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The Sau Official Track Day 2007

Abo Bob

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CAMS called me today and said I was too fast to participate in this day

sorry guys

perhaps we can have a play once you guys get up to speed.

have fun

yogi... pm coming!

awwww sucks :bunny:

well my engine finaly died :) i have 4 broken pistons, ringlands to be exact. i dont think i have time to do an engine swap after work today, but wel see.

needless to say i wont be racing.

this sucks too... but it means more time for you to instruct me COS THE CAR IS FIXED AND WE'RE COMING!!!

It was a close call there, found out 5.30 yesterday that the vibration is goooooooone and it's getting tuned today. As soon as she's done we'll be hitting the road. Should arrive early Sat morning. Not sure what we're gonna do til we leave for Golburn but i'm sure we'll find something :) *wees with excitement*

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Sorry to hear about the car dave.. it held up so well! hopefully she will be as good as new!

Jeez, 9 degrees.

Anyone got a paddy basher we can set fire to in the pits, to keep warm?

You guys really think 9' is cold!!! hahaha you have another thing coming.. I was down there 2 weekends ago..

It was -3' One of the guys racing (an older gentlemen) was walking around in shorts!

There was ice on the cars! the mirrors were frozen solid!

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how many are pulling out???

im coming down to watch....spent too much money this month....bought a oil cooler/filter relocation kit and a catch can, 6 semi slicks for a track day in september....

should be good....its not going to be a swinning pool like the last track day i spectated at.....very wet...

good luck guys!!!

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Cant wait to get on the track its been a while since ive been to waky but i know its gunna be fun as long as my last minute mods get done and hold up. So what time do we have to be there in the morning for the scruteneering?

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I won't be able to make it this weekend either. I wasn't racing anyway, but was keen to come down and help out, as well as spend a night or two in Canberra to catch up with family and also check out the Sutton Road complex before meeting up at Wakefield to spectate and help out.

Oh well..

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I won't be able to make it this weekend either. I wasn't racing anyway, but was keen to come down and help out, as well as spend a night or two in Canberra to catch up with family and also check out the Sutton Road complex before meeting up at Wakefield to spectate and help out.

Oh well..

Ohhhh nooooo Nick!!

Always nice to catch up with you ...but cant be helped I guess :worship:

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Im interested to know what is involved in the scruitineering, is there anyone here thats driven before that knows what is checked etc?

i have a pod filter exposed and have been told its ilegal on the road but i am guessing on the track it will be fine?... if not ill have to cover it up..lol

hope it dosent rain.. should be an awsome day!!


Edited by r33freely
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Okay so news just in... tune was nearing completion when she started to run lean. Bad fuel filter or some shit, but it's all fixed and getting tuned tonight. Unfortunately due to secret squirrel location of dyno we don't get it back til 8.30 tomorrow morning. So we won't be hitting the track til late tomorrow night. jebus this better be worth it :worship:

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ok well im in the process of rebuilding my "good" motor now. just finnished the bottom end. now all i have to do is do the engine swap tomorrow. (i did a 36hour day on wed/thurs doing a head swap.) f**ked. started it at 6pm and didnt get it going till 5am. drove home,brushed my teath and went to work then got sent home at lunch cos i was a zombie lol

and guess what still missfiring. following a frustrated "hit" the peroblem revield its self with some ring land faILIERS. ut when the head was off the bores looked sweet. anyway.... gota go weld the sump.

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Guys it is freezing down here!!! Make sure everyone brings very warm clothes.. Maybe even an extra blanket.. These ones are crap.. Boooo I'm cold!!!!

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