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Could someone please help me, new to PS3 and GT5 prologue, stuck in class C cos i need to pass all the cars with the Integra but can only manage 6th place.

Can you modify the cars to make them go faster as the stock Honda's got nothing left.

Thanks Nath.

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Currently playing...

mostly pc games as i just built a new beasty of a computer.

- Half life 2 episode 1 just finished it then, more of the same but still good fun. Now on to episode 2.

- Crysis, just playing it a bit to see the pretty graphics on my comp.

- Soul Bubbles on the NDS everyone needs to play this game, on of the best games i've played in a while.

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Finally hooked up my steering wheel for Initial D... Perfect. The game was pretty disappointing with the controller but its like being in an arcade with the steering wheel, honestly would not bother buying this game without one. Almost finished the game, stuck on Bunta

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  • 3 weeks later...

Currently playing...

SPORE - great fun title and sooo cute, i've only gotten up to the land stage, but seeing your little creatures happy and jumping brings a smile to my face.

Crysis - still trying to complete on my nice new PC. i'm up the last stage but directx10 seems to make this level go crazy with bad artifacting and crazy colours very annoying.

Age of Conan - I want to get out of tortage (yes it's taken me ages) and see what the game is like once you can explore before i start on Warhammer online, when it comes out i'm gonna cancel my account for this.

Warhammer Online - i pre-ordered the CE cos i've got a group of mates and we are all going to play, i played in the open weekend a fortnight ago and really enjoyed it. And the early access beta starts end of the week so it should be awesome.

Thats it at the moment.

What have you been all playing???

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holy crap spore is finally out!? Been following it since last year some time... How did i miss that :D

Yeah, how did ya get your hands on a copy kralster. I was told the release date was this Sunday (7/9).

Got a Xbox controller as a gift for the PC so currently playing Devil May Cry 4, and also Kung Fu Panda for giggles :P

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Well i went and bought SPORE, got the last instore copy for $99.95. Apaprantly its been out since monday. I'd say its to undercut the online sellers (99.95 on release day or save $25 and buy it online a week later)

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I picked up my copy yesterday at Big W as they were selling it for $74... but add my woolies discount card and i picked it up for $70.30. So i made a great saving :banana: just got up to civilisation stage. but im a carnivore and kill everything... so fun.

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Just started playing too human on 360... controls are a little funny and there's lots of moments you have to sit and watch and can't skip so I don't like that, just need to get used to it. Pretty good so far

I'm just waiting for Fable 2 and Fallout 3 on the 360

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