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Mercury Motorsport


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Guys I understand that people will have good and bad experiences with any workshop/company who supply any service for that matter, but please keep in mind the forum rules before passing comment. If in doubt, contact a moderator before you post. I'm not saying that you can only post good comments/stories, but please just think about what you're typing before you hit Submit and keep your comments civil and factual.

Badmouthing or slandering a business, regardless of how valid you feel your complaint is, is strictly against the rules and could earn you a warning and/or a ban. I realise this isn't ideal to anyone who may have suffered a bad experience with a business, but it is better than having SAU shut down by lawsuits.



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Guys I understand that people will have good and bad experiences with any workshop/company who supply any service for that matter, but please keep in mind the forum rules before passing comment. If in doubt, contact a moderator before you post. I'm not saying that you can only post good comments/stories, but please just think about what you're typing before you hit Submit and keep your comments civil and factual.

Badmouthing or slandering a business, regardless of how valid you feel your complaint is, is strictly against the rules and could earn you a warning and/or a ban. I realise this isn't ideal to anyone who may have suffered a bad experience with a business, but it is better than having SAU shut down by lawsuits.



As far as I can see there hasnt been any slander or defamation in here...apart from one comment which details his experience with Mecury (which if it wasnt true may pose a problem) People should limit their answers to something like "Have taken my car there before, wasnt impressed." Pm or talk privately further if you require..this saves SAU from any possible problems. This way you can get an idea about the workshop without causing any issues.

Just my 2c.

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Guys I understand that people will have good and bad experiences with any workshop/company who supply any service for that matter, but please keep in mind the forum rules before passing comment. If in doubt, contact a moderator before you post. I'm not saying that you can only post good comments/stories, but please just think about what you're typing before you hit Submit and keep your comments civil and factual.

Badmouthing or slandering a business, regardless of how valid you feel your complaint is, is strictly against the rules and could earn you a warning and/or a ban. I realise this isn't ideal to anyone who may have suffered a bad experience with a business, but it is better than having SAU shut down by lawsuits.



That being said, lawful greviances and slander are two different things.

If a workshop stuffs something up or rips someone off then they should expect to have the story spread around, and cant hide behind the slander rules. But this can also be taken too far, and thats when slander comes into it.

That being said, all my dealings with Mercury Motorsport so far have been limited (I got a quote from them), but in my experciances they were profesional and easy to talk to and get along with.

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That being said, lawful greviances and slander are two different things.

If a workshop stuffs something up or rips someone off then they should expect to have the story spread around, and cant hide behind the slander rules. But this can also be taken too far, and thats when slander comes into it.

That being said, all my dealings with Mercury Motorsport so far have been limited (I got a quote from them), but in my experciances they were profesional and easy to talk to and get along with.

yea technically your right about slander but the problem is in proving that your statement isn't faulsified or embelished. If the workshop are determined to be a pain its not hard if you give them something to go on, true or not...if your bad mouthing them and you cant back it up...they have a cause of action. Dont talk about it on a public forum and you cause no problems...its easier to say something along the lines of what i said above and discuss further privately via other means.

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in an internet medium its libel, not slander (laws are slightly different and its considered more serious)

however the reason its not allowed in the rules isn't because of legal reasons, its simply because attacking a sponsor or a potential sponsor could cost SAU revenue through lost advertising, etc.

hence you can say "john howard f**ks goats" and post a photoshop signify the extent of his relationship with them, but you can't say "mercury are crap"

Edited by nF
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Took my car there for a dyno run, the guy that looked at my car that day knew R34's fairly well and seemed more than capable of tuning my ROM, which they will be doing soon.

He picked things I knew were an issue that aren't obvoious unless you know R34's and they way the ECU operates. That gave me instant confidence in them.

I can't speak for the other guys that work there as I didn't deal with anyone else.

R33's can use the R32 chipped ROM, you just need to swap over 2 pins on the ECU for it to operate in the R33.

Easy fix

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I guess a topic like this is always a can of worms. A couple of things are obvious. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, we all have our own preferences and you can't like everyone.

Yes the people that work at Mercury are human. We are not super human robots that get everything right and as such we do make mistakes from time to time. I think the difference between an average workshop and a great workshop is how these mistakes get handled and I know for a fact that we take our clients very seriously and if we ever make a mistake we are the first to admit it and handle it in a professional manner.

What is impossible to sort out are the problems that you never hear about until someone posts on a forum about us and the knockers come out of the woodwork to say we are shit and have never actually taken the time to give us any feedback. If there is a problem, all I ever ask is to hear about it first from the client and we will do everything in our power to sort it out as quickly as possible.

I started Mercury 4 years ago, selling parts out of my lounge room, and through what has been a massive part of my life, Mercury has grown into what I think is one of the best workshops in Brisbane. We may not be the best, but hey, that comes down to an individual opinion. I think that we build some very tough cars and are always straight up and down with our clients. I never recommend anything to clients that doesn't provide them with benefit and I always take the time to explain to the client what we are recommending and why.

I have never understood why someone would listen to a random comment on a forum as to why or whynot go somewhere. Why not come down to the workshop, have a look at what goes on there and make up your own mind.

Lastly, thanks to all of the people that posted on here saying that we are a good shop. It is greatly appreciated and I hope that we can be of service in the future. For those that think we aren't good, well all I can say is sorry.

Edited by MercuryMotorsport
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As I have always said in relation to these topics...

You will hear good and bad about any company...

Hey thats what forums are for, freedom of speach and a place to air your mind and get things off your chest...

Its up to you to make up your own mind, advice can be shared but its important for anyone to form their own opinion of a company...

My personal experience with Mercury has been just like any workshop, I ring I make an apointment and I go, I pay for the job and I come get my car with a thank you...

I have had a good experience with a dyno night we had there in 2004 i think, and hope to use them later in the year with an event the exec's have up their sleave at the moment...

But like i said, its important to form your own opinion of a business and be carefull about flaming a business on a public forum...

As you may not like the responce you get...

Some advice is if you dont have anything good to say then dont say anythign at all...

However I should take some of my own advice and quite often dont... My bad...

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and as such we do make mistakes from time to time. I think the difference between an average workshop and a great workshop is how these mistakes get handled and I know for a fact that we take our clients very seriously and if we ever make a mistake we are the first to admit it and handle it in a professional manner.

ummm very well said....... everyone makes mistakes, but whether taking the responsibility or not, is what seperates the decent ones from bad ones...

my personal experience with mercury is like col, paid the money got what i wanted done and no dramas.

nowadays you will hear all kinds of stories about any particular workshops, so it is very hard to say. reputation isnt everyhing. some workshops may have a great name, but its only when you deal with them, you know for sure their work standard and ethic.

so have a chat with them and see what they can do for ya.

all it takes is one bad experience, the story can be heard all over the internet ( i used to do the same thing, but realised there is no point for slandering)

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I guess a topic like this is always a can of worms. A couple of things are obvious. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, we all have our own preferences and you can't like everyone.

Yes the people that work at Mercury are human. We are not super human robots that get everything right and as such we do make mistakes from time to time. I think the difference between an average workshop and a great workshop is how these mistakes get handled and I know for a fact that we take our clients very seriously and if we ever make a mistake we are the first to admit it and handle it in a professional manner.

What is impossible to sort out are the problems that you never hear about until someone posts on a forum about us and the knockers come out of the woodwork to say we are shit and have never actually taken the time to give us any feedback. If there is a problem, all I ever ask is to hear about it first from the client and we will do everything in our power to sort it out as quickly as possible.

I started Mercury 4 years ago, selling parts out of my lounge room, and through what has been a massive part of my life, Mercury has grown into what I think is one of the best workshops in Brisbane. We may not be the best, but hey, that comes down to an individual opinion. I think that we build some very tough cars and are always straight up and down with our clients. I never recommend anything to clients that doesn't provide them with benefit and I always take the time to explain to the client what we are recommending and why.

I have never understood why someone would listen to a random comment on a forum as to why or whynot go somewhere. Why not come down to the workshop, have a look at what goes on there and make up your own mind.

Lastly, thanks to all of the people that posted on here saying that we are a good shop. It is greatly appreciated and I hope that we can be of service in the future. For those that think we aren't good, well all I can say is sorry.

I think that should serve as an indication of what they're like at mecury, professional and sincerely dedicated to trying to help customers...if you go on that and from what i saw at a dyno day there last year...i'd trust them with my car.

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i was told even dr drift cant re-map the R33 stock ecu?

Yeah I think that's the case, but it was a 180 I had done by him, not my new r33 :P

Anyway, I reckon these guys are pretty damn good as far as workshops go. For those who say they're pricey.... well you get what you pay for don't you?

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I guess a topic like this is always a can of worms. A couple of things are obvious. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, we all have our own preferences and you can't like everyone.

Yes the people that work at Mercury are human. We are not super human robots that get everything right and as such we do make mistakes from time to time. I think the difference between an average workshop and a great workshop is how these mistakes get handled and I know for a fact that we take our clients very seriously and if we ever make a mistake we are the first to admit it and handle it in a professional manner.

What is impossible to sort out are the problems that you never hear about until someone posts on a forum about us and the knockers come out of the woodwork to say we are shit and have never actually taken the time to give us any feedback. If there is a problem, all I ever ask is to hear about it first from the client and we will do everything in our power to sort it out as quickly as possible.

I started Mercury 4 years ago, selling parts out of my lounge room, and through what has been a massive part of my life, Mercury has grown into what I think is one of the best workshops in Brisbane. We may not be the best, but hey, that comes down to an individual opinion. I think that we build some very tough cars and are always straight up and down with our clients. I never recommend anything to clients that doesn't provide them with benefit and I always take the time to explain to the client what we are recommending and why.

I have never understood why someone would listen to a random comment on a forum as to why or whynot go somewhere. Why not come down to the workshop, have a look at what goes on there and make up your own mind.

Lastly, thanks to all of the people that posted on here saying that we are a good shop. It is greatly appreciated and I hope that we can be of service in the future. For those that think we aren't good, well all I can say is sorry.

Personally ive never used you guys for any work.. but i have to give you fellers enough credit to come on here and be professional about it rather then creating more keyboard warriors .. another not for a workshop like them to come on here and appologise to customers who werent satisfied shows their level of professional profecency, all i can say is id defaintly try these guys out , anyone else who has a problem with any work shop shouldnt come on the fourms and brag about it .. as these guys have to make aliving to like most of us humans.. what you pay for is what you get in return , if you arent happy speak to workshop management , thats all i have to say from myside..

P.S anyone closing this thread b4 it starts to escalate ? :)

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Personally ive never used you guys for any work.. but i have to give you fellers enough credit to come on here and be professional about it rather then creating more keyboard warriors .. another not for a workshop like them to come on here and appologise to customers who werent satisfied shows their level of professional profecency, all i can say is id defaintly try these guys out , anyone else who has a problem with any work shop shouldnt come on the fourms and brag about it .. as these guys have to make aliving to like most of us humans.. what you pay for is what you get in return , if you arent happy speak to workshop management , thats all i have to say from myside..

P.S anyone closing this thread b4 it starts to escalate ? :laugh:

ive used mercury before, one of their tuners touched up my wolf tune in the past. he also gave me good advice regarding coilpacks ect and that advice was spot on.

azzura has been bitching that he got f**ked in the arse by mercury for years without really elaborating. tbh if he didnt sort his shit out with the workshop himself then its his own fault.

when i had issues with gavin woods (and i was f**king pissed at the time) i spoke to him and he cleared everything up.

you will also find they are one of the few workshops in brisbane that will tune a wolf.

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ive used mercury before, one of their tuners touched up my wolf tune in the past. he also gave me good advice regarding coilpacks ect and that advice was spot on.

azzura has been bitching that he got f**ked in the arse by mercury for years without really elaborating. tbh if he didnt sort his shit out with the workshop himself then its his own fault.

when i had issues with gavin woods (and i was f**king pissed at the time) i spoke to him and he cleared everything up.

you will also find they are one of the few workshops in brisbane that will tune a wolf.

i've been bitching with good reason, and no, i'm not going to elaborate on a public forum, purely for the abovementioned reasons, and they are the reasons i have never disclosed any details.

so, kthxbai... unless you have a clue, stfu.

p.s. i would like to second the motion that this thread be locked.

and for the record, the issues i have/had with them are semi-resolved, it only took approximately a year to do so, and as such, i am neither recommending them, nor saying you should not go there, i am merely stating that i took my car there, and i had problems - as you can see, others have been there, and not had problems, so make up your own mind.

Like Trent/Chris/Whoever that post from Mercury Motorsport was written by (i take it it was Trent) - everyone has bad days... maybe it was one of those days that my car was in there - it could have changed a lot since i was in there last.... but to quote the old saying - once bitten, twice shy.

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This thread has run its course.

As has been stated numerous times, with a large amount of customers you will inevitably get some bad feedback, directly or otherwise.

I'm not going to pass judgement on whether Mercury are good or bad, but as with anything else, it seems that if there are 100 good stories and 1 bad one, it's the bad one that gets all the attention. That's not to say that there is no merit in it, but the difficult part is working out how much value YOU put on each opinion, and deciding whether or not to entrust your pride and joy to that business.

The best thing you can do is go to a workshop, have a look around, see the kinds of cars in the driveway and how the mechanics are treating them (are they parked carefully? do they use guard protectors and seat covers?) Check the condition of the shop (is it tidy? are the tools cheap crap or decent? etc) and decide for yourself whether you are confident with leaving what is generally your second-largest financial outlay there for the day. If not - walk away. If you are - great, make a booking.

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