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Happy Birthday John


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Happy Birthday John

I hope you enjoyed your day down the spit...

I will also assume you will enjoy a few cold ones tonight...

Ill have one of these for ya right now...


Here is some German Chocolate Cake for you also...

(Well the filename of the picture says its german chocolate cake anyway :()


Its 23 right???

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And I am twice his age lol I could be his father tho I doubt one of my offspring would turn out that ugly :(

The club has certainly benefited from his input, well most of the time anyway you whore you

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hey all...

thanks for the best wishes!

best wknd i've had in ages.

Jess & I headed for coast friday middayish and spent the whole wknd down there stayin at Q1.

Ended up hittin the pool for the majority of the afternoon after settling in and then went to infinity friday night. was pretty good, nothing to complain about.

then headed over to Spacewalker for dinner and had a drink which I ended up gettin a bit sick from (bailey's is not a choice for me to have now).

Ended up headin back to the appartment around 11ish and just passed out. Got up at 9am sat and headed for the pool and then made plans which consisted of going for a 3-4hr drive in total to ipswich to pickup shane.

got back to the coast and then headed out for the afternoon of what was left and went to spacewalker. went into 2 of the options provided. started falling asleep in the 1st one but not quite fully asleep... 2nd option we choose consisted of actually layin on the ground while watchin a tv mounted to the roof.... here i actually fully fell asleep while layin down.

then headed over to hogs breath for dinner.... pretty good steak, pitty jess sent her's back twice and still got it wrong which consisted of them cookin up a 2nd one for her.

then headed back to the apartment (myself, jess & shane) and at around 9 mike joined us and got completely plasted by drinkin our way through the night. I managed to actually out drink everyone (surprise to me considering i rarely ever drink) but was the first to actually pass out at 11ish.

mike and i decided to head down to the pool (while plasted at 10 at night). was tryin to swip the card to let us in but the gate wouldnt work... a few randoms came up behind us and i said it wasn't lettin us in. one of the guys in the group just ended up walkin through the gate as the glass pane was missing. gave them and us a bit of a laugh.

then headed for the gym room around the pool to which, needed a swip pass and that didnt work. was tryin to get into that and only to see after 2mins of tryin to get in, the other door to the room was actually open already. lol

got up to the gym room, i jumped on the bikes in there and rode 3k's.

yesterday consisted of a full day at dreamworld!

so, overall, best wknd i've had in ages!!!!

thanks mike, shane, marc & karen for coming yesterday!!!!

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