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anyone here playing GRID? Its NUTS! this is the intro

(note: all ingame...).

its a bit arcadey, but the sound and the car's reaction to the track is awesome!!

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currently playing...

MGS4 - so far the best game i've ever played.... but i'm a tad bias as i love the first 3 metal gear solid games.

Age of conan - got the SE when it came into our warehouse just cos we had a spare one, never liked mmo's (apart from PSO on dreamcast and gcn) but am enjoying it so far, hope to stick with it and learn to play correctly.

Tetris - NDS version very good port not as good as my old pc one, but fun having high score comps with my brothers.

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I'm currently switching back and forth between MGS4 and GTA4... had MGS4 since Thursday and my girlfriend got me GTA4 yesterday for my birthday. I finished MGS4 yesterday and started going over a second time today as well as started playing GTA4 today too :P

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currently playing

- gta iv starting to get boring, really isn't all that special.

- rock band - downloaded some new songs so thats keeping me entertained.

thats about it really, i've bought the new alone in the dark but want to finish gta before i start it, done about 53% of gta so should be getting close to the end of the story.

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I have been playing Battlefield bad company, made the rank of colonel in less than a week :P Its taken me nearly 1100 hrs on bf2 and I am still a few thousand points short of reaching that rank. Also cant belive how quick it takes the no skill having players to find exploits and stuff in these games

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Battlefield Bad Company on 360, always up for a late session if anyone's around :(

360tag: Xion ink

I have been playing Battlefield bad company, made the rank of colonel in less than a week :P Its taken me nearly 1100 hrs on bf2 and I am still a few thousand points short of reaching that rank. Also cant belive how quick it takes the no skill having players to find exploits and stuff in these games

^^^^ ditto.... lazy bast**ds


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