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The Reason They Invented The Hoon Laws


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Well this guy will be the first and from what i read it sure sounds like he deserves it.


What a triumph for the new laws. What are the odds that sooner or later people will discover a Holden Gemini is worth all of $500 (With a full tank of petrol). :P

Actually, having driven one I am impressed that he managed 120km/h.

Clearly the bloke is an idiot & will deservedly get done badly, but it speaks volumes about the Government/Police PR spin that the headline is about the "hoon laws" and not about him trying to run down the copper.

On an serious note the reason they introduced the "hoon laws" was simply for the PR value & because the state government learnt by example that vilifying young car enthusiasts as hoons doesn't have a political down side. There were already sufficient laws which were sufficiently robust before they introduced this draconian nonsense. :happy:

Edited by djr81
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There will be a political downside when all the old people die off and what you're left with is the young enthusiasts. Many things will change when this old generation passes on.

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There will be a political downside when all the old people die off and what you're left with is the young enthusiasts. Many things will change when this old generation passes on.

For my 10 cents worth I don't think you should count on it. The present government (The State one) has been shown to be variously corrupt, incompetent, unduly influenced by minority lobby groups & basically the worst state government since the last corrupt & incompetent government run by Brian Burke.

Yet they are at VERY short odds to win the next election. What does that tell you?

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hahaha yeah i think he should be paying the police to take the gemmie off his hands.

instead of taking a car to the wreckers ...... just do a burnout and lead the police on a wild chase - that way it becomes their problem.

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You are aware that as the od people get older and die off the younger people also age yeah?

im not that far off and i still think all you whippersnappers are going to DIAF.

Its been a couple of years and this is the first guy that has been done. Sounds like they are not going crazy with this law and getting teh right people to me.

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wow he managed to spin the rear wheels on a Gem...now thats impressive.

But in all seriousness I tend to agree with djr...why the media focus on the hoon stuff and only add the fact he used his car as a deadly weapon (besides the fact that its a gemini) as a side note is a joke.

In my eyes the hoon laws across the country are nothing more than another excuse to pull you over for checks....

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wow he managed to spin the rear wheels on a Gem...now thats impressive.

But in all seriousness I tend to agree with djr...why the media focus on the hoon stuff and only add the fact he used his car as a deadly weapon (besides the fact that its a gemini) as a side note is a joke.

In my eyes the hoon laws across the country are nothing more than another excuse to pull you over for checks....

The copper must have been pretty observant. What are the odds the Gem had an LSD? Not good IMHO.

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For my 10 cents worth I don't think you should count on it. The present government (The State one) has been shown to be variously corrupt, incompetent, unduly influenced by minority lobby groups & basically the worst state government since the last corrupt & incompetent government run by Brian Burke.

Yet they are at VERY short odds to win the next election. What does that tell you?

the state liberals are complete joke , a shell of a political party . It will be a decade before they are even in a position to seriously contest an election let alone win one

bar a major scandal like half the labor ministry is kiddie fiddling or something ofcoarse

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This is a great win for common sense... to get your car taken away for "hoonin", you have to be doing sumfin more than a few km's over the speed limit... and to do that 3 times within 5 years, you have got to be asking for it!

This guy should have his car, keys and prison man love virginity taken ASAP.

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This is a great win for common sense... to get your car taken away for "hoonin", you have to be doing sumfin more than a few km's over the speed limit... and to do that 3 times within 5 years, you have got to be asking for it!

This guy should have his car, keys and prison man love virginity taken ASAP.

A great win for common sense?

Did he get the car confiscated for trying to run over a police officer? No, he got it confiscated for spinning the wheels.....

So on which particular planet does that constitute common sense?

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Driving at a plod...thats attempted murder or at least dangerous driving.

The West tells us that .."a driver caught a third time within a five-year period may have their car confiscated and forfeited to the crown by the court." Is it at the discretion of the Judge or is it another of those laws that removes discretion from the process???That would be a worry

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