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Yeah, we try to make things as authentic and serious as possible. Unfortunately, politicians and soft c0cks seem to get their way so cadets arent really allowed to do the fun stuff anymore.

I'll try and get him to send a pic today, if not, I might pay our cadets a visit on a weeknight.

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im back so true about soft c*cks

because people were too soft they winged to some very high people

someone i know with a dad very high in the airforce

so theres a new manual of cadet training making everything really sh*t to be honest

wrecks it for us that knew what it was like

glad to be back though how has everyone been whats up ^_^

the military is for queers <_<

I made 3000 dollars in 6 and a half weeks when I was at kapooka after I joined the reserves... I was only 17 at the time, it was quite good money, cash in the pocket and tax free, no need to declare it to johny. I also got about a grand worth of free gear, boots, pack, webbing etc and learnt a few things while I was down there to boot...

1000 dollars worth of army gear is about 50 at your local army desposals, check it out mate haha.

Edited by aphid
the military is for queers <_<

1000 dollars worth of army gear is about 50 at your local army desposals, check it out mate haha.

Id love to see you buy a full set of webbing for 50 bucks mate... :happy:

Little loan a set of GP's...

then you obviously don't know where to shop :P

out of interest how many people are in the military or have done real military time? that excludes chocco's :D

PS: What are GP's? And when are you going to be able to use any clothing/equipment they gave you without looking like a tryhard in real life

Id love to see you buy a full set of webbing for 50 bucks mate... :devil:

Little loan a set of GP's...

Edited by aphid
out of interest how many people are in the military or have done real military time? that excludes chocco's :devil:

And why does that exclude reservists?

What have you done and what position are you in to demean our service? I have done 2 and a half years in the military, and for the past year and a half have been posted to a ARA unit which is very keen on making us work just as hard, and keep up to training, AIRN, fitness etc as the ARA members of my unit.

From what I have read you know very f**king little about the army and should shut the f**k up, unless you can proove you have any real decent service behind you.

Oh, if you can buy:

2x Boots (im up to my 4th pair now and have yet to pay for any of them)

1x Highshines

1x After5's


2x Pollies

2x Brass

2x Slouch Hat

10x Bush Hat

1x Webbing

1x Pack

lotsx Socks, PT kit, other misc items

And much, much, much more

for 50 bucks then your the worlds best f**king barginer.

Get the f**k off your high horse buddy.

haha okay, i was just taking the piss with the chocco shit

fyi, i was a signalman with 3CSR up in townsville until about 3 months ago when i got out.. What unit are you posted to? If you'd like some cheap army shit (Used) which you can take to your Q store and get swapped over for brand newies I'm happy to part with some of my old stuff :devil: And 10 bushhats? Why on earth do you need 10? nobody uses the dopy floppy ones the army issues you with anyway..

none of that stuff was "given" to you either, it was leant, and unless you've got a friendly quey your on a drinking basis with then he's gonna make you hand it all back in or pay for it on your departure from the army anyway :P

ah well i didn't mean to start a keyboard match but i obviously stirred the pot a little to much.. it's good that you're a dedicated reservist and like to keep up your fitness, the chocco's we had to deal with were a majority of unfit fat uni students who thought joining the reserves would be like playing counter strike and didn't have a clue.. if there was a BFA or anything that resembled actual work they simply wouldn't show up. One weekend i was forced to go out on a training excersize with one of the chocco units we were supposedly supporting and the section i was with forgot the f**king trailor with there rats & packs.. the lieutenant of the det did a 6 week "knives and spoons" course to get her pips and didn't know how to salute properly let alone exhibit alteast a minimum standard of decour that you would normally associate with an officer.. anyway you can see now why i'm a little dubious towards chocco's, but you seem to have your shit sorted so good on ya :D

PS: oh and to top off that weekend one of the shitfights somehow lost a 66 which we had to search for well over 2 hours through a f**king thunderstorm to find.. good times folks, good times

And why does that exclude reservists?

What have you done and what position are you in to demean our service? I have done 2 and a half years in the military, and for the past year and a half have been posted to a ARA unit which is very keen on making us work just as hard, and keep up to training, AIRN, fitness etc as the ARA members of my unit.

From what I have read you know very f**king little about the army and should shut the f**k up, unless you can proove you have any real decent service behind you.

Oh, if you can buy:

2x Boots (im up to my 4th pair now and have yet to pay for any of them)

1x Highshines

1x After5's


2x Pollies

2x Brass

2x Slouch Hat

10x Bush Hat

1x Webbing

1x Pack

lotsx Socks, PT kit, other misc items

And much, much, much more

for 50 bucks then your the worlds best f**king barginer.

Get the f**k off your high horse buddy.

Edited by aphid
And why does that exclude reservists?

What have you done and what position are you in to demean our service? I have done 2 and a half years in the military, and for the past year and a half have been posted to a ARA unit which is very keen on making us work just as hard, and keep up to training, AIRN, fitness etc as the ARA members of my unit.

From what I have read you know very f**king little about the army and should shut the f**k up, unless you can proove you have any real decent service behind you.

Oh, if you can buy:

2x Boots (im up to my 4th pair now and have yet to pay for any of them)

1x Highshines

1x After5's


2x Pollies

2x Brass

2x Slouch Hat

10x Bush Hat

1x Webbing

1x Pack

lotsx Socks, PT kit, other misc items

And much, much, much more

for 50 bucks then your the worlds best f**king barginer.

Get the f**k off your high horse buddy.

Hahahah your a Fu<k head mate, Mark left for army right after school, ahaha i love internet warriors

i aint here fighting his fight :devil: but i love it when wankers think they know everything

haha okay, i was just taking the piss with the chocco shit

fyi, i was a signalman with 3CSR up in townsville until about 3 months ago when i got out.. What unit are you posted to? If you'd like some cheap army shit (Used) which you can take to your Q store and get swapped over for brand newies I'm happy to part with some of my old stuff :P And 10 bushhats? Why on earth do you need 10? nobody uses the dopy floppy ones the army issues you with anyway..

none of that stuff was "given" to you either, it was leant, and unless you've got a friendly quey your on a drinking basis with then he's gonna make you hand it all back in or pay for it on your departure from the army anyway :D

ah well i didn't mean to start a keyboard match but i obviously stirred the pot a little to much.. it's good that you're a dedicated reservist and like to keep up your fitness, the chocco's we had to deal with were a majority of unfit fat uni students who thought joining the reserves would be like playing counter strike and didn't have a clue.. if there was a BFA or anything that resembled actual work they simply wouldn't show up. One weekend i was forced to go out on a training excersize with one of the chocco units we were supposedly supporting and the section i was with forgot the f**king trailor with there rats & packs.. the lieutenant of the det did a 6 week "knives and spoons" course to get her pips and didn't know how to salute properly let alone exhibit alteast a minimum standard of decour that you would normally associate with an officer.. anyway you can see now why i'm a little dubious towards chocco's, but you seem to have your shit sorted so good on ya :D

PS: oh and to top off that weekend one of the shitfights somehow lost a 66 which we had to search for well over 2 hours through a f**king thunderstorm to find.. good times folks, good times

Im posted to 105 Mdm Bty, 1 Fd Rgt in enogerra brisbane.

*sigh* your probably dead right about your reserve counterparts. Reservists are a mixed bunch, ive seen some very switched on reservists, and then ive seen some very switched off ones. Im in a bit of a unique situation personally as im in a ARA unit, they went from lights (105mm) to medium (155 mm) guns and as such went from 7 to 10 man crews and needed 18 more gunners quicker then recruitment could find them, so the sister reserve unit, 104 fd bty was disbanded, however in the end only myself, who was away at kapooka at the time, and one other reservist was transferd accross. Since then we have picked up a few more on the books and have about 8 steady members and 1 good officer, with a few more on the books who never seem to rock up, or come back from kapooka do one or two parades then just disappear. Theres also a few ex-ara 105 guys in there that show up once every couple of months to keep themselfs in.

For what its worth most reserve officers I have served with have been fairly switched on. My LT is currently in maylaysia (spelling?) along with another one of our reserve gunners doing jungle warfare training with the maylay army. As to BFA's and running off, well, noone really does it in 105 due to peer preassure, we all just do them. At first they were a bitch but they just kept running them for about 2 months straight and in the end that itself braught my fitness up to a acceptable level, and its since improved past that.

What really shit me off was I had just gotten my fitness up to a passable level then they knocked off the bottom age group on the BFA's and made them much easier. The highest standard is now the second-youngest age group to what it used to be... Dont know why, I think it has something to do with the way the army is lowering its standards somewhat to allow more people to join.

It just shits me when everyone paints every chocko with the same brush. The only reason I didnt go ARA was the pay was and still is shit, I make too much money in civvy street working IT. I might see if I can combine my IT skills and the army down the track, but alot of the army's IT is being outsourced to private companies these days anyway.

As to our Q store, we have one very, um, colourful quie. If you can get past that he treats us okay and gets us what he needs.

Hahahah your a Fu<k head mate, Mark left for army right after school, ahaha i love internet warriors

i aint here fighting his fight :devil: but i love it when wankers think they know everything

Then prehaps you shouldnt of gotten into it in the first place. Its not much of a fight anymore anyway.

The only reason I didnt go ARA was the pay was and still is shit, I make too much money in civvy street working IT. I might see if I can combine my IT skills and the army down the track, but alot of the army's IT is being outsourced to private companies these days anyway.

yeah in the end the pay was ultimate reason I ended up getting out, I was on about 50k a year at the time, and ended up with a job with the potential to earn well over 100k a year without having to travel to some grimy third world country and have rocks thrown at my ass..

Hahahah your a Fu<k head mate, Mark left for army right after school, ahaha i love internet warriors

i aint here fighting his fight :) but i love it when wankers think they know everything

ahh a little harsh bryn but thanks for vouching for my integrity :rant:

fyi, i was a signalman with 3CSR up in townsville until about 3 months ago when i got out..

I was a sig... Wierd... Linesman to be more accurate...

How can you not know what GP's are is you were a full timer, even cadets know what GP's are...

It would have been the first thing you were issued from Q store...

GP's = Boots

Not that I dont believe your service I just find it really strange that your not up with the lingo for someone who has served...

KFS??? Any idea on this one???

Dixeys??? Any ideas on this one???

Booney??? Any ideas on this one???

ANPRC77 Set??? Any ideas on this one???

PT??? Any ideas on this one???

N1 Round??? Any ideas on this one???

TSPETS??? Bet i got you on this one....

Just a few I used on a regular basis... Dont take offence just take the test... :laugh:

you were a linie col? still got your linie card? might have to take you up on a drink some time :D

KFS - Knife fork spoon

Dixeys - Shit that nobody uses because it gives you lead poisoning apparently

ANPRC77 Set - radio

PT - Physical Training

N1 Round?

TSPETS - You got me'

seriously GP though.. i never knew it :S maybe i did and i've forgotten aha, seems so long ago now.. where abouts were you posted col?

EDIT: Your drinking habbits from the few times we've met suggest you were a linie :(

how about:

jack rats


gravy train :D

cups cantene

F1 Ball...

christ it hasn't been long at all and i've forgotten everything :| ex linies appear everywhere, the storeman at my work was an ex linie from way back in the day, went to malaysia and the like, and about two weeks ago i was working with a rigger when i spotted his esche bag and asked him if he was in the army, turned out i went through IET's with his brother who was also a linie :laugh: small world eh..

Edited by aphid

Yeah col you got me too on the N1 round... Sure you havnt been spending too much time behind the wheel of your skyline?

As to these,

jack rats


gravy train :laugh:

cups cantene

F1 Ball...

jack rats = shit rations or ratpacks

Hutchie = tarp like object in cammo that masquireds as a tent when need be.

gravy train? Not sure.

Cups Canteen is in the webbing, cups that sit around your canteens, hence the term, cups canteen.

F1 Ball = Type of ammo afaik? prehaps I missed this one.

Thats mighty intresting about the dixies and lead tho :D Must be sure to throw them out.

Also im not going to go further with this pissing contest... :(

tho which coy were you two in down at kapooka?

36 platoon delta company, haha so long ago and i can still remember that..

i wouldn't go throwing any of your gear out just yet cus sooner or later you're going to have to account for it and if you get a bastard of a quey then he'll probably try and dock you some outragous amount that the army say they've paid for it.. like i said before you'll probably come past it for half the price at kmart :O

Edited by aphid

No, a fred is different to a KFS.

KFS is the knife fork and spoon that all clip together. Your f**ked if you loose the bottom one...

They also get heaps dirty... Last time I used them out bush by the time I was finished that trip they had shit growing on them that no amount of that stupid scruber that comes in the ratpack would get rid of...

did your platoon staff play the dehidrated egg trick on you down at kamp K?

I was in 26, charlie.

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