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can someone confirm that these vaccums going to the right place?.

want to do it myself to save on labour work as it seems pretty straight forward. :)

going into a RB26. is this pretty much all you have to do for vaccums? then the rest is just hooking it up electronically & setting the right boost level?

- the 4mm black line is T-peiced into the fuel pressure regulator line

- the 2 lines going into the stock solenoid will jus go into the hks solenoid in the designated spot. and ill jus remove the stock solenoid

On the picture the vaccums going from top to bottom on the picture below, they are supposed to be the (fromt he hks manual):

red top: source of pressurised air

red bottom: wastegate actuator

black: uninterupted intake manifold pressure source

i saw pictures on a tutorial showing the actuators on the turbo, but there was no information about doing anything to them. and theres nothing about a twin turbo setup in the hks manual :P and i know your suposed to T-peice soemthing somewhere

feel free to edit my picture and repost up the correct thign! ive actually included a blank one so you could do one if i was wrong! hahaha

sorry if its a noob quesiton, but im sure other GTR owners would find this info usefull also. diagrams are way more usefull then words in these situations!




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my car previously had another controler on it and there are a few lines blocked off with screws in the ends.

one line goes to fuel reg.

one to turbo/accuators

and one to bottom of the intake chamber at the rear of it.

NO that isn't correct!. Mine is connected and works perfectly,,, you can get manual off the net. Solinoid is disconnected from plug and the turbing is standard. bottom tube (black) into fuel reg, top and middle plenium and wastgates. forgotton which one is which but it's in the manual. Waste gate connections is rear of engine.





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