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I'ev been bumming around SAU for awhile, anyways, its a great site, but lets get to the point, im currently studying in yr11, i wanna get my Vet auto completed (We start our Vet in yr10) and after this year, i was think of doing a apprenticeship, thats if i feel that school just doesnt cut it for me, im very devoted to cars, being part of my life, i guess i cant live wit out them. What im trying to say is that, is it posible that performance shops like CreatD, RaceLine motorsports and Ice Performance , in melb, me for apprenticeship. I know this sounds kinds dumb :D , but i wanna work with imports, not just your average family cars you know, doesnt intrest me as much as imports. I have a fair bit of knowledge, thanks to everyone in SAU, i try to read most of your post, and High Performance Import mags, and learn from your experiences. I just wanna know what you guys/girls reckon, is it possible to even get into working with performance shop, but more get an apprenticeship with them, My brother owns a Skyline GTS25T, so yes i'ev worked around imports before. :)

Don't take me for another fool, who just says they like imports because their cool, and wanna work wit them. Im very serious about this so yeah.

Feel free to comment, i wanna know what you reckon.

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mate, sounds like you have a good attitude and that counts for a lot. If you can show dedication through background knowledge and a genuine interest to stick with it and put the hard yards in, you're probably in front of the pack already.

If you have a photo/work log of your Vet, take it allong as a kind of portfolio for your work. Use it as a prop to get them into a convo about possibly taking on an apprentice. Let them know what you are interseted in and where you see yourself after school.

good luck!

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