February Sau Dinner
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After a quick read, it's just conductivity testing. Might grab the DMM at work and do a 4 wire test on some oil for science. I think Sarah's car is due for a fluid change, so capturing a reading from her old fluid, reading from my unopened old bottles, and then I'll grab a brand new bottle. We'll have to see how far it all varies. And possibly after this weekend I might be able to steal a spot on a hoist in the workshop across from work to even do the brake bleed easily (yeah, I still hate jacking cars and working on the ground, so I do it in style when possible 😛 ) I'll get a small jig printed for the probes so we know we're perfectly keeping the probes at the same distance. Using 4 wire should work perfectly, as it's applying a voltage to measure current, and measuring the voltage drop. that's my theory without being a chemical/physics engineer. GTSBoy, any thoughts on how you'd do it with a benchtops DMM?
You can lose information about timing at 50 thou, but the centrelines will still measure up correctly.
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