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I got a letter in the mail the other day saying "We have not recieved your choice as to wether you would like to have a 6 months suspended license, or a 12 months good driving behavior bond"

I was all WTF

Went down to the Department of Transport to have it sorted, and they wouldn't even look into the computer until i told them how many fines i had.

2 Fines, for exceeding 20 km/h, that aint 12 points.

They looked puzzled, checked it out, and after much conversation between supervisors, they still couldn't give me a straight answer.

The best they could give me was:

"If you are caught doing over 20 km/h twice in a 12 month period, you're hit with extra demerit points"

And sure enough there it was on the screen, 2x speeding fines, 1x demerit hit for having 2x 20kmh fines

So now i'm on a year's good driving behaviour because i need my car for work, and driving unlicensed in a Skyline? Yeah forget that.

Can someone please tell me that they've heard of this happening? Because i sure as hell haven't, and once i get moving house bullshit out of the way, i'm going to call the Department of Land Transport and Safety (the demerit people) and ask them what the hell.

(Edit: 4 points for each fine, 4 points extra demerits for being naughty in a special way = 12 points)

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Yeah Mel its the new speeding thingy...

They brought it in a while back, if you get done speeding twice in a certain time they give you more demerit points for it, also remember over the school holidays there was double demerit points also...

So if you got one in December for instance then it could have well been a 6 point fine instead of 3 points...

So lets say you got done in Nov for 3 points and then Dec and got 6 points (due to double on holidays) and then they double the normal fine of 3 points to 6 for speeding twice in a short period of time then that equals 12 points...

Also the circumstances of the fines so you don't think i'm a big mean hoon :P

- Passing a friend i was with on lomandra drive because he radioed that he had no clue where to go, so i went on ahead. Broke the speed limit passing him, and an undercover hoon patrol ute was behind us with a video camera aparrently. Bam 4 points.

- Driving along Mt Gravatt-Capalaba Rd on our way to the drifts at qld raceway, got radar gunned by a bike copper up the top of a hill, who would have got me coming down a hill (naturally). I thought it was 70, he said it was 60. So hill roll + incorrect signage, BAM 4 points.

I didn't think it was 4 points for it, just like 2 extra or something. Guess not

It's ridiculous, they bring in these things along with a whole bunch of other things at once, nobody ever complains about them, or really remembers about them, until you get hit. But once they're in, they're there to stay to continue butt-f**king the public.

  Einstein said:
Also the circumstances of the fines so you don't think i'm a big mean hoon :P

- Passing a friend i was with on lomandra drive because he radioed that he had no clue where to go, so i went on ahead. Broke the speed limit passing him, and an undercover hoon patrol ute was behind us with a video camera aparrently. Bam 4 points.

- Driving along Mt Gravatt-Capalaba Rd on our way to the drifts at qld raceway, got radar gunned by a bike copper up the top of a hill, who would have got me coming down a hill (naturally). I thought it was 70, he said it was 60. So hill roll + incorrect signage, BAM 4 points.

i got done on the way to a drift day aswell... Hmm only 1 more year before i see those points again

I enquired about the 'double demerits' scheme about 2 months ago for a very close friend. Mel, the deal is as follows:

If you are caught once in a 12 month period, the fine is standard, as are the points. If you are caught a second time for the SAME OFFENCE within that 12 months, the points are doubled for that particular fine. So if your first fine was 4 points. Then you are left with 8 points. Then if you are caught again within 12 months of receiving your previous fine, and the standard fine for that offence is 4 points, you are demerited 8 points. Therefore you are left with 0 points.

Sorry to hear. It sucks :(

Althought i'd hate to be a P Plater in NSW now! They now have the rule in place that if a P plater is caught speeding, their license is IMMEDIATELY suspended. No questions. Pretty rough, so I hope it helps reduce their road toll :P

i don't see what the problem is, sounds like you got done fair and square

you got done for 4 points twice, which isn't minor at all

just man up and accept the consequences of your own actions, be thankful you still have a license

Also the double points on school holidays isn't in effect... just a rumour that goes around now.

I got done at a toll gate new years day, was late breaking, I only lost the normal points. I'm not stressed over it... it's a bullshit fine as they were hiding behind the toll gates and I was only 10m from the 60 sign when tagged.

But yeah you got the new double points crap, I wasn't done 20km/h over (less thankfully), so it's a non-issue to me.

Don't feel bad though, my dad has been on good behaviour for 8 months now.... I've only got 1 point left so I'm currently el-grandma behind the wheel.

It's really not worth speeding anymore at any time, the cops are everywhere at the worst of times, and cheating things such as video tape and not even pull you over in a unmarked car... dodgey.

  LightAssassin said:
I got done at a toll gate new years day, was late breaking, I only lost the normal points. I'm not stressed over it... it's a bullshit fine as they were hiding behind the toll gates and I was only 10m from the 60 sign when tagged.

bullshit is when someone late brakes for the tolls, loses control and kills a toll booth operator you retard.

  geeteaess_turbo said:
bullshit is when someone late brakes for the tolls, loses control and kills a toll booth operator you retard.

dont be so hard on him, im sure they guy in the booth was grateful to see such amazing track racing techniques performed right in front of him, and had the utmost confidence in his ability

Yeh the 'double demerits' on public holidays does not exist in QLD. Believe me, I researched this for WEEKS, trying to get in contact with the correct people to get an answer. Eventually found out that they cannot legally give you double demerits on a public holiday. I did this research, because Andrew got caught speeding, and had his license completely taken off him due to this 'double demerits' bullshit. We didn't find out until about 2 years later that it doesn't even exist! (except in the case of repeat offenders within a 12 month period). And it is extremely hard to discuss such issues with Qld Transport. Half of them have no clue what goes on in their own f*king department! When I called, I was apparently speaking to a 'fines specialist' and he had no clue what was going on :P

  token_sau_r33_driver said:
wait, they can book you on the gateway bridge?

where do they sit

May have been any of the toll booths. Going in 80 to 60 then leaving eg. Loganlea exit, 60 to 80 to 100. they sit just before or just after the booths

geeteaess_turbo you're a clever fellow aren't you. Yeah I was doing about 180km/h and I hit the anchors, luckily they couldn't get a reading soon enough.... tosser.

Good to see the maxe children still flock together, mummy and daddy still buying your cars? waiting for an aunt to die to collect money for mods? or just relying on the dole payments? I'm sure bj will be happy to hear you're all still circle jerking each other!

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