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spook's handy guide to not losing your licence (works good if you need license for work, or if you like driving to work)

1. dont speed on public roads

2.dont drive like a retart (late breaking, lolz)

3.follow road rules if coppas are around

4.LA is a weeny

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awwwwww ive got the same issue.

i just recently sat out 6 months for breaking my good behavior bond.

the thing is.. it took them 2 years to actually tell me or give me a suspension date.

now.. in any normal circumstance you get notified within a month. not 2 years.

anyway. turns out they want me to loose it for another 4 months. f**kers.

because of shit that i did 2 years ago lol. so over it. i really dont care any more.

deah to rta

:huh: are you agreing or disagreeing?

As a government employee myself... that statement make abolutly no farking sense!!! if your in a certain band your not gonna get a pay rise cos they have more money... you are in the government sector right...

how long you been unemployed for?

This Accedent?? This is the last recored accedent involving the toll booth. Very "high powered" Vehicle!!

Look here

\dude the guy who crashed his car was drunk and there was nothing mentioned with late breaking as the cops have yet to reales the full details...

good job mate with making things up



the truck driver late braked, lost control and smashed into a toll booth and killed someone

point is the speed limits are there for safety, lightassasin crying about how he got done by "cheating" cops at a toll booth. if hes as awesome a driver as he claims to be he would have had heaps of time to slow down to 60. perhaps he was drunk at the time though?

i recently meet Light assasin and he was a top bloke...

come to whore town and tell me more or pm i'd like to know.....

but still its mainly about people taking over the tread with :huh:

as above....

Back on topic please people...

sounds to me like its just a whole lot of people crying about how they got done fair and square by cops doing the job they are paid to do. if you want to speed everywhere, how about you look out for the guys in fluorescent vests point radar guns at you.

"The driver recorded a blood alcohol level of 0.108 per cent, and has been charged with driving."

Just read that article about the dood who crashed his car into the house with a blood alcohol level of 0.108. As the article states, he was charged with driving? Typo I know but maybe it's a crime now to drive your car...... :wave::mad:

ooh lets get onto topics involving bullshit statistic that the government puts out.....like in 95% of accidents speed was a factror!

Well yes as the car had to be moving to get itself into mischief, exceeding the speed limit though..isn't the true statistic around 3-5% and that doesn't account for if the person was also drunk/drugged/being blown

Yes, Please stay on topic .

what topic? is this the universal "I have nothing to say" comment now or what?

someone cries about getting a speeding ticket, then gets told to man the f**k up and deal with it. The rest of the thread is a natural progression.

Its ridiculous, all these n00b's with 15 posts are acting like they are gods gift to driving and have never sped anywhere or done anything illegal in their lives. Sounds like they are either cops or absolute wankers who think they know everything. Anyone who knows anything knows that statistics can be swayed any way you want it. The government and worst of all the police are still of the "huge" belief that p platers are the sole cause for the road toll!! If you have the facts its far from the truth and in fact even their own agencies don't agree! Its all propaganda made to warrant the amount of targeting, fines they give out and new laws such as this bullsh*t one einstein has been hit with. A great example is the double fine period at christmas...we almost never exceed the monthly quota of lives lost in that period, so why the extra news, press and fines...one reason, revenue. You can say well if your breaking the speed limit you deserve to get caught, well sure thats true, but is it saving lives...answer, no. More police presence and more expensive fines didn't reduce the road toll and it never does. geeteaess_turbo, maxe, get off your high righteous horses and go back to posting crap on dobinadope.com i'm sure you've done illegal things in the past and will do more illegal things in the future...or maybe your all 60 yo females who actually cause more crashes than anyone else in the female category per year? Or maybe your 40yo's who are also only about 15lives behind the p platers every year. Either way, facts don't lie, ppl break the law..not just ppl in skylines and performance cars and fining people non stop and creating new laws to make people lose their license quicker is not the solution to bringing down the road toll..and neither is winging about the people who break the speed limit. If some of you guys aren't cops already you really should enlist, they are looking for your type all the time.

Edited by 33NIZ
Its ridiculous, all these n00b's with 15 posts are acting like they are gods gift to driving and have never sped anywhere or done anything illegal in their lives. Sounds like they are either cops or absolute wankers who think they know everything. Anyone who knows anything knows that statistics can be swayed any way you want it. The government and worst of all the police are still of the "huge" belief that p platers are the sole cause for the road toll!! If you have the facts its far from the truth and in fact even their own agencies don't agree! Its all propaganda made to warrant the amount of targeting and fines they give out. Such as the double fine period at christmas...we almost never exceed the monthly quota of lives lost in that period, so why the extra news, press and fines...one reason, revenue. You can say well if your breaking the speed limit you deserve to get caught, well sure thats true, but is it saving lives...answer, no. More police presence and more expensive fines didn't reduce the road toll and it never does. geeteaess_turbo, maxe, get off your high righteous horses and go back to posting crap on dobinadope.com i'm sure you've done illegal things in the past and will do more illegal things in the future...or maybe your all 60 yo females who actually cause more crashes than anyone else in the female category per year? Or maybe your 40yo's who are also only about 15lives behind the p platers every year. Either way, facts don't lie, ppl break the law..not just ppl in skylines and performance cars and fining people non stop is not the solution to bringing down the road toll..and neither is winging about the people who break the speed limit. If some of you guys aren't cops already you really should enlist, they are looking for your type all the time.

ouch..... :glare: yet again.....

hey mell you still haven't answered my question....

to try and stay on track of what people have said,

p platers have 4 points, which if you lose 1 point you get it back 12 months from when you lose it.

people with their opens have 12 points, and you have your points renewed 3 years after you lose them. if you have your opens and lose all your points and decide to hand your licence in for the given period rather than go on a good behaviour bond, when you get your licence back you go onto your p's for 12 months before you get your opens back. my mate is currently taking this route, but it was a pain as he had his motorbike opens as well, and since they are on the same licence he couldn't ride his motorbike as it was above the restricted engine size of p platers.

now if you get caught speeding 20kmh or more over the limit then you don't really have anything to bitch about. you must have been consciously doing that speed. fair enough you may feel cheated if you have just come into a 60kmh zone from a 80kmh zone you would think they would give a few meters to let you slow down, but the law does say that you are supposed to have slowed down to that speed before you enter that speed zone.

double points/double fines do exist. it isn't just public holidays, it is only over certain periods, like xmas and easter, when most people have holidays. i know people that have been booked during this time and recieved the bigger fines.

as for the extra demerit points lost if you get caught speeding twice in 12 months, i think the way they are doing it is a bit crap. it should only be 1 or 2 extra points.

now i don't have a perfect driving record. i have been booked twice, once for speeding 82 in a 60 zone (back when 15-30kmh over was only 3 points) to get home before a hail storm hit. the other time was for undue noise (i accidently chirped the wheels slightly taking off from a set of lights). had i known i was going to get done i would've atleast tried to make it worth while.

but i know that if i speed and get caught there is no point getting pissed off at the cop, or anyone else. i broke the law. i knew i was breaking the law and i still did it, so i have no-one to blame but myself.

to try and stay on track of what people have said,

p platers have 4 points, which if you lose 1 point you get it back 12 months from when you lose it.

people with their opens have 12 points, and you have your points renewed 3 years after you lose them. if you have your opens and lose all your points and decide to hand your licence in for the given period rather than go on a good behaviour bond, when you get your licence back you go onto your p's for 12 months before you get your opens back. my mate is currently taking this route, but it was a pain as he had his motorbike opens as well, and since they are on the same licence he couldn't ride his motorbike as it was above the restricted engine size of p platers.

now if you get caught speeding 20kmh or more over the limit then you don't really have anything to bitch about. you must have been consciously doing that speed. fair enough you may feel cheated if you have just come into a 60kmh zone from a 80kmh zone you would think they would give a few meters to let you slow down, but the law does say that you are supposed to have slowed down to that speed before you enter that speed zone.

double points/double fines do exist. it isn't just public holidays, it is only over certain periods, like xmas and easter, when most people have holidays. i know people that have been booked during this time and recieved the bigger fines.

as for the extra demerit points lost if you get caught speeding twice in 12 months, i think the way they are doing it is a bit crap. it should only be 1 or 2 extra points.

now i don't have a perfect driving record. i have been booked twice, once for speeding 82 in a 60 zone (back when 15-30kmh over was only 3 points) to get home before a hail storm hit. the other time was for undue noise (i accidently chirped the wheels slightly taking off from a set of lights). had i known i was going to get done i would've atleast tried to make it worth while.

but i know that if i speed and get caught there is no point getting pissed off at the cop, or anyone else. i broke the law. i knew i was breaking the law and i still did it, so i have no-one to blame but myself.

I think that Mel isn't pissed off at the speeding fines she's really pissed at the extra points, cos i know i would of been.

I hope you die !!!! for that statement.

Bloody sad case.

As far as I'm concerned, the more people who speed and get caught the better. Means I might actually be able to get that pay rise I'm after.


Queensland Department of Transport.

As far as I'm concerned, the more people who speed and get caught the better. Means I might actually be able to get that pay rise I'm after.


Queensland Department of Transport.

You're a tool and clearly diluted if your of the opinion that the government would give a lowlife worker like you a pay rise simply because they caught more people. Hopefully you'll be fined soon. Anyway have a nice day, maybe ill see you at work sometime in the future. Im sure you'll still be there in 10 years time, doing the same job, earning the same money and winging about the same thing.

later buddy,


The guy that thinks your an idiot.

you do realise that in a later post he said he was only joking?

I think that Mel isn't pissed off at the speeding fines she's really pissed at the extra points, cos i know i would of been.

i realise that, and i would be pissed off too, but there are people on here that get pissed off for getting booked for breaking the law, and act as if they weren't doing anything wrong.

double points/double fines do exist. it isn't just public holidays, it is only over certain periods, like xmas and easter, when most people have holidays. i know people that have been booked during this time and recieved the bigger fines.

as anna has also stated there has never been double demrit points system over certain periods, i have researched this quite throughly, i even rang the police to ask them on one particular stretch of holidays.

this system has only ever been in place in the southern states, it is an urban myth in queensland.

this system has only ever been in place in the southern states, it is an urban myth in queensland.

well then i'm going to complain to my local paper, and find out who the police officer they were interviewing before xmas who said that motorist better watch out because it was coming into effect.

actually, my father-in-laws's boss's wife is the secretary of the head cop in town, i will ask her.

yeah my cousins sister-in-laws brothers boss is married to a guy who once knew another guy that had a heard a rumour that this was the case.

yeah they say it is always coming into effect but the laws in qld dont have a provision to allow a specific period to become doulbe demerits.

the 20kph over rule is a different story, you will get double demerits on the second offence.

what topic? is this the universal "I have nothing to say" comment now or what?
Re-read Einstein's posts, which are 3 out of the first 4 posts in this thread.

1. There is confusion over whether the whole double-demerit thing is happening at all... some say it is, some say it isn't, and according to the people I've spoken to who have tried to get a straight answer, you get a different response every time you ask Qld Transport so they don't know either.

2. What's the point of having 12 points on a license when it takes two minor offenses to lose them?

I don't see anywhere Mel 'cries' about being booked in the first place (actually she hasn't posted since post #4), just that it's crap you can lose a clean license with two relatively minor fines, and that no one seems to know the situation with the points, including the people responsible for handing you your license and collecting the fines.

someone cries about getting a speeding ticket, then gets told to man the f**k up and deal with it. The rest of the thread is a natural progression.

No, the rest of the thread looks to be nothing more than people jumping at the chance to be keyboard warriors. I don't really care where mature discussion takes the thread (to a point of course), and I don't care if any of you guys have previous history, but take the shitfights somewhere that isn't SAU. Feel free to debate the topic or discuss things as adults, but if this thread keeps spiralling downwards you know what to expect.

(Note this isn't aimed just at maxe - his post is quoted purely because it summarises the arguments)

Re-read Einstein's posts, which are 3 out of the first 4 posts in this thread.

1. There is confusion over whether the whole double-demerit thing is happening at all... some say it is, some say it isn't, and according to the people I've spoken to who have tried to get a straight answer, you get a different response every time you ask Qld Transport so they don't know either.

2. What's the point of having 12 points on a license when it takes two minor offenses to lose them?

I don't see anywhere Mel 'cries' about being booked in the first place (actually she hasn't posted since post #4), just that it's crap you can lose a clean license with two relatively minor fines, and that no one seems to know the situation with the points, including the people responsible for handing you your license and collecting the fines.

No, the rest of the thread looks to be nothing more than people jumping at the chance to be keyboard warriors. I don't really care where mature discussion takes the thread (to a point of course), and I don't care if any of you guys have previous history, but take the shitfights somewhere that isn't SAU. Feel free to debate the topic or discuss things as adults, but if this thread keeps spiralling downwards you know what to expect.

(Note this isn't aimed just at maxe - his post is quoted purely because it summarises the arguments)

they weren't minor offences at all, losing 4 points is the second highest demerit points in the scheme. he might believe they were minor, but clearly the system does not.

he cried that he got done in what he thought was a 70 zone, yet that point is moot because he was speeding even if it was a 70 zone (cause he got booked for >20 over). the other time he said he was at lomandra drive, come on, if you are there you are asking for police to hassle you. its a notorious hoon spot, and you are joking if you are telling me the only time he sped was to pass his mate. if you want to drag race take it to willowbank, thats what its for. (if you can afford a skyline you can afford to pay $36 to run your car down the strip all night)

the system is designed to punish repeat offenders, but at the same time not unfairly hit people who are lost in a moment of passion behind the wheel. its designed to punish those who speed everywhere, as opposed to those who speed sometimes.

double demerits are in the news around christmas (and other holiday periods) because a lot of people travel south into nsw and victoria which have the scheme. considering its well known the police are out in force around this time anyway, you'd be stupid to speed, and thats the whole point of the fines and demerit points. its to make speeding unattractive so people don't do it. one man going against 50,000 police is going to end in the one man losing.

and i do think this is on topic, because how can you discuss speeding and fines without discussing the justifications behind the schemes.

As has probably already been said in here its been around for a good 6 months or so. It is quite harsh. I think it should be more so if you have lost your licence already, got it back maybe have the double demerits in that first 12 months of having the licence back. Or 50% more points taken off or something. Also if it hasnt already been said. It is if you get caught 20kmh or over x2 in a 12 month period its double points the 2nd time. So really you could get caught at 19kmh and be fine (pardon the pun).

It still doesnt sit 100% right with me as I feel the best speed is the speed the majority of the other cars are doing. ie M1 everyone is doing 130kmh, thats what Im going to do, like wise if everyone on the M1 is doing 90kmh, thats what Im going to do. As thats the safest speed to do. Its with the flow of the traffic, your not creating a diversion for anyone, and your not having to swerve all over the place to go around people. But hey, thats just logical.

Anyway. I think the best thing for you to do is take the good behaviour bond. Then on the off chance you then loose that you appeal the licence suspension. If your lucky it wont get to that stage. See if you just go for the suspension now that it done and dusted. Just my oppinion tho.

The other unfortate thing is your going to have to tell your insurance company, if you have an acco and they find out good chance you wont get any money off them.

Once again its just a band-aid by the Govt as they do not want to spend the money to train people how to drive. We could look at it like giving a gun to some one in the army and going, thats the trigger, can you pull that *bang* yes you can now opperate a gun, off to war with you. As its basically the same thing, giving somone a loaded weapon without teaching them how to use it properly.

Edited by dangerous_daveo

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