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I totally agree with this topic but in my area its pricks on pushbikes. They ride in the middle of the road like they're the only ones around and they get pissed off at you for nearly clipping them when they're the pricks that didn't look where they're going!

One dickhead on a bike had a go at me when I beeped my horn, if I didn't beep he wouldhave been laying on the floor and I wouldhave been the worst person in the world! I gave hiom a mouth full but that don't acheive anything... they make bike lanes & pedestrian crossings for a reason and these pricks don't use em. I say f*k em all!

a pushbike is classed as a vehicle. they are allowed to ride on the road, in the middle of the road. if you are at an intersection and 1 is riding along the road you are pulling onto, you have to give way to them just as you would a car. they are not allowed to ride across pedestrian crossings. some councils don't allow them to ride on the foot path.

as for pedestians. sure this guy sounded like a tool, but the law is that if you turn a corner and there is a pedestrian already crossing the street you must give way.

last week in town an elderly man was knocked off his electric scooter (4 wheeled thing) while crossing the highway. he was crossing at a set of lights, and had the green walk light, and a car came round the corner and hit him.

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its not that.. why the hell do ppl like that give us ppl who drive cars stares. are they jealous or stupid. hes prob trying to act tough infront of his gf bitch.

anyway. he cant do anything even if he gets ur numberplate.

a skyline with the number plates *** *** reved his engine and took off after stopping.

and from my understanding it was a road not a crossing so they wer J-walking.?

and from my understanding it was a road not a crossing so they wer J-walking.?

not really true. otherwise i couldn't get to work from home without j-walking about 15 times, as only the main street and traffic lights have crossings.

this is happening more and more these days... must be just skyline drivers... id had people give me the finger for totally not doing anything watsoever minding my own business at traffic lights.. nothing we can do about it

id had people give me the finger for totally not doing anything watsoever minding my own business at traffic lights

this and the increasing police crack down on imports is another reason why i no longer drive my skyline.

Clearly the guy did more than stare, he was mouthing off and attempting to write down the number plate.

I've got to eat lunch but ill write more about this soon.

seriously, you have to expect attention from randoms if you drive an import, if you can't handle that then sell it and buy a camry. OP claims he had done nothing wrong (which i'm guessing is a half truth) so theres nothing the guy who wrote down his plate could even do.

a pushbike is classed as a vehicle. they are allowed to ride on the road, in the middle of the road. if you are at an intersection and 1 is riding along the road you are pulling onto, you have to give way to them just as you would a car. they are not allowed to ride across pedestrian crossings. some councils don't allow them to ride on the foot path.

Um no.... as I said they have their own lane which they don't stay in.. thats how it is in Melb but i dunno how it is where your from... in other words its like a "vehicle" merging into your lane when your driving on the road, would you beep or just let them come infront of you?

I always watch where i drive and always watch out for idiots on the road wether it be pedestrians or bikes or cars for that matter but the lanes/crossings are there for a reason. Obviously you'd stop if you seen someone crossing the road or what not but to give them a heads up of whats behind them for their sake and mine own... and then for them to stick their finger up at you... thats when i say screw them! sonsofnbitches should watch where their going.

And if a person on a pushbike not a vehicle is going to drive in the middle of the road in the city then their crazy. i've seen people get knocked off their bikes because they cut infront of a car, i nearly clipped one the other day cos he was crossing a busy road like a pedestrian (when he's meant to be a "vehicle") and he gave me the stare... idiots... people are lucky that WE stop cos i'm sure that someone one day wont exactly see and then woops... :P

I dont know where you people drive but i very rarely cop anyshit from people just because i drive a Skyline.

I think people need to think about the road rules and who has right away. Pedestrians have right away on crossings and at the traffic lights.

But i have noticed people just do what the hell they like walking in the middle of the road and crossing out in front of you.

I have had a few incounters and its not while im just driving the Skyline its in other cars as well im sure everyone experiences it.

And another one that shits me is when you are in a carpark and people just back out without looking and expect you to stop.

Edited by subzeroR33

Oh no no... its not cos we drive skylines, its just cos theres alot of cracked people out there :P

If i drove a excel id that the same opinions about people who dont watch where they're going, its just the nature of driving lol

seriously, you have to expect attention from randoms if you drive an import, if you can't handle that then sell it and buy a camry. OP claims he had done nothing wrong (which i'm guessing is a half truth) so theres nothing the guy who wrote down his plate could even do.

Wrong. That phone call from the tool can still cause trouble. For eg. if he claims that he was diving dangerously etc the police might be feeling extra tough that night, go around see him and have a talk. Maybe look over his vehicle and find something to defect him. Sure that probably wouldnt happen but it could. Or how about this, go online, report his car as defective (loud or smoky) a few times and then he has to report to transport for an inspection, wasting his time and money! Its not hard to screw someone over for no reason at all. Its also so amazing how the police always seem to side with the old tool that was in the wrong simply because the owner of the car is driving an "import" or is on his p's.

Tell me, out of interest what sort of car you drive?

You should have just run them down flat and use them as pizza toppings! :P

I agree with N15sm0 you should have just kept driving and ran them over atleast then he would have a reason to complain >_<

actually i was a pedestrian at maccas the other day, walking through the the parking lot, i was walking next to the parked cars so theirs a good 2 -2.5 metres of driveway for a car to drive on and some f**kmole in his fulli sick silvia decided it would be cool to drive right up to me and try and run me over, i was like wtf are u doing c**t, half a mind to throw my ice cream and coke at him, but then realised that id waited a good 10 minutes for it and just walked off.

But yes, in general i do agree pedestrians can be a pain in the arse, especially in shopping centres where they think they own the whole f**king road.

actually i was a pedestrian at maccas the other day, walking through the the parking lot, i was walking next to the parked cars so theirs a good 2 -2.5 metres of driveway for a car to drive on and some f**kmole in his fulli sick silvia decided it would be cool to drive right up to me and try and run me over, i was like wtf are u doing c**t, half a mind to throw my ice cream and coke at him, but then realised that id waited a good 10 minutes for it and just walked off.

But yes, in general i do agree pedestrians can be a pain in the arse, especially in shopping centres where they think they own the whole f**king road.

humm well you get this with weirdos !.. id love to run them over but rather not damage the car hehe .. by the way nice 4 door you have BANIT :)

Um no.... as I said they have their own lane which they don't stay in.. thats how it is in Melb but i dunno how it is where your from...

they only have bike lanes in major cities. other places have no bike lanes and the bikes are mixed in with the traffic. and most people think that they have no rights being on the road, when the road rules say differently.

they only have bike lanes in major cities. other places have no bike lanes and the bikes are mixed in with the traffic. and most people think that they have no rights being on the road, when the road rules say differently.

Yes i'm from a major city & didn't say they have no right being on the road, I just said they need to keep to their own side of the road and obey their own road rules which are clearly in place everywhere... makes the roads a better place if you ask me... but what i'm saying and what the person who started the topic is saying... clearly.....


Especially when someone merges into your lane nearly clips ya... you beep the horn and they start waving their arms in the air... Just wana f*kn kick em in the teeth!

Thats why i say again... screw em!

The pushbikes is a prime example of what happens, to me they're pedestrians you hit them theres no second chance for them or for you for that matter, same as motorbikes they just need to watch where they're going and can't expect everyone to see a stick on a f*kn road cos thats how accidents happen (everyone who's riden a bikes knows you need to be 2 steps ahead of everyone else out there).

If they are going to ride in the middle of the road and I have to give way to someone thats going 5 km/ph when its a 60k zone i think them staying on the far side of the road is fair don't you?

As for pedestrians the whole point of this is that because he throttled when trying to put it in 1st gear the pedestrian probably thaught he was giving him a scare which obviously was misinterpreted and attempting to write down the number plate and giving him the death stare, to be honest with ya alot of people might have taken it that way, not because of jealousy or because he's an import driver but because he felt threatened and he thaught his family was in "danger" when obviously they wernt if he was going 20k's an hr. Its natural to be protective of your family and anyone who has one kids wife and all they will definatly understand.

Sometimes you need to put yourself in their shoes and think yea i can see where they're coming from but theres no reason for arcing up especially if they're in the wrong cos thats just trying to be a sik cnt... someone thats thinks their always right does shit like that. We have pedestrian crossings and f*kn traffic lights its not a un-civilised place we live in ffs and if people arn't going to act civilised they deserve the finger. So you should have given the prick the finger when he was staring at you and a mouthful aswell.

Something you learn in the city where traffic is always screwed is always give way to cars otherwise you get squished no matter what the "law" says. People who just walk infront of cars sometimes you can see have a death wish, even tho they're meant to stop for ya, no one is invincible.

i should add what i saw here in vic last week. Was coming out of the safe way carpark - about to get to the road - and in front of me was another car, half turned on to the road and half on the entry to the car park. And some old guy was standing next to the drivers side and having a casual chat. What a bunch of f**king idiots. Couldnt even pull over to the side and chat, had to chat in the middle.

then at myer in chadstone, out of all the places to make out with your gf/bf, a couple decide they would make out in the middle of the f**king road (out in the car park).

there are lots of wankers out there....

in the estate that i live in, there's a group of kids from children of the corn that stand on the road and stare intimidatingly at me and my passengers. . .

i used to slow down for them. . .

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