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Has anyone ever had any problem with the wiring loom and computer plug on R32 RB20's? I'm asking this, because dispite putting in a set of split fire coils, new plugs (0.8 gap) and tying a different ignitor, my car (S13 Silvia) has a BASTARD of a flat spot. It's going to be hard to explain, but here go's. It idles fine. Drive out the drive way and it feels abit lifeless. Drive down the road and it lacks response. Lean on the throttle (not full throttle BTW) and it feels like you've put your foot on the brake at the same time, despite the boost gague showing 3-5 psi. Hold that throttle possition and when it gets past 4200rpm, it gets a new lease of life and takes off as you'd expect. Get past 5000rpm and it go's dead and struggles. Sometimes using less throttle can make the car feel faster.

Car has a new fuel pump (Bosch 040), runs OK air/fuel ratio's (11.5-10.5:1 under load/boost), I've cleaned the airflow meter (R32 airfilter box/standard throw away filter), base timing is 15 degrees.

It hasn't always had this lovely feature, and it has come and gone befor. :yes:

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