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P Plater Survey (anyone Can Do It)


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1. No

2. Yes

3. No

4. Hell no, being in the country makes it worse.

5. No

7. Yes

8. No

9. Right

10. I dont think it will help, cause your always going to have people who will speed, simple as that.

11. Yes, knowing what the driver behaves like though is commonsense

12. Red Ps

13. Male

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P-Plater Survey

1. Do you feel the current P plate restrictions are suitable?

Yes "No"

2. Would you drive a prohibited vehicle (turbo, v8) if you could?

"Yes" No I'm off P's im not restricted as on old system

3. Do you feel you take more care around P platers on the road?

"Yes" No

4. Do you like the idea of having a passenger limit for P platers?

Yes "No"

5. Do you regulary (atleast once everyday) speed (purposely go over speed limit)?

Yes "No" If I'm in a rush

7. Do you follow the speed on the freeway and stay within your 90 or 100km/h limit? (If you have one)

"Yes" No Don't have one

8. Has all the recent articles about P plater deaths made you slow down?

"Yes "No

9. Do you see more P platers doing the right or wrong thing when you are out driving? (Be honest please)

Right "Wrong"

10. Do you think passenger restrictions will solve the P plate death issue? Or does more need to be done?

Yes No "More" How about DRIVER TRAINING???

11. Do you trust getting into a car with a P plater? Or do you trust your child getting into a car with a P plater?

"Yes" No

12. Please tick what licence you are on:

Full "Green Ps" Red Ps Learners

13. Are you male or female?

"Male" Female

Edited by Chris_R33GTSt
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P-Plater Survey

1. No

2. I'm off p's

3. No, but L-platers yes lol

4. No, whats the difference. just more traffic on the road on a friday night.

5. If I'm in a rush

7. Don't have one

8. No

9. Wrong, people will do the wrong thing if they want too. and its part of growing up i guess.

10. No, like above. world is simple. theres stupid and responsible people.

11. Yes, assuming theyre responsible

12. Full

13. Male

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P-Plater Survey


2. Yes.i drive one now

3. No

4. No

5. Yes. If I'm in a rush though i tend to go faster

7. No

8. No

9. ambiguous question. of all the people i see doing wrong, a larger number are p platers. however most of the p platers i see do the right thing

10. it will reduce the number of people dying in p plate crashes but it will increase the number of people driving on their own. coz they cant get lifts.

11. i trust all of my mates to be safe on the road. if i had kids though it'd be a different story

12. Red Ps


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P-Plater Survey

1. Do you feel the current P plate restrictions are suitable?

Yes No

2. Would you drive a prohibited vehicle (turbo, v8) if you could?

Yes No I'm off P's

3. Do you feel you take more care around P platers on the road?

Yes No

4. Do you like the idea of having a passenger limit for P platers?

Yes No

5. Do you regulary (atleast once everyday) speed (purposely go over speed limit)?

Yes No If I'm in a rush

7. Do you follow the speed on the freeway and stay within your 90 or 100km/h limit? (If you have one)

Yes No Don't have one

8. Has all the recent articles about P plater deaths made you slow down?

Yes No

9. Do you see more P platers doing the right or wrong thing when you are out driving? (Be honest please)

Right Wrong

10. Do you think passenger restrictions will solve the P plate death issue? Or does more need to be done?

Yes No More

11. Do you trust getting into a car with a P plater? Or do you trust your child getting into a car with a P plater?

Yes No

12. Please tick what licence you are on:

Full Green Ps Red Ps Learners

13. Are you male or female?

Male Female

My answers are the bold ones Br3tt!!

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P-Plater Survey


2i'm off p's

3. Yes

4. Yes and No how do you get home drunk and a p-plater drives?eg brother etc picks you up

5.Yes If I'm in a rush

7.don't have one


9. Right,if i'm in my day to day car Wrong,if i'm in the line,they just can't help them selves

10. More

11. no

12. Full

13. Male

hope this helps

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P-Plater Survey

1. Do you feel the current P plate restrictions are suitable?


2. Would you drive a prohibited vehicle (turbo, v8) if you could?

i do already

3. Do you feel you take more care around P platers on the road?


4. Do you like the idea of having a passenger limit for P platers?

Yes - if they have gotten a speeding/neg driving etc fine, otherwise No.

5. Do you regulary (atleast once everyday) speed (purposely go over speed limit)?

No - sometimes i dont realise, but when i do i slow down.

7. Do you follow the speed on the freeway and stay within your 90 or 100km/h limit? (If you have one)


8. Has all the recent articles about P plater deaths made you slow down?

No (seeing my bro in law and mates almost die in a car accident did)

-my brother did a driver offenders course which has settled him ALOT. i think that p platers should have this as an option which will let them have more than 1 passenger etc.

9. Do you see more P platers doing the right or wrong thing when you are out driving? (Be honest please)


10. Do you think passenger restrictions will solve the P plate death issue? Or does more need to be done?

i agree with the passenger restrictions because:

1. less peer pressure.

2. less people killed the better.

11. Do you trust getting into a car with a P plater? Or do you trust your child getting into a car with a P plater?

if i do im always in the passenger seat... ready to throw a backhander if i dont like how theyre driving.

12. Please tick what licence you are on:

Green P's

13. Are you male or female?


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the government is a bit hypocritical on this issue...

can you somehow point out to everyone that passenger restrictions mean more p plater cars if they are going out as a group, makes it harder to get enough designated drivers for the hallowed drink driving situation, and will only result in more p platers driving without p's, which is against the point of p plates.

p platers are inexperienced drivers, p plates tell other drivers that. thats it.


1 no- too harsh

2 no

3 yes

4 no

5 no

7 yes- i did when on p's and rarely hit 110 now,, gears too short

8 no- biggest influence on me was actually studying for the full license test. they should make

you do that earlier, but when your still old enough for it to mean something

9 even

10 no

11 yes- you can tell within 1 minute of driving wether they are a good driver, regardless of



13 male

Edited by jeffworld2
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1. No - Too Harsh

2. I'm not affected by restrictions

3. No - I treat everybody on the road equally as 99% of drivers drive like shit regardless of type of license.

4. No

5. No

7. No - I usually do 110km/h where the limit is 110 (I'm still on green P's, supposed to do 100) on the M4 at certain times

8. No - I don't need to slow down because I don't drive like a retard, I'm usually within the speedlimit.

9. Right

10. No

11. Yes

12. Green P's (only for a few more months)

13. Male

Edited by d0p3y
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Jeff I have illustrated that point.

I took it in reference to a 5 passenger car.

When you start applying restrictions to the amount of passengers you can carry (and it looks like it’s only going to apply for passengers under 25 years old); You increase the amount of P platers on the road.

Another little snippet is:

Current legislation: 1 car = 5 people = 5 people get home safely = 1 P plate car

Passenger limit: 2 cars + 1 person who can’t get home = 6 people (including the extra driver needed to cover for your 1 person who can’t get home). Which then = 6 people and 3 P plate cars.

Please don't start an arguement about what I have quoted, as they are snippets and I have opposing facts/comments in relation to agreeing to a passenger limit.

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1. Do you feel the current P plate restrictions are suitable?


2. Would you drive a prohibited vehicle (turbo, v8) if you could?

I'm off P's

3. Do you feel you take more care around P platers on the road?


4. Do you like the idea of having a passenger limit for P platers?


5. Do you regulary (atleast once everyday) speed (purposely go over speed limit)?


7. Do you follow the speed on the freeway and stay within your 90 or

100km/h limit? (If you have one)

Don't have one

8. Has all the recent articles about P plater deaths made you slow down?


9. Do you see more P platers doing the right or wrong thing when you are out driving? (Be honest please)


10. Do you think passenger restrictions will solve the P plate death issue? Or does more need to be done?

No, More.

11. Do you trust getting into a car with a P plater? Or do you trust your child getting into a car with a P plater?


12. Please tick what licence you are on:


13. Are you male or female?


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