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Stolen Indicators


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Hi there everyone

Im relatively new to this site and find it difficult to find info and navigate this site so i hope i am not doubling up on a topic already discussed or posting in the wrong area.

I recently purchased and installed some Nisimo clear indicators for my R33 GTS-T skyline and since a few hours ago the only thing that remains is the empty box and wires hanging out of my chasis ;)

Just wondering is this a common thing? Has anyone come up with a solution to make the indicators more difficult to remove (silicone them in/alarm sensor attached?)

I guess what i am asking is it worth upgrading exterior/interior components on your car when bit go "missing" from your driveway in broad daylight? I have been looking into getting new stereo etc... but after this i have to wonder if its worth it. I had an alarm fitted with 3 point immobiliser as soon as i purchased the vehicle, recently tinted the windows and wondering where to go from here since it is so easy for some idiot to damage/take what isnt theirs :P

Would appreciate some feedback,


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I had to same bloody problem! After finally figuring how to remove the stock indicators and putting in the new Nismo ones... damn it, some fag stole my new indicators...

So anyways, just put another pack - and here's one possible way of preventing ttheft.... place some bluetak on the sides in the inside...when putting them in, be sure to push a little... now, it actually is much more steadier and harder to remove...good luck.

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If no ones mentioned it:

Did they get stolen from your home, and did you get them delivered there?

If so, consider checking the seller. Not casting aspersions on the person/ company, but it'd be worth checking out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there thanks for the responses.

As for the question relating to the items being sent yes they were and the car was at home..... although we had some seedy character roaming around selling "car maintenance" servicing that was annoyed at my Dad for not wanting to take him up on the offer.... so who knows :)

As for taping in one side im not sure how you can get access behind the indicators to do that. I think i might give the blue tac a try and see how difficult it is and if its still 2 easy silicone them in coz i figure if some mug steals them from my house if im out anywhere the probablity is much higher and more likely.

Anyway thanks again for the feedback and sorry for the late response..... put modifying my car on hold for a while after the dissapointment of having some tard disrespect my car like that

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