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at about 9.30 i left, by that time there was a couple of cops in the carpark, and about 7 people had done burnouts on the road that divides the 2 carparks, i came back at around 10.40pm and saw a few cars at mullaloo carpark, when i got to hillaries there were cops and tow trucks every were so i went home

[G3TLOW] did a burnout, and rolled straight up to a cop car with smoke still pissing out of his gaurds.

The only thing I can think of, is he wanted to get hoon lawed, or he has an IQ of about 12.

Pol-air was out in force, 17 hidden cameras in that carpark, cops at every entrance.... not the time to do a big stand still.

Edited by Brockaz

17 hidden cameras? wtf.

Yellow sticker for faulty horn and tyre diameter being to large (40mm difference between front and back).

I think I will refrain from attending cruises of this size and calibre again.

would have thought something like this would have happened

this is the 2nd ignition dvd cruise yeah?

they would have caught on after the first time

and the fact that they check forums like this for info

nothing wrong with attending these large turnouts if your vehicle is in good enough condition

police just waved me through without even looking at tyres or anything

police were informed of this meetup beforehand so there would be no hassles .it was only a few retards that dont know how to behave in public that caused all the hassles .

from reading alot of other forum and reading everyone having a whinge what i dont understand is.

a)why would you go to such an event if you know there are going to be over 500+cars which means yes there will be dickhead factor there?

b) hmm oh look a big group of cars! Last time i checked a big crowd of cars draws alot of attention so of course there will be lots of cops there, its human nature just accept it!

c) so A and B are pretty much a well established thing now with cruises these days so you should just accept the fact that cops will breathalize you, and go over your car. If you do have a modified car you will be targeted more than others. So if you knowingly putting yourself in that environment and that situation like that why whinge if you get yellowed, or pulled up.

pretty simple dont go to events like these and you wont get yellowed, your car wont get damaged, and you will save yourself alot of hassle.

if you want to look at nice cars, you go to AutoSalon not a carpark full of over 500 ppl in a uncontrolled environment

was good to see ALOT of nice cars out at the same time..

i got to sneak out the back road and fortunately i was tucked in behind 2 4bies leaving the boat ramp so they waved me thru.

was most entertaining.... im with aftamath, it was expected. those who didnt like it know for next time to bring a stocker or stay home

we waited around away from the cars til 3am to avoid the cops and they took photos of all the unattended cars so who knows what they gonna do, i'd assume they add the regos to a hoon list or something to look out for us in the future.

got out stickerless so im happy but damn was it a long wait lol :(

i cant understand why idiots have to do burnouts and usually they are the shittest cars there.

was an impressive turnout and the cops did seem to b pretty laid back about it all ....... until ppl started doin burnouts and yellin abuse at them then within about 10min polair1 had dropped down low with spotlight and all exits were blocked. I was lucky enough to b just waved straight thru the exists despite bein low, dark tint and full cage.

Was some nice cars there u dont c very often but as was expected the dickhead factor was high


you make good points but this was a cruise event not a burnout comp ,yeah the ppl doin stupid shit should of been pulled up and what ever then the other 499 plus ppl that were there for a good time showing off thier rides ,checking out the perth performance car scene,yeah RBT every one "shouldnt of been drinkin anyway"

basicaly what im saying is cops should of just been there for dickheads so your "uncontrolled environment" was controlled i dont think anyone would of cared if the cops had followed to other stops.

and yeah that would be great for ppl to brng stock cars to a performance cruise what dickheads they would of looked.


What a night is all i can say.Lost count of how many ppl did burnouts or went sideways in the big car park and just about all over the place. I also accept with the fact that cops will always be present at big turnouts like this, but maybe if so many ppl wernt doing burnouts and that, the police might not have had to set up road blocks everywhere, bring 6 tow trucks and a police chopper. to control things. All this does is bring a bad name to the import scene in perth.I cant wait to see this one on ignition dvd perth hotspots. :):)

Not the best place to have a large meet like that, only 1 way to exit knew that's what the cops would do. Didn't get stickered but got fined for having a stick on number plate.

spewin i didnt know that was illegal

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