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Yeah I agree with ya dezz before my mate installed his i saw the piping and it very minimal. Could that be why his not experiencing noticeable lag??? Car runs so much better on hot days now and his got the stock ecu and not running rich or anything like that.

These things are sweet :( My mate has one on his R33 his kept his car pretty original with not even upping the boost and no obvious extra lag is seen which is surprising due to the size of the piping.

Any chance you have some pics of it fitted to your mates car?? i really really need some more pics.


Some info.

I have seen these and other coolers fitted to R33's where the owner said they had to cut the front bar a fair bit and they were almost all mounted incorrectly.

Basically there are 2 main things you can do to get the pipe (and the whole thing) to sit higher. One is to mount the cooler on a slight angle, bottom more to the rear of the car. The other is to use a rubber mallet to bash the bits of the radiator support panel that stick out back a little. I moved mine up about 3 cm just that (was an R34 though).

Also there are two mounting holes for the brackets that go on the top of the cooler. Some people use the lower one when you need to use the higher one. Need to relocate the horn.

This bracket is the only one that is not attached to the pipes. I think I have the R33 one lying around somewhere.

So do you think that the silver r33 on the 1st page has just mounted his up all wrong?? It dosent look very good at all which is why i need pics to confirm exactly what it looks like when its mounted up correctly.

So do you think that the silver r33 on the 1st page has just mounted his up all wrong?? It dosent look very good at all which is why i need pics to confirm exactly what it looks like when its mounted up correctly.

Mine was mounted right up as Abo Bob said and I did have to move the horn but at the same time the front bar did have to get trimmed a fair bit to fit it. Reo bar was fine.

Im sorry mate been really busy I have some pics on my phone but cant hook it up to the comp at work. If I get home before dark ill borrow my sisters camera and take some photos for you.


Mine was mounted right up as Abo Bob said and I did have to move the horn but at the same time the front bar did have to get trimmed a fair bit to fit it. Reo bar was fine.

Im sorry mate been really busy I have some pics on my phone but cant hook it up to the comp at work. If I get home before dark ill borrow my sisters camera and take some photos for you.


No worries mate, any pics would be really helpfull :P

Thanks alot


So do you think that the silver r33 on the 1st page has just mounted his up all wrong?? It dosent look very good at all which is why i need pics to confirm exactly what it looks like when its mounted up correctly.

He might prefer it that way.

Suffice to say it can be mounted higher. Don't worry.

He might prefer it that way.

Suffice to say it can be mounted higher. Don't worry.

Yea it sounds like your right, ill problly order one soon, just going to wait for alphanumeric to post up some good pics and if i like what i see ill order one asap.

Cheers for your help mate.

thought every says to keep away from sharp bends in the piping. beats drilling holes in your car i guess. i have the hybrid on my car but not happy wit drillin out holes. should have got 1 of these.

If the bends are nice and smooth it shouldnt disrupt airflow at all as it will still have a smooth path to follow, if it had sharp square bends then it would disrupt airflow quite a bit.

Thats the exact reason ive been looking at the blitz lm fmic, i dont want to be drilling holes and cutting fans blades just to fit a fmic.

Edited by nizmo_freek
heres some pics, haven't had the guts to start hacking the front bar up yet

Finally some decent pics :) thanks alot mate, so how low does that bottom return pipe actually sit? from the pics it looks like it sits a little low, is there any chance you could put the camera under the fron of the car and take a pic, i would like to see how low the bottom pipe sits compared to the bottom of the radiator support bar, that looks awsome tho mate, very tidy.

It is actually pretty easy to cut the front bar and bumper, on my old r32 i used a craft knife to cut the front bumper, you can cut about half way into the front bumper then bend the peice that you have cut and because its plasic it will just snapp off really cleanley, also dont cut to much off on the 1st go, just cut a little bit off at a time and then keep trial fitting it until it fits nicely. The front reinforcement bar is a bit harder, on my old car i just used an angle grinder which works fine, i would just suggest cutting little peices out at a time until it fits,just make sure you paint were you have cut or it will rust, Is there any chance you could post up a pic of the front bumper on once you have cut it to fit?

Anyway thanks again mate, really appreciate the pics.:)

Cheers :)

Edited by nizmo_freek
LOL its not the fading that makes it look ugly

Lol yea i wouldnt even bother painting the blitz logo on there, Looks to "fast and the furious" in my opinion, no offence.

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