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P Plater Survey (anyone Can Do It)


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I don't go back to school for another 16 days dude.

It's an excuse to sit on SAU all day, not have to go outside and get my precious skin burnt by the harmful sun, and be in contact with the public.

Hahaha :unsure:

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1. Do you feel the current P plate restrictions are suitable?


2. Would you drive a prohibited vehicle (turbo, v8) if you could?


3. Do you feel you take more care around P platers on the road?


4. Do you like the idea of having a passenger limit for P platers?


5. Do you regulary (atleast once everyday) speed (purposely go over speed limit)?


7. Do you follow the speed on the freeway and stay within your 90 or 100km/h limit? (If you have one)


8. Has all the recent articles about P plater deaths made you slow down?


9. Do you see more P platers doing the right or wrong thing when you are out driving? (Be honest please)


10. Do you think passenger restrictions will solve the P plate death issue? Or does more need to be done?


11. Do you trust getting into a car with a P plater? Or do you trust your child getting into a car with a P plater?


12. Please tick what licence you are on:

Full Green Ps

13. Are you male or female?


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P-Plater Survey

1. Do you feel the current P plate restrictions are suitable?


2. Would you drive a prohibited vehicle (turbo, v8) if you could?

I'm off P's

3. Do you feel you take more care around P platers on the road?

Yes red ones

4. Do you like the idea of having a passenger limit for P platers?


5. Do you regulary (atleast once everyday) speed (purposely go over speed limit)?

Yes but only a couple of km/h

7. Do you follow the speed on the freeway and stay within your 90 or 100km/h limit? (If you have one)

Don't have one

8. Has all the recent articles about P plater deaths made you slow down?


9. Do you see more P platers doing the right or wrong thing when you are out driving? (Be honest please)


10. Do you think passenger restrictions will solve the P plate death issue? Or does more need to be done?


11. Do you trust getting into a car with a P plater? Or do you trust your child getting into a car with a P plater?


12. Please tick what licence you are on:


13. Are you male or female?


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Thanks guys.

Filled them all out.

Just entering in the numbers now :D (in Excel).

Thank you once again for helping me with this. As it looks there are quite different opinions about the P plate issues, but thanks for all your input.

No more surveys need to be done thank you

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  • 2 months later...

Sorry to rebirth an old thread.

Just wanted to thank everyone once again for their help.

I think the result is pretty self-explanatory.

Thanks guys.


I put A LOT of time into this, and thankfully the teacher saw that.

Was pretty funny, the class got a two week extension because no one had "finished" (started lol) when we started this year (when it was due).

Maybe i'm just a nerd? :(

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Do you feel the current P plate restrictions are suitable?

Males: Yes – 8 – No – 12

Females: Yes – 11 – No - 9

Would you drive a prohibited vehicle (turbo, v8) if you could?


Male Female

10 4


Male Female

1 11

I'm off Ps (Doesn't affect me)

Male Female

9 6

Do you feel that you take more care around P platers on the road?


Male Female

12 10


Male Female

8 10

Do you like the idea of having a passenger limit for P platers?


Male Female

10 5


Male Female

10 15

Do you regularly (at least once everyday) speed (purposely go over the limit?)


Male Female

6 3


Male Female

9 8

If I'm in a rush

Male Female

5 9

(If I'm in a rush was a trick :( - Basically saying yes but not wanting to admit it)

Do you follow the speed on the freeway and stay within your 90 or 100km/h limit (if you have one)?


Male Female

8 7


Male Female

5 8

I don't have one

Male Female

7 5

Have all the recent articles about P plater deaths made you slow down?


Male Female

6 10


Male Female

14 10

Do you see more P platers doing the right or wrong thing when you are out driving? (Be honest please)


Male Female

8 10


Male Female

12 10

Do you think passenger restrictions will solve the P plate death issue? Or does more need to be done?


Male Female

6 2


Male Female

7 9

More needs to be done

Male Female

7 9

Do you trust getting into a car with a P plater? Or do you trust your child getting into a car with a P plater?


Male Female

12 15


Male Female

8 5

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