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hi all,

my remote start function with my viper alarm has never really worked well, and a guy at autobahn said he fiddled with it, but it hasn't made a difference. basically he increased the crank time to like 1 second, to give it a greater chance to start, but still has the same result.

just wondering why my car turns on fine when turing the key, but fails when pressing a button? Basically it will just crank, but not fire.

any thoughts?



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hi all,

my remote start function with my viper alarm has never really worked well, and a guy at autobahn said he fiddled with it,

BINGO, there's your problem right there another low skilled Autobarn monkey trying to do a technical job. My suggestion would be to take to the unit to a Viper specialised installer and they will sort it out for you.

I thought everyone knows by now not to go to the mass retailers for alarms, they know nothing and generally do crap work.

BINGO, there's your problem right there another low skilled Autobarn monkey trying to do a technical job. My suggestion would be to take to the unit to a Viper specialised installer and they will sort it out for you.

I thought everyone knows by now not to go to the mass retailers for alarms, they know nothing and generally do crap work.

I thought the problem might be R34 related?

The same situation happened in Adelaide and had a professional alarm installed stumped for a while. Ask Chris Rogers for help!

wasn't the autobahn guy, it wasn't working before hand (well, rarely) and isn't working after.

alarm came from a friend? i dunno originally, just one of the many people who brough in the Viper 791xv in bulk, and then sold them on. Supposedly this guy had contacts at DE so he could buy in bulk cheap, etc, etc... when i search back through the for sale threads for guys selling 791xv's in bulk, everyone was pretty much the same price.

i got the full box and everything, warranty cards etc... (prob useless here) wasn't just handed a remote and and some wires.

fitted? a friend of a friend. Looks neat, all wrapped in black electrical tape, etc... he even wired it so the mirrors will fold in when i arm the car. He couldn't really figure a way to do it the other way round though.

i'm pretty sure on the day he installed it, he tested every aspect, and the remote start was working ok.

But now, especially when it's dead cold, there's no chance of it starting. Maybe when it's just finished a long drive. All the autobahn guy did was increase the turn over time to 1 full second, to give it more of a chance to start.

i didn't buy it from autobahn, i didn't get it installed at autobahn.

does having a low cranking amp battery affect this at all?

any other info you need?

Hey dude if your in melb i can give you a place which specialise in DEI products, they're not like all the young hacks they have at strathfield/autobarn. If you really want just PM me and i'll give you all the details cos I use to work there and everyone i send there they help..

But in regards to answering your question its a little hard to know exactly what the problem is... It might be giving a charge but not holding IGN after it cranks or might be because these cars have more than 1 IGN wire, the friend of a friend couldhave put it to the wrong one which doesn't hold IGN while cranking? Hard to say without seeing it but yea good luck dude and if you need the # let me know.



mine does a similar thing...i dont have a viper alarm, but i'm not gonna say which one i have.

if i try and start the engine using the remote when the car is cold, like leaving it overnight it takes about 2-3 tries before the engine starts...but if i went for a drive and wait 2-3hrs and try remote starting it works with no drama...so maybe something about another IGN wire is possible

mine does a similar thing...i dont have a viper alarm, but i'm not gonna say which one i have.

if i try and start the engine using the remote when the car is cold, like leaving it overnight it takes about 2-3 tries before the engine starts...but if i went for a drive and wait 2-3hrs and try remote starting it works with no drama...so maybe something about another IGN wire is possible

Yea i think it might be the IGN wire.. it might be that it needs the extra kick because it'll start when its warm, alot of people that fit alarms (inexperienced people) don't look for the IGN wire that holds IGN whilst cranking which i'll bet is the one you need. (i think lol)

Yes we had a problem with Howies Viper which he bought from these bulk buyers.

Those alarms are not clear with their instructions, it is the same problem by the looks of things that we had on Howies 34. It seems to be an alarm related problem not really an installer problem.

I personally as a business owner have no time to waste on these products, as Chris was already coming down to Adelaide for Autosalon I left it for him to sort as he has had more experience with these alarms.

Oh Autobarn is a Viper dealer so if they cant sort the problem out how is anyone else sposed to?


Adelaide Pro Sound

Oh Autobarn is a Viper dealer so if they cant sort the problem out how is anyone else sposed to?


Adelaide Pro Sound

Thats true but experience pays off no matter what they sell, if they have some young blokes even old that arn't very experienced then its the blind leading the blind, but you're right they should one way or another be able to sort out that issue even if they contact DEI directly. Remote start isn't exactly an essential anyways, as long as it does the job i.e. locking/ unlocking the doors and arming the vehicle i suppose thats all you need from an alarm?

Yes we had a problem with Howies Viper which he bought from these bulk buyers.

Those alarms are not clear with their instructions, it is the same problem by the looks of things that we had on Howies 34. It seems to be an alarm related problem not really an installer problem.

I personally as a business owner have no time to waste on these products, as Chris was already coming down to Adelaide for Autosalon I left it for him to sort as he has had more experience with these alarms.

Oh Autobarn is a Viper dealer so if they cant sort the problem out how is anyone else sposed to?


Adelaide Pro Sound

LOL .. yes wasn't that a pain in the ass of a job.

George (aps) & Chris rodgers eventually helped me sort it out much to their credit. I think Chris came down with a transponder bypass unit to get past the ER34 built in immobiliser, didn't you chris?

no. I had one handy in case I needed it. the factory ER34 alarm is a alpine variant and doesnt do a lot anyway.

yours was software/alarm related. this one is different.

so you picked it up off GKtech.

by rights I shouldnt help (its a B stock item/factory second) as these units had faults when they were sold.

that said you have an ign related issue. specifically IGN2.

by rights I shouldnt help (its a B stock item/factory second) as these units had faults when they were sold.

that said you have an ign related issue. specifically IGN2.

you referring to me or Howie??

Just to clear things up. The ONLY reason i ever got autobahn involved is because i know they're a Viper dealer and i've been having battery problems, the alarm keeps draining it. Sometimes after being dead for a while, the remote won't talk to the alarm. I think i used the programming sequence Chris told me one time to get it working again, it did once, but wouldn't a second time. And apparently he needed to 'zapp' the module or something, clear it somehow. So i booked it in, and he had it for bout 30 mins, did whatever, extended the remote start time to 1 full second, and it was working fine again (well, except the remote start, which never really worked anyway).

The only reason autobahn got involved is that after losing power, just the usual re-programming sequence wasn't enough to get the remote talking to the alarm anymore. They had whatever machine to do that.

So i have an ign problem? IGN2? i need to take it to an auto electrician? or someone better than autobahn to have a look at it?

Take it to someone who is reputable for their fitting of car audio/security. Auto elecs will look at it and scratch their heads, if you take it somewhere thats always busy like jb-hifi/ autobarn then they'll hack your car and take your $$, thats just car audio these days unless you find someone legit which sometimes can be challenging, word of mouth is usually the best way. I have the number for that place in melb if you still need it...

someone better than autobarn. and not an autoelec as they will not have a clue. whoever does it they need to have current software in the programmer and GOOD knowledge of the unit.

R33 is on the right track.

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