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it's extremely dodge

more than half the time, the needle will not read past 3000rpm or 3500rpm and sumtimes wen i push it hard the needle may drop down a lil, but wateva the reason, the tacho does not match the sound of the engine, sumtimes the speedo even reads 0 until a short time later, culd be a minute, culd be 5, it just jumps bak up to wat da speedo shuld be reading. i have reason to believe my whole dash is screwed.

i've been told it culd be my vacumm cables are blocked a little, or it was mucked around with before i bought the car, as it reads it's gone 22000km's, yes, i admit, it certainly must have gone further than that. how do i fix this problem?

any info wuld be greatly appreciated.

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my tacho dont work.. it sits at 8000rpm on idle and then might go down to 4000rpm when it feels like it and it moves around and flickers sometimes it does a whole 360...

pretty funny but i want to fix it too

Check your hose in the engine bay and if you whip the r/h front wheel and under gaurd cover off you can trace it right into the cab. Then you can follow it up under the dash. Take the dash facia out and you can keep following it to the vacuum gauge. In the engine bay it starts at the front of the plenum on R33's.

The speedo prob. is a power thing, I'd be checking the fuses [easy] and then pulling the dash facia out and checking it all, make sure connections are good. Could cure the tacho at the same time??

i had an odd problem where my speedo would go spastic and the hicas light would flash. it was only after a certain rpm. i found the rsm RevW value when reached causes the speed to go from whatever speed to 0 and back again over and over (dance style) and hicas flashing. i had to set the RevW value to 11000rpm to get around it. very odd

my dash was similar, speedo didnt work at all, and occasionally the tacho wouldnt work either

replaced the dash on saturday and its all fixed, was either the internals of the dash or the contacts on the 3 plugs that go into the dash.

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