oh well they have to pay for it, no matter what someone says im goin to drive my car how i feel like it on the way home. as for the people that are thinking of doing something to the guys car prob not a good idea always remember what goes around comes around! be a defenceive driver on the road thats all you can do!

I care if someone is driving dangerously around me - it isn't just their life at stake! Drive however you want - when you kill the family 'driving how you want' I'll be laughing when you are being sentanced to gaol :>

Ben aka LightAssassin, these guys fail to realise that. Probably don't know anyone killed in car accidents before. I mean, according to Vance we should be allowed to drive however we please! If we want to cause accidents and kill people so be it! It's all in the name of spirited driving! Yeeehaa!

Anyway, I can see the good intentions in this post. If the guy was a member of the forum he'd be shamed. Everyone would know he is a tosser. He might drive safer. Then it is worth it.

Yes Midol, but the other side of the story is if we all posted when we saw someone doing something stupid the forums would be full of these posts, and for 99.9999999 percent of us, its hipocracy, have you EVER EVER EVER broken the speed limit when having a spirited drive? Prehaps while you were doing it up a mountain? On a deserted road? I suspect you have, as has everyone else on this forum, the owner of this thread included.

The truth of the matter is we buy these cars because there fast and we want to go fast. We all think were good drivers and I guarantee to you said dickhead thinks he was a good/skillful driver too. I also guarantee to you that next time your driving your skyline and you give it a bit of a squirt (even if you dont break the law), there will be someone, somewhere who thinks your being a dickhead.

Another truth is that most preformance drivers go through there lives without killing a family of 4 plus the dog and cat in the back.

So next time someone posts a thread all unto itself about "I saw a dickhead on the roads doing this" then prehaps they should step back and go, wait, have I ever ducked and weaved through traffic? Have I ever broken the speed limit? Given it stick through twisties? Encouraged others to do the same? and if the answer to all thoes questions and others like it is no, then they can post the thread. But the problem with that is, if the answer to all of them is no, then they wouldnt be here, on a preformance car website, theyd be on the today tonight or someshit forums.

Keep stuff like this to whoretown where it belongs.

/end rant.

I know what you mean, people think I am a dickhead for driving with loud music and I am sure I have speed (Guess now is the time to admit I am rarely not speeding on a highway. I usually sit on 120 - how naughty of me.)

But this wasn't subjective - he was being a dickhead. Swerving over the road, tailgating, failure to indicate...

Ohhh, and if you believe we shouldn't punish those for doing things we once did then we'd live in a pretty shitty society. Who was it that said insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results? I think it was Einstein, but this applies here - people do it over and over, they break the law and endager peoples lives. Insanity is doing nothing about it.

If you are not endangering peoples lives (ie, deserted roads) then I really don't give a toss.

Ohh, and someoone said more crashes happen at low speeds the other day when I was reading NSW fatality stats the large majority of fatalities happen at 60kph and more happen at 40kph than 110kph. I found that interesting. The government needs to get over focusing on 'speeding' and defects for performance cars (how about defect those shit boxes falling apart) and tackle the real problem of driver education.

Edited by Midol

Lol, that one only works if you are religous :cheers:

Either way, I don't really care. But when it happens to me I get pissed off, probably because I have a short temper haha.

The guy who started the thread was obviously pissed off and just wanted to vent somewhere. Better here than on Today Tonight.

i bet 90% of people on the roads that dont know shit about cars think we are dickheads for having bovs! have you ever booted it after 9pm through a residential area? bet those people arnt your fan! but when it comes down to it everyone speeds sometime maybe the guy had a bad day at work or something? you cant really judge someone on something like that that happened once, if you seen him doing that everyday that would be a different story! oh also dont say you have never put your foot down in the wet either sure allot of people would say your a dick head for that... its a skyline most of us bought them to have a bit of fun! best thing ive ever invested in :cheers:

Wanna know whats really cool? A few weeks ago I had a bit of a burst of anger on here and everyone said the cops won't patrol here more often.

Since Saturday night when some tossers (see sunshine coast daily, p7) were doing burnouts everyone in the area received letters informing us frequent patrols will be conducted and to immediatly phone the station if we notice cars acting irresponsibly and to take down plates. Guess community pressure works.

I have been a dickhead, but I go to big open fields to do it. There are alot around me, industrial areas in Kunda Park are awesome for it. Granted it is government property but no one is in there as it is a construction site. Up in Gympie there are HUGE paddocks used for the Gympie Muster which remain open 24/7 which you can go to and lastly I just do it on our property.

I know most people don't have these resources close by and I am not going to comdemn a man to jail or something for doing the odd burnout or loosing it once or twice in the wet! Be loud, drive safely and that doesn't mean follow the speed limits - just drive safely :cheers: I noticed something I've never noticed before on my road and thats a horse riding sign, it's taken me 2 months to notice it so what are the chances of a random guy going through noticing it???? Only reason I knew of horses is because I live here.

It is the purely irresponsible drivers who do it all the time and in areas that are just too dangerous - I am sure you can understand that! (The area they were doing it in on saturday was the place that 4wd went off the side of a 50m embankment and luckily survived. Was all over the news.)

Edited by Midol
All i have to say is, "There is irresponsible drivers in all sorts of cars" by personally attacking someone in a skyline proves or does jack crap, especially when it happens every day every where in all sorts of cars not just skylines, IF and i say IF they stuff up its there fault, just hope that your not a part of it.

Not only that ever heard the saying" Treat everyone else as a d!*khead on the road" meaning for those that dont understand, keep your distance, be aware of these people, and just let those people go on and be an idiot they will come unstuck at one time.

AND on another note, opening something like this is a load of crap. Im sure we are all aware of the numerous idiots on our roads, but im sure every "Idiot" you see you dont go around taking numberplates and photos and videos do you? if you did, well one thing your making a fool of yourself and wasting your own time. Oh on another note why were you concerntrating on them and there actions and IF you were taking video, isnt that illegal using mobile phone whilst driving, Driving distracted, and or not concerntrating?

Just be aware of them and stay clear of them, Yes these people dont help our skyline media situation but face it, our cars are targets of the media.

My opinion on things :cheers:



wankiest .. post.. ever

Well to be honest I posted this up as partly a vent and also to illustrate that you should not be a dick on the raods especially in traffic and even more so during the holiday period.

Slim, your post summs up your intelligence and pure lack of thought about others.

Devsl advocate you are entitled to your thoughts. This is not the first time this clown has driven like this, and as a matter of fact I did stay away from him, FFS I was in a corolla...

There are alot of opinions and thoughts on here and have to say that I am happy that alot of people think like I do. You act like a wanker then people will pick on you. If your so immature as to drive like a dick on public roads then you should not only feel the full force of the law, but also the wider enthusiast, and thus skyline, community as well.

That is the sole purpose of this post to make people aware that you act like a dick then someone is likely to see it. And for one yes I have done things illegal like speedy, and I for one would expect people to call me out if I was being as much a twat as this joker.

Maybe a "Spotted a joker in a skyline being a tool" thread my be in order. I for one belong to the SAU community as it has like minded people, who enjoy driving their cars without harassment that is the result of a few intellectual pigmy's with penis envy.

If you don't like my comments, then you are entitled to post your own, its a free country. But please make a point and not be a tool like Slim....

Take care on the roads.



who care how other people drive seriously its there own decision. if you dont want to get picked on stick to a excel with hub caps! as long as you have a car with a set of rims the cops will pick on you dont for a second think any different! af far a i am conserned if some one hits me oh well they have to pay for it, no matter what someone says im goin to drive my car how i feel like it on the way home. as for the people that are thinking of doing something to the guys car prob not a good idea always remember what goes around comes around! be a defenceive driver on the road thats all you can do!

I second that! People pick on you cos of the car you have and people also respect you (sometimes), but the best thing you can do is be a defensive driver... Well put OGR88 R32!

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