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Whats Going On ? Melbourne Out Of Power?

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Allen, the power is down in Southbank.. but St Kilda Rd is ok :)

i work on st kilda road...around 4.30 pm the whole building blew....nothign was working....half of the ct aint...and a good part of dandenong area is gone aswell.

news says its because of a fire that has reached a big powerplant and has caused this.

news is also saying that we need to cut down on the suage or they willl cut all power to melbourne for a while

From another thred

Not doin anything now... left work awhile ago, and am at home chillin. Ha ha... there is no power at my store in Edithvale, I think that all the local residence turned their air con on at the same time. Hope it comes back before we close, other wise I will have to go back down there and guard the store :) . Thats not until mid-nit so I'm hopeful it will..
Power is out in most of the state, due to the bush fires killing some powerlines. Its going to be out for a while, they want every one who have power, to turn TV's and aircons off to get it back on quicker. [bugger] They are trying to divert power from NSW. Also is creating havok on tha roads with no lights... about 1000 out
Yep - no power at the playboy mansion.

I can hear my icecream melting from here...

I'm gettin worried now, I have about $3000- worth of ice cream and frozen stuff in my store. hope it comes back on soon. ooh well nothing I can do.

Power is back now crisis ova...

Yeah half the city power grid is out... Apparently a bushfire in benalia burned out the eleventy-billion kilavolt power connector, effectively cutting off 100,000 Powercor customers in Victoria.

Just got home from work, very warm outside, walk into my apartment building, elevators work, proximity swipe works! w00t. Airconditioner been on all day... ahh lovely. Right now I'm sitting in my apartment, sipping an ice cold beverage :) Might go relax by the pool for a bit...

Most importantly, my computers are all alive and online as usual wootsmiley.gif Excellent.

Power went at around 4 in my building in mt waverley, we all packed up and left at 4:30... no power at home in glen waverley til 6:30

haha..my bro would have been happy - that grumpus wouldnt have gotten any sleep last night cos his kid would have kept him up....


Almost all bar 1 traffic light on Stud Road was down today. It was certainly interesting driving through there.

Apparently news reports that the blackouts are from the power lines from NSW being in the fire up at Benella.

Edited by ToF
Dont lie Dezz.. your pet monkey had to get on the exercise bike to power enough houses in Hoppers that actually have electricity (around 3)

LMFAO! Sorry Dezz that just stole the crown from your DECA design. :):dry:

It made the main BBC site in the UK and here is the article:


pffft Sven's just upset because his country has no power to have a blackout in the first place.

You should be thankful that we tried to use nuclear power and it failed, causing your pet monkey to have abnormal mutated powers.... ive been told it can cycle for 5 hours without drinks.

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