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Hey guys,

If you're into your mini-trucks or anything customised - then this is for you!

"Low Intentions" are hosting a show n shine on the Saturday, 24th February on the foreshores of Lake Burley Griffin.. in the ACT.

Entry for vehicles is $5 on arrival, though general admission is free, but please, all money raised will be donated to the Eden Monaro Cancer Support Group, so any sort of donation through out the day will be muchly appreciated!

It's great day out with nice shiny blocks of steel on wheels and a few luurrvely ladies out there.. and, for the ladies, I'm pretty sure a few of the guys are single aswell. :laugh:

For further information, check out Capital Jam

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Just thought I'd bump this.

It's happening this weekend, and my mates said theres gonna be big numbers based on the response on the myspace page.

And even if you guys aren't into it.. I'm gonna be there, and you can get my autograph there.. and I'll even pose for a pic. :)

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