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The Sau Official Track Day 2007

Abo Bob

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We are 90% certain this will be the date. More details to come on cost etc. but shouldn't be too much.

Also we are running it as a driver training day, meaning that passengers are allowed all day. This will be good for people needing some instruction. You can have an experienced person in the passenger seat giving you some tips then you can go out in their car as passenger to see what they do.

I want a big showing for this. If you only go to one track day this year, make it this one. It's going to be a big social event with great fun racing as well. I want all you newbies out there taking advantage of the instruction available because you don't get opportunities like this anymore. When I started doing track days about 3 years ago, passengers were allowed most of the time, now it's rare.

With this in mind we have secured some insurance that basically lets us do what we want. :)

The other people that I really want there are the club elders, the guys with heaps of experience and fast cars. We need you guys to be our instructors.

No doubt there will be a bunch of people going down the night before for some cheap accomodation and frivolity.

Post your interest in here.

Please read this and follow the instructions!

Entry will be $150 per car for SAU club members and $160 for non members.

Entry price includes a long sleeve track day t-shirt.

You need either a CAMS L2S licence or a Wakefield Licence. The CAMS one costs $85 a year and is used on most tracks around the country for a number of different kind of events (particularly the L2S open days that a number of us go to quite regularly) and must be purchased before the event. You need to be a member of a CAMS affiliated club, like SAU, to get one of these too. The Wakefield licence costs $50 a year and is available on the day from the track. It can only be used at Wakefield. Please note that any passengers will also require one of these licences.

You will also nee a helmet, long pants and long sleeve shirt (shirt supplied!).

CAMS L2S Application form - Click to download

The Skylines Australia bank account details are as follows:

Bank - NAB

Branch - Marrickville

Account name - Skylines Australia NSW

BSB - 082 356

Account number - 546 393 766

Please put your full name in the description. If you are depositing at a branch then make sure you put your name on the deposit form (I know there is a spot for it on there somewhere) and ask the teller to enter it so he/she doesn't forget.

Alternatively you can use paypal. Click here.

When you have done all this email me at - bob at estc dot net dot au - with your internet banking receipt or date and branch of deposit.

Please include in the email:

Full name -

User name on the forums -

Mobile Number -

Amount paid -

Previous Wakefield lap time -

(put other track lap time if unknown or write newbie if that's what you are)

Copy and paste the above to make it easier for me.

Important - You will not be confirmed until a deposit has been made.

The following people have paid and are confirmed:

Abo Bob











Apollo S15




Impact Blue









Knockout ned


JDSracing x2








Son of Sydneykid (or sydneykidskid ;))




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Even if ive gotta push the car to get down there im in!! :wave:

yup. in.

let the trash talk begin :rofl:

Ladies first!! :wave:

Hahaha.. Liz, you know you don't need to be in it to talk trash..

Time for you to kick Mikey & Shawn's arse!

Pft!! soooo not gonna happen!! :wave:

Im in also!

btw I will bring the sunscreen this time...! Damn Wakefield

Teh mask of Zorro!! :P:glare:

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