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Has anyone else got the greenish "UV CUT" tint on the windows of their car?

My S1 has a little bit of an identity crisis and for some reason it doesn't have any of the "dark glass" colouring in any of the back windows. Instead it has this greenish tinted stuff on all of them except the windscreen. I am thinking of getting the whole car tinted but I wanted to find out if anyone else here has this greenish stuff on their windows and if they have had a tint film laid over it.

If so, has there been any problems with blurring etc? Also, can I expect the existing tint to cause any warranty issues and does anyone know if the existing stuff can be removed?

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My s1 came with the dark tint all round except to front windows which i think looks unfinished so took her to my local tint shop. the guy there was right into his imports and told me what to do. he said the 2 front windows did have the green tint you are talking about and to match it up to the rest of the tint i would need to get a darker grade tint than the rear windows and it was really hard to get the collour excactly the same. it came close but there is a slight difference and the grade he had to go to wasnt legal... also the light from the front window makes the tint look lighter. hasnt impared the vision to much only a little at night but if you dont have to match any other windows you can go whatever grade you want.....

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Id say who ever owend it b4 you has replaced the glass. have a look and see if there is a nissan logo on the glass that should tell you if they are factory or aftermarket.

i pulled these numbers off mine

Rear side window : M2L3 AS3

Rear passanger window : M2L5 AS3

the green could be an aftermarket tint film so becarefull you dont wanna put new tint over your old tint, i know some people say its ok but personally ive seen a lot of tint on tint that goes al wavey because different manufacturers of tint make it out of sifferent stuff and some heats up and cools down quicker then others. so get the old stuff removed if it is a film tint. if its the glass thats got a shade of green through it you shouldnt have any problems at all.

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I would, but my camera is stuffed (right before motorvation too)

I will be driving it this Saturday if you want to come out to the car park and take one for me!

It would be kinda interesting to sound out the general consensus. I had forgotten about that until you so tactfully bought it up.

I will have to take off the heat sheild toi I suppose to prove that it isn't NA anymore :D

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Hey Dale..... your car is a 25TXfour, they don't come with tint at the back (or anywhere except the top tint screen). There is nothing unusual about it, it's just the way they came out of the factory, (unless it was optioned as tinted). The RS series has the dark tint glass. Yours isn't so common as most of the XG range doesn't have the turbo, and isn't allowed in Austraila. Unless it really bothers you, I'd leave it as is, it still is UV cutting, (actually tinting has nothing to do with UV filtering, hence most safety glasses still filter UV). It is fairly unique just to have the green glass. There shouldn't be anything to remove though, if you do want to have it tinted.

Edited by Appealing
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haha, dale in not saying the motor is NA im saying the car is and has had a turbo motor put into it. i will bet $100 that the T on the vin plate is done with an engraver and looks wayyy different to the other RB25DE letters. i would be going to the shop who complianced it and asking questions if it was me. surely they have broken the law by saying the car is something that it isnt (or wasnt should i say), and i bet they could get in some serious trouble over it.

just my 2c worth, im not having a go at the car or nuthin just stating the facts of what ive seen :D

cya at motorvation, dont forget to come have a chat :)

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sorry to drop off topic, but CruiseLiner are you talking about motovation imports and if so do u work there ?

Close - he was refering to Motorvation, WA's biggest car show

Brad - Nup, thats it I am offended now *crosses arms across chest*

Only way you can stop me being offended is by offering me a seat on the supercruise :(

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Dale if you want to PM me the Vin, I'll tell you exactly what engine the car came from the factory with. Then you'll have no doubt (if there ever was one). I can run it through Nissan Fast (program). I am fairly sure though that it is a 25tX.

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