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Could someone please help with me with a translation of the following info on the Bilstein BPS dampers.

Also does the webpage confirm them to be for BNR32 GTR's?


Unfortunately no amount of babelfish will work on jpeg's!

Thankyou in advance. :wub:



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"NISSANスカイライン年式89/8~94/12形式BNR32 GT-RBPS品番BPS8641仕様(F&R)単筒(F) 50mm (R) 42mmBilstein BPSkitサーキットランまで対応9段階調整&Screw車高調ショックアブソーバー&サスペンション1台分のフルキット


267,800円(税込) " .... will work with Babelfish if you try...

Looked like its from/for BNR32's from 1989-08-01 to 1994-12-01 front and rear set..

PPS, did anyyone see this companys motto?!

"We are the tire wheel tuning fuel cost security lamp exteriors that does overall help for your car life."

Looks like someone beat you to the babelfish again.. :rant::)

Edited by Poida

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