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i can see what ya mean.but when those not worth saving hit a women with a pram thats the lifes im talking bout.not so much the wanker driving like a tool...

Well if you ask me the government should be promoting looking left and right at road crossings.. Those ads where the car hits the girl sorta crack me up.. They say if the car had been going 50 it wouldnt have killed the girl just bruised her... If the bitch had looked and listened like we're all taught in primary school, she'd be fine... The amount of time retards run across the road in front of me and walk across intersections without lights or run across cross-roads...

And WTF? That 1 person under 25 rule better only apply to the new P-Platers.. How am i meant to get to and from the pub.. Are trains gona start running till 4am so that i can get home.. neeesh keeet

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If the bitch had looked and listened like we're all taught in primary school, she'd be fine

*starts singing*

Look to the left, look to the right, look to the left again.

Then if the road is clear of traffic

walk straight across the road (don't run!)

walk straight across the road.

Exactly.. all about speeding, and what happens if you hit that pedestrian who shouldn't have been on the road in the first place..

"Look left, look right" - where are those ads bombarding TV ? Nope, it's pretty much 'watch what you are doing in your car, because there are any number of morons who are trying to kill themselves that you need to protect'

P.s. godwin is a nazi :)

'watch what you are doing in your car, because there are any number of morons who are trying to kill themselves that you need to protect'

just the other day i was cruising down a main road (80km/h) near my place (main north for any south aussies), and some woman with a pram in one hand and her 4 or 5 year old son in the other just waltzes onto the road in front of me without bothering to look at all. just steps right out there, i barely had enough time to react, slammed on the anchors in my shitter that i call a car, almost vibrates itself to pieces, and i stop a bare few metres away from her, tyres still smoking from the lock up, and she has the nerve to abuse me for almost hitting her.

youre on a main road you f**king twat! cross walk wasnt even 50 metres away.

its bad enough that i couldve killed her, i wouldnt have been able to live with myself if, god forbid, i hit and killed one of the kids, a small lapse in concentration and i couldve killed 3 people.

theres more things that need to be done to make the roads safe.

and 0 demerits isnt one of those things,

driver education from primary school, driving courses in the senior years of highschool,

and reminding pedestrians that they do not own the road.

speed limits and speed cameras need serious reviews. especially in adelaide, you have speed camers dripping off intersections that have varying 40, 50, and 60km/h roads leading into it.

theyre never put in the places where theyll do the most good. theyre put in the places where they'll earn the most money. i remember a few years ago a road near to my house had its speed limit reduced from 80 to 60km/h, the day of the speed limit change, there were 2 radar equipped cars on that stretch of road.

i was once told by my parents that any money made off 'hoons', idiots, and speeders goes back into the roads to benefit those who use them responisbly, this may have been true at one stage, but now all they worry about is the money.

and something really, really needs to be done about the 'keep it off the streets' thing, how can we keep it off the street when we have nowhere else to take it? i would love to go to a skidpan day, a defensive driving day, and all that other cool stuff to learn how to drive my car properly (it isnt anywhere near powerful, but still...), thus far the closest ive been able to get is the odd remote road...

sorry for the long winded post.

Every time one of these discussions start I almost piss myself from how nieve some of you people can be.YOU(that is the P platers) YES YOU ! BRING IT ON YOURSELVES. And all the morons that went before you and that includes me.

What? I here you say. Well let me give you an idea.Close friend of mine(some 30 years in fact), is on the lung deseases board. Now, he was in the city around two years ago and crossed the road near The Intercontinental down near the Opera house only to be cleaned up by a P-plater going through a red light because he was playing with his sound system.The investigation following the accident found the driver guilty.All good so far.

My good friend also sits on the Road safety review panel that has direct access to government.

Don`t get it? Geoff is a worker just like you and me.Geoff drives on the roads and goes shopping and walks across roads.He lives in a street just like you and me.He has eyes just like you and me.

You don`t need speed cameras or police to see whats going on in the street, there is enough council workers,off duty police,public advisors,high ranking public servants,supreme court judges,barristers,federal police,detectives and numerous others to see us all every day.GO ON, put your foot down, the old guy next to you in the commodore or mercedes will love it. It will give him conviction the next time he has to draw up a radical plan to stop P-platers killing themselves and others.

There is a lot of common sense on these forums but every now and again some of you get it very very wrong.A LICENCE IS A PRIVILEGE.

^^A licence is indeed a privilege

BUT putting all these restrictions on having the licence is turning that privilege into a burden.

Sure you still get to drive but as others have already said, you'll be so on edge and worrying about your speed, if your blinkers are working properly etc that your concentration on the road will definately waver.

It does make it very unfair on the other 99% of people that do the right thing and abide by the road rules just because of the 1% of other people that have heavy right feet.

It's not just P Platers either, in Sydney on any given day or time, all you have to do is follow the speed limit and observe that the majority of other cars on the road except for the one behind you (which will probably overtake you) is speeding.

I dont understand why they can make it compulsory for people that want to get their motorbike licences to have to go to a 2 day course before they can even be eligible to take the RTA test for their L's, and then another riding test on the streets before they can get their P's.

But they dont make it compulsory for car drivers to have to complete a similar course.

The high performance vehicle restrictions probably is a good idea, but at the same time, im sure that any owner of a skyline or any other performance vehicle regardless of how much power it has will definately take more care in driving it becuase they dont want their pride and joy wrapped around a tree, pole or person. I know i dont :(

Edited by r32woohoo

It's not just p-platers that do these things, and well, a red light is a red light.. it has NOTHING to do with speeding or most of the issues raised. It has to do with inattention, which tighter speeding restrictions, passenger restrictions, 1-strike policy WILL NOT FIX.

I'm well well past being a p-plater, not quite grey haired and stupid yet, but even I realise these things are a waste of time, and anybody who believes otherwise is stupider than their years suggest.

I was hit by a car once on my pushy and ended up in hospital and required surgery. Now do I have a whinge whenever I see somebody doing something stupid in their car. No I don't. What happened due to just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I wasn't screaming and yelling for whoever would listen about 'tougher road rules' for months/years/afterwards. I got over it, and moved on with my life.

Likewise, the first thing life teaches you about the roads is you have to expect people to do the wrong thing, and take that into account whether you are driving, a pedestrian, a cyclist, or just anywhere near a road.

GO ON, put your foot down

Sure will!

Most people will think you are an idiot hoon no matter what if you are driving an import/modified looking/p-plates on car type of vehicle in Sydney so i sure do put my foot down and enjoy having a squirt whenever i can, and just smile back at the disapproving fools that pull up next to me and give me nasty looks.

It sounds bad, but i figure things will only get worse, the population is getting older and more conservative when it comes to road use, so i think its a lost cause trying to set a good example to the tailgating idiots who cant stay in their lanes which makes up most of the drivers in Sydney CBD.

Attitudes are a problem, and they sure wont be changed with few more restrictions in place.

Skylinecoupe, i don't really understand what the point of your post is, but if you think restrictions and that road safety board and their rushed too late "OMG we have to save lives so lets fast track" decisions are the way to save lives you are the naive one.

Could the P Platers who are so against these changes please take a copy of this thread and look at in another 15 years.

There is way too much "woe is me" crap in here. Driving is a privilege not a right. I agree better driver training may be a good idea, but then you lot would complain that getting a licence was way to expensive (Just a guess but I would think it would cost another $500 to go to an accredited training facility - assuming they were not booked out 10 months in advance) And then we would have to deal with P Platers who think they are the next Schumacher, Kelly or Lowndes).

As for other comments about having too much to concentrate on (speed indicators etc) to watch the road, this just proves you are inexperienced. If you cant keep you car below the speed limit then you don’t belong on the road. Remember the speed limit is the MAXIMUM speed, just because the sign says 60kmph doesn’t mean you cannot sit on 57kmph or less)

Don’t get me wrong I am as guilty as many of you of exceeding the speed limit but I will accept the consequences of my actions if I am caught.

I was a P Plater once and thought I was a good driver, but now I realise that I wasn’t, and that manoeuvres I took may have been OK for me, but didn’t take into account how others would react and the risk I put others in as drivers reacted to my manoeuvre. There is also the issue of the unexpected as a kid runs across the rd, a car blows a tyre and swerves onto your side of the road etc, etc.

The roads will never be safe, but there are some things we can do to improve safety. Politicians are all about public perception and as long as the public see P platers as an issue the government will gain more respect than it will loose by introducing these measures. I agree P Platers are not the whole problem on the road and I could go on and on about old farts that should be taken off the road, but again public opinion is against this so governments wont act.

How about an experiment where all the P-platers,and that includes the girls ,draw a line on a piece of paper with the name Michael Shumacher on one end and the name of the dumbest person you know on the other.Now put a dot where you think you should be on the line.Guaranteed all of you are one inch from Michaels name.

Why go on about driver training when that will only encourage young drivers to test their new found skills.Come on guys you know your 19 and can`t die.Why do you think we send 19 year olds to war, because thats what they believe.I for one know what an incredible waste the income from fines is but gee guys, we have to buy 60million dollar fighter jets somehow.WHAT! You didn`t think they used it on road safety did you? Anyhow, final word,P-platers suck at driving.Give them all electric cars til they are 25years old. :O

Your right,I`m generalising. And our government does what? We simply cannot make a different law for each individual, what a nightmare that would be. Yes it is driver awareness, but you try telling that to a 19 year old.Look, the fact is most,not all but most P-platers have to see what their car can do sooner or later.Haven`t you wandered why insurance companies are reluctant to cover you until 26? Experience.It isn`t a guess, they KNOW you will have an accident.

Now, he was in the city around two years ago and crossed the road near The Intercontinental down near the Opera house only to be cleaned up by a P-plater going through a red light because he was playing with his sound system.The investigation following the accident found the driver guilty.

Because that is a P Plater exclusive thing :P

The two cars / drivers I find least likely to give way to me when I'm at a zebra crossing are (in this order):

* Old people in Camrys / Corollas

* Middle aged women in 4WDs

I've lost track of the amount of times I've stepped up to a zebra crossing, seen one of the aforementioned cars about half a dozen carlengths down the road (so well within stopping distance), and stepped out to find that they're not stopping.

But hey, its OK if they run me over on a pedestrian crossing because they have years of experience doing it, and they weren't speeding.

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