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What a pain in the butt, my last place was the same, sold it and I had to move, what I am after is a house with a 2 car lockable garge,I really dont care what the rest is like but rent cant be above $250, I have been looking and the pickings are slim so if any one knows of a good place on the southside let me know will you.

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man is it just me or are rental properties scarse at the moment?

we just moved and whilst looking for places we were looking at a unit in teneriffe and there was 21 different people at the inspection!

Rental properties are at an all time low at the moment according to the experts which means that rental prices are being driven up higher then normal and the sheer volume of people turning up to the inspections is crazy.

My tips for securing a rental when there are loads of applicants are as follows:

1. Dress like your going to a fancy resturant (appearance matters)

2. Download or pickup a rental application form prior to inspecting the premises and have it filled out and ready to hand in if you like the place you are inspecting.

3. If you like the place, drive to the real estate agent immediately after inspection and hand in the application.

4. On the rental application form it states the amount of rent to pay, add $5 per week or $10 per week to the amount and you can almost count on getting the place.

5. Often forgotten by many people I have seen at real estate agents, be polite and speak well. Slang expressions and a lack of respect for the staff at a real estate can make all the difference.


I assume you have looked online @ www.realestate.com.au ?

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one place we looked at, i turned up dressed in my clinical clothes which is shirt and tie, even had on my boss cufflinks and tie clip for htat extra bling..

we said immediately that we liked it and took a form, then dropped it off that afternoon

the next day we found out that we didn't get it, purely because they had so many applications handed in that day (and i'm a student so that makes it that little bit harder)

we only ended up getting a place because we downloaded the application form before we went (as said in the post above) and handed it in at the inspection. that, and it was listed at 9am and we were looking in it at 10am ;)

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Just an update in my hunt, I have viewed over a dozen properties now and for my price the quality is quite low but the so called ques arent there, one or two others looking with one property it was 3, but it is the agents themselves that are making it hard, they dont seem to give a rats arse about when i would like to look it's thier time or no time.

Thanks for the tips guys and wish me luck.

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ya, we were trying for ages then we just added 10bucks on to the set price and we got it.

Thats just BS ;) My brother in Melbourne speaks of very similar circumstances, he couldn't work out why he kept getting knocked back for new places :(

When Marc and I were looking to move, we found places we liked, filled in the forms ready to hand in and then turned up to the inspections. I made him get all dressed up too :wave:

Also another tip for when you complete your forms, is to use the BEST handwriting you can. Make extra copies of the forms and practice filling them in (bit pedantic but meh). Get your girlfriend, wife, mum, sister etc to fill in the forms if need be. If the moron at the real estate office can't read your handwriting you'll never get a break.

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this reminds me of Sydney pre 2000 Olympics...

turn up at an inspection with 50 punters.

have a quick look at the place, then drive like Schumacher back to the agent to get your form & deposit in.

In Sydney it was first to fill in the form & pay the deposit, wins the place (win? - pays a sh!t load for a crap house doesn't = win)

IF you have to put your form in at the agent's office & being 1st matters - work with a mate.

you go to the inspection, your mate waits for your phone call at the agents office. this worked well back in Syd.

good luck mate!

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