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:(:mad: well some little sh!t has vandalised my bonnet. :P..have got a nice mark on my bonnet now..:( some little asswipe scratched what looks a little like a figure8 into my car :( its got lots of scratches looks like it was done with a scourer or something :(:)

will have to take it to the panel beaters on monday and see if its going to be as easy as using a compound to get rid of it or whether this will result in a new resprayed bonnet :( the only positive is that i know a panel beater so hopefully it wont charge me a thing or will be very little $$

i cant believe people are that disrespectful and how they dont give a sh!t..i was at the shop for at max 30mins and some little ass wipe, probably on school holidays or some immature person thinks im going to write on their bonnet...i rang westfield where i was and told them what had happened realising that they have no liability but i think they need to increase security..and the lady told me that she got complaints over peoples cars were broken into or that had scratches been done to them aswell:( so for all you guys that are in WA, be very careful parking underground at whitfords :(

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Makes my blood boil, vandalism of your car is a very nasty thing to have happen. I have had a car keyed before and it really sucks, imagine catching the pri*k in the act... I think I would make the 5 o'clock news!

Good luck getting it fixed, that really hurts, bad enough if you damage your own car but when it's someone else in this manner then it's just not on.



dammm that suck big time. i am so sick of little F#$ks tht think it awsome fun to ruin someone elses pride and joy. over here some of these little twerps actually make a night of it... until the owner of one of the cars took matters into their own hands

what it is this weekend i had my stag was run into yesterday afternoon..

got a damm hole in the rear wheel arch and probably need a new door F&%kers

hope its an easy fix for you kristie..

Karma baby Karma


Sorry to hear about the car Kirstie

Know what you mean regarding some of the low lifes that are in the carparks including at Whitfords - we were there too in the late afternoon and kept my eye on a few "characters"

Hope it won't be too much expensea and hassle to fix up.

Cheers, Al

Grrr, I hate it when dickheads do this. It's plain disrespectful. The courts need to grow some balls and start punishing people.

When we used to manage a complex in maroochydore someone did that to someones car. Dickhead forget there were cameras. I went through, showed the guy and told him what unit he was in and which cars were his. Last I saw was his mates rocking up saying thanks. Guys checked out by sliding their keys under the door at night so we have no idea what happened the fella just said they won't do it again.

Sorry to hear about your car being vandalised Kirstie :-( That sort of stuff makes my blood boil!

I agree with the comment about Karma, but it would sometimes be nice to be able to personally introduce him to his Karma >_<

Hope that it fixes up easily.

People should really stop being jealous of other peoples stuff.

Grow up people!!!!

OUCH!!! sorry to hear Kirstie ... let us know how ya go today :O

(maybe get a quote for a R34 front end conversion while ya there.... insurance will love it heheee)

thanks guys for your comments..i hope one day whoever did this has a nice car that he/she worked hard for and have some f@cker do the same thing to their car i would love it..or it at least i would feel better for a little while :D

Lee i wish i was going through insurance but with my 65% no claim and the fact i pay through the roof now, im not going to even bother cause with the excess and everything its just easier to do it on the side :P Although r34 conversion would make me feel better :cheers:

That sucks!!

To keep costs down try a cut & polish job first? Otherwise it'd be a fill, repaint and repolish type job?

Not good................. pity there is no meaning to the word 'respect' anymore

sorry to hear that man...if i always see someone park too close to my car - i go and stand right next to it......they think im crazy and they are right.....

shopping centers should have more cameras - this is just ridiculous.....whoever that did it is lucky that they didnt get caught by the cameras....:)

Sorry to hear this shit happened to you Christie, I had some kid crash into my previouis car on his push bike and crack the driver side mirror and left a nice mark on the driver side door with the butt of the handle bars. :) I know how you feel.........

Good luck with the revamp, hope it all works out for you

just got into the car this morning and noticed some devo put a scratch down the driver side rear door.... only had it 9 weeks... i suppose the lack of spares makes me really freak whenever anyone even goes near my Stag. Touch it and i kill ya's...mofo's..... wher'd i put my paintball gun!

Edited by captinsane

That sort of thing really makes me mad. It's such jealous, petty and cowardly thing to do. These cars do not come easy to most of us and what looks like a flashy status symbol is normally someones pride and joy that they pour all their money into.

I'm really sorry to hear of what happened to your car and I can only hope they get their just-desserts some day. I don't want to tempt fate, but I would die if anything happened to my baby :).

Call me paranoid but I normally do this whenever I can: When I park, I take a photo (with my phone) of the cars to the left and right of me along with their rego's. That way, if I return and there's a door mark of a certain colour on my car I know who did it. Also, wherever possible I try and park in a well lit area near a security camera. So hopefully if (god forbid) anything happened to it, it would hopefully be caught on camera.

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