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Just trying to get myself a roadworthy but the mechanic wont give it to me cause i get some sort of knocking sound from the rear which i think is from my Tein coilovers. I only hear the sound if i go over a ditch or something but not when im going on a smooth road.

My Tein coilovers have dampeners too and ive tried them on both soft and hard settings and i still get the same knocking sound. The knocking sound isnt very loud either.

So first of all is this sound normal for aftermarket suspension?

Does any1 get some sort of sound from their aftermarket suspension?

What is meant by "regassing" when it comes to coilovers?

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Not knowing what the knocking sounds like...I would try spraying the springs with WD40 first and see how that goes..if it fixes your noise and u get a roadworthy then great, otherwise my other guess is they're probably rooted and in need of a rebuild. Try the first option first coz it worked for me....

Do your strut tops have spherical bearings?

If they do, chances are they're worn out and that's what the knocking is.

Try taking your back seats out. Does the knocking get louder? When I had my old coilovers with spherical bearing tops the knocking got a lot louder with the back seats out, but with them in it wasn't too bad.

Edited by salad

ive been told that this is a common noise with adjustable coilovers, ive had my suspension checked out on Monday and they have reported NO problems

ive gone back to the mechanic this morning and persuaded him that the noise is a normal thing with TEIN's and so he gave me the RWC

im still gonna try the WD40 thing seeing as its worked with a few people and maybe it might help

Yeah I got the same problem with the one at the back of the passenger side, alot of people said it's a common thing with after market coilovers. The noise only comes out if driving on a hump or a ditch or something but it's gota be at a good speed too, and sounds like as if something is rubbing against something else.

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